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Chapter 1283

Chen Fei narrowed his eyes, paused for a moment, then looked at Wen Yuan and said, "SecretaryWen, how do you deal with this kind of mistake?"

Wen Yuan said in a deep voice: "according to the regulations, Jiang yuanze's position as a member ofthe traditional Chinese Medicine Association should be abolished, he should be expelled from thetraditional Chinese Medicine Association, and the name of the master of national medicine should bedeprived at the same time."

Hearing the words, Jiang Lingfei was shocked and couldn't help shouting: "no, how can I --"

Chen Fei ignored them and went to the Chengyao pharmacy with Mr. Du and Mr. Chai.

Jiang Lingfei's face suddenly became stiff. He realized that he had let out his mouth. He quickly closedhis mouth. His face was gloomy and he didn't say anything.

"This time, knock me down? What do you mean by that? " Chen Fei said.

Jiang Lingfei is also very excited at the moment, and cheers to Chen Fei: "Chen, I didn't pull you downthis time. Next time, we will never let you go. "

"You, you --" Jiang yuanze gnashed his teeth and glared at Chen Fei, "Chen Fei, you destroyed JiangYitang and our Jiang family. I will not let you go, I will never let you go. "

"Besides, I didn't do anything to you." After a pause, Chen Fei continued.

Seeing this, Chen Fei said coldly, "does that have anything to do with me?"

Thinking of this, Jiang yuanze couldn't control himself any more. He called to Chen Fei with a ferociousface: "you can't do this, you can't do this. Jiang Yitang was created after decades of hard work. Youcan't destroy it! "

It won't be long before Jiang Yitang collapses.

Attract customers with greater fame, better conditions and lower prices. Coupled with the negativeimpact of this incident on Jiang Yitang, how can Jiang Yitang compete with Chengyao.

Jiang yuanze worked hard to keep Jiang Yitang. But now, with this skill, Chen Fei has opened aChinese drugstore directly opposite his Jiang Yitang.

But Jiang yuanze and Jiang Lingfei, at the moment, their faces collapsed, and their expressions werevery ugly.

In the sound of discussion, many customers rushed directly to the opposite side at the moment, andwarmly wanted to experience the chengyaoguan.


"The most important thing is that with such good conditions, the charge of chengyaoguan is still socheap. It's only 70 percent of Jiang Yitang's. It's really cost-effective. "

"In addition, Mr. Du and Mr. Chai, two masters of traditional Chinese medicine, came to the pharmacyto sit as special doctors. This kind of treatment is not necessarily available in the top three hospitals! "

"Mr. Chen's Hospital, there must be a guarantee! After all, he is the one who developed Mahuang oralliquid

Even if they were psychologically prepared, when Chen Fei publicized it, they were still surprised. Theyall focused on chengyaoguan and began to have a heated discussion.

"Mr. Du Jingjie, Mr. Du and Mr. Chai Fei, Mr. Chai will be the special doctors of the capital branch ofchengyaoguan. Moreover, the charge of our Chengyao pharmacy is 70% off the charge of the first Hallof the opposite river. If there is any violation, we are free of all costs. "

"Based on traditional Chinese medicine, we invite top doctors of traditional Chinese medicine to treatall patients."

Many people have already guessed something. At this time, Chen feilang said in a voice: "thisChengyao store is the capital branch of Chengyao store under Chen Fei's banner. From today on, it isofficially open for business. "


"I know that. Mr. Chen Fei's pharmacy in Longjiang city is called Cheng pharmacy."

"It seems that it is also a traditional Chinese Medicine Museum. Is Chen Fei going to open a traditionalChinese Medicine Museum to compete with Jiang Yitang? "

"What's the name of chengyaoguan? What does Chen Fei mean by that?"

Seeing this, all the people at the scene were stunned. Some of them didn't come back and were full ofdoubts.

On the plaque in the middle of the shop, there are three big words "chengyaoguan".

With Chen Fei's order, across the road, a shop that was originally covered by construction cloth is nowtorn off, revealing a shop with antique and elegant decoration.

Chen Fei didn't explain anything. He just turned to look across the road and said in a voice, "it's time tostart."

"What do you mean by that?" Jiang yuanze had a tight look and a strange color on his face.

"Is it?" Chen Fei showed a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and then said, "in that case, youcertainly don't mind Jiang Yitang's collapse?"

However, Jiang yuanze immediately returned to normal and said in a cold voice, "I don't understandwhat you mean by that? The mistake I said is the fact. "novelbin

Smell speech, Jiang yuanze and Jiang Lingfei eyes at the same time flashing.

After a moment's silence, Chen Fei looked at Jiang yuanze and said in a voice, "the reason why youinsist on your own mistakes is to keep your Jiang family's Jiang Yitang."

Chen Fei hears speech, nodded, did not have too big reaction. Jiang yuanze's practice was expected.

Jiang yuanze, with a firm face, shook his head and said in a voice, "I don't understand what you mean.This is just my personal mistake, which has nothing to do with framing."Seeing this, Chen Fei looked atJiang yuanze and said in a deep voice, "are you sure you don't admit the false accusation?"

Think about these, Jiang Lingfei immediately closed his mouth. But look at Chen Fei's eyes, or with asense of resentment.

Now this situation, Jiang yuanze himself to carry things down. Although they have no previous status,the brand of Jiang Yitang is still there for many years. With the business of the hospital, their life in theJiang family can be maintained.

Jiang yuanze would rather use his many years of status as an exchange to carry this matter down, buthe can not admit that he deliberately framed it. Otherwise, it is not only Jiang yuanze who is doomed. Iam afraid that the whole Jiang family and Jiang Yitang will be doomed.

Looking at his father's firm eyes, Jiang Lingfei calms down, thinks carefully, and then understands hisfather's intention.

But Jiang yuanze once again a fierce drink, interrupted Jiang Lingfei's words, and then glared at him,winked at him, and said: "I've decided, you can't say any more."

"Dad, you --" you know, the identity of Jiang yuanze as a master of traditional Chinese medicine and amember of the Chinese Medicine Association is the trump card of the Jiang family. If these aredeprived, the Jiang family will certainly decline, so Jiang Lingfei is so unwilling.

"Shut up But before his words were finished, Jiang yuanze glared at Jiang Lingfei, gave a sharp drink,and then said, "I'm willing to accept the punishment."

Secretary Wen Yuanwen also gave face and personally cut the ribbon for the opening ofchengyaoguan.

Therefore, the live broadcast of this popular science lecture ended with such a result that everyone didnot expect.

Numerous audiences on the spot and in front of the network discussed this matter warmly, and it wasvery hot for a while.

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