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Chapter 111

Chapter 111

The security guard found Fade Chen easy to talk with, so he continued to say, "Actually, these peopleare considered fine. If caught, just drive them away. It's just a little troublesome that's all. There aresome who are really hard to deal with."

"There are other more difficult people?" Fade Chen enquired.

The security guard nodded and complained, "Bro, you don't know our predicament as security guards.If we encounter the reporters and small businessmen like those just now, we can drive them awaydirectly. But if it was those famous businessmen and big shots, it would be trouble for us."

"There are famous businessmen and big shots sneaking over too?" Fade Chen was a little astonished.

The security guard continued, "Of course they didn't come by sneaking in, they just barge in directly.Sometimes, however, it isn't appropriate for the master of the villa to come forward and decline thesepeople outrightly, so instead, we are sent to take the blame and suffer in silence from both parties."

Having heard what the security guard had shared, Fade Chen finally understood. He patted thesecurity guard on the shoulder and comforted him, "Bro, thanks for your hard work." The two continuedto chat randomly. Suddenly, a distress call came from the security guard's walkie-talkie, Jude, wherehave you been? Come quickly!"

The security guard quickly replied, "I'm at the lake. Captain, what's wrong?

The captain said, "Faye Xu is here again. Your brother is injured and our people are treating him. Comehere quickly."

"What? My brother has been assaulted?" The security guard, Jude, looked anxious and blurted,"Captain, I'll be there right away."

Hearing Jude's conversation, Fade Chen immediately said, "Jude, I'll go and have a look too."

"Bro, you..." The security guard looked at Fade Chen.

Fade Chen pickled Fish Song up as he caught up with Jude and explained, "I am a doctor. I heard thatsomeone is injured."

"A doctor? That's wonderful. Bro, thank you." The security guard said gratefully.

Later, Fade Chen with Fish Song in arms, followed the security guard Jude and rushed to the securityroom at the entrance of the villa.

At this moment, a crowd had gathered at the door of the security room. Seven or eight security guardssurrounded a Ferrari, and the owner of the luxurious car was a middle aged woman in her forties, FayeXu, as mentioned by security captain earlier.

Faye Xu was undeterred even when facing so many of the security guards, instead, she became morearrogant and shouted at them. She even assaulted the security guard. They dare not harm this womanalthough the security guards were angry. "

Jude, you're here. Go and see your brother." A middle-aged security captain said to Jude.

Jude immediately squeezed into the crowd with Fade Chen followed closely behind. Then, they saw aman in a security uniform lying on the ground in front of the Ferrari. His head had hit the concrete floor,and blood was oozing out. The man was already unconscious.

Seeing this, Jude was instantly restless, he shouted, "Brother, wake up! Brother..." The security captainurged, "Jude, please take your brother to the hospital quickly!" "Yes, the hospital!" Jude murmured, andhe bent down to get his brother.

But as soon as he bent down, the middle-aged woman in her forties suddenly shrieked. She rushedover and stood in front of Jude, fuming, "Who gives you the permission to move him ? Get out of hereand don't touch him."novelbin

"This is my brother, he is injured!" Jude roared, his eyes red.

But Faye Xu boasted, "I don't care who he is. He damaged my car. So he can't leave until he pays."Faye Xu pointed at a dent on the car hood and shouted in disdain," Do you know how much my carcosts ? Let me tell you, at least two hundred thousand yuan to repair this damage. No compensation,no leaving."

After that, Faye Xu stood in front of Jude's brother to prevent anyone from carrying him away. Jude'sbrother was still bleeding profusely.

By then Jude's eyes were crossed with exasperation, but he couldn't do anything with the woman. Hecompromised by saying, "We will pay for it. But my brother is injured now and must be treatedimmediately. I will give you the money later."

"Give it later ? As a security guard, do you even earn 3,000 yuan a month? How are you pay give me?"Faye Xu scorned."

I will pay." Jude looked at his bleeding brother and said anxiously, "Please let my brother go to thehospital, or he will be in danger."

"Pay me now or don't leave." Faye Xu crossed her arms in front of her chest looking cocky. She had nointention of letting this slip.

The security guards around grew angrier and started to speak up.

"This is a life and death situation, how can you do this?

"That's right. Saving life is more important, we can discuss about the money later."

" Besides, Jax was at no fault at all. She made the mistake first, so why should we be the one payingfor it?"

After hearing this, Faye suddenly jumped and shot at everyone in contempt, "What nonsense are youguys talking about? So you damaged my car and I’m supposed to bear the responsibility now!"

"Talk about a matter of life and death. Let me tell you, you security guards’ lives aren’t even worth asmuch as my pet dog. Who cares if you live or die."

"Today, if you don’t compensate me, don’t take him away."

Even though everyone was furious, they couldn’t do anything about it.

Jude’s eyes swelled with tears at the sight of his brother, whose lips had turned pale due to excessiveloss of blood.

Right then, Fade Chen stepped out and pushed the woman away. Then, he bent down and began tofeel for the pulse of Jude’s brother.

Fade Chen’s action caused Faye Xu to stagger and she almost fell. Regaining her balance, she turnedaround and pounced at Fade Chen, "How dare you pushed me. I’ll beat you to death!"

Faye Xu lunged forward and raised her foot in attempt to kick Fade Chen.

Fade Chen shot her a dagger stare and thundered, "Get lost!"

The thunderous roar made Faye Xu shuddered. She froze dead on the spot in fear.

Fade Chen was quick to diagnose Jude’s brother and confirmed that his unconsciousness was theresult of losing too much blood. He then maneuvered his Chi in his palm and carefully pressed it on thewound at the back of Jax’s head.

At the same time, his other hand quickly pointed at Jax’s neck and chest respectively. Soon, Jude’sbrother stopped bleeding, and his condition stabilized. Then, Fade Chen got up and said, "I’ve stoppedthe bleeding, send him to the hospital for blood transfusion fast."

"Alright, thank you brother!" Jude and several other security guards quickly lifted his brother. They wereabout to put him into the car.

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