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Chapter 902

Netizens are noisy and talking, some people suspect that some people agree, and the hot discussion isnot lively at all.

But for those who see this picture, it is quiet at the moment. Because, at the moment, almost all ofthem were shocked, staring at the scene on the screen, it seems that they haven't recovered from theshock.novelbin

"This, this is the true yuan congealing form. This, this is a move that can only be mastered by theheaven level warrior! "

"We are all Chinese, so the boss of our Asian Division sent us to carry out this mission!"

The snake cooperated very well and said, "our blood blade is also divided into different areas. I belongto Asia. Our headquarters is on an unknown tropical trail in Southeast Asia. We have nine gold medalkillers in this area. Iron mountain and I are two of them. "

Chen Fei continued to ask: "how many gold medal killers are there and who are they?"

"In fact, in the past 20 years, our blood blade organization and diamond killers have never done itagain. The real top power is our gold medal killer. "

The poisonous snake said: "the heaven level master is very rare, and few of them are willing to bekillers. Among our blood blades, diamond killers are almost legendary. All I know is that the boss of ourbloodblade headquarters and two retired bosses are diamond killers. There's nothing else. "

Hearing this, Chen Fei picked up his eyebrows and said, "Heaven level master? You blood bladeorganization, the warrior who has heaven level realm is willing to be a killer

"Among them, the strength of bronze medal killers is mostly around the Yellow level. Most of the silverkillers are at the level of metaphysics. The gold medal killer corresponds to the prefecture level realm.

But the diamond killer, is corresponding to the sky level master

"OK, I'll tell Mr. Chen right away." At the moment, the viper, with incomparable, without any hesitation,"Mr. Chen, it's like this. Our blood blade killers are divided into bronze killers, silver killers, gold killersand diamond killers according to their strength and performance

"Level division, personnel strength, and headquarters location." Chen Fei said.

As soon as the poisonous snake's eyes turned, his mind quickly turned. He immediately twisted hisbody and said in a charming voice: "Mr. Chen, I'm willing to tell you what you want to know."

The expression on Chen Fei's face was cold and frozen. He could not see his happiness, anger,sadness and joy. He asked in a voice: "tell me about your blood blade killer organization."

"Mr. Chen, I will cooperate with you if you want to ask. You are my Savior This woman is addicted toacting for a while. She seems to have become Yao Yu. She is very charming and tells Chen Fei.

For a moment, Chen Fei really didn't start. He just looked at the snake and asked in a voice, "I have afew questions to ask you."

Maybe Yao Yu's familiar tone makes Chen Fei relax, or maybe Chen Fei doesn't want to kill her now.

Charming voice, seductive expression. For a time, let Chen Fei give birth to a kind of illusion, in front ofthis woman has become Yao Yu that he knew some time ago.

Looking at Chen Fei, the snake's tense cheek suddenly relaxed. Looking at Chen Fei, she showed asmile, charming and relaxed, as if facing someone who didn't want to kill himself. "Mr. Chen, do youreally have the heart to do it to me?"

However, as a killer, it is her creed to seize any chance to survive.

For a moment, the snake felt a sense of despair rush to his heart.

However, the more she struggled, the more she found that Chen Fei's invisible means of control wasso terrible that she could not move at all.

The Viper was shocked, and his face showed the color of fear. He madly urged Zhenyuan to escape.

But at this time, a figure came out of the cabin, reached for a move, volleyed the snake in place, andsaid in a cold voice: "you can't escape!"

The snake was alert for a moment and quickly backed away, trying to leave the ship.

However, there was no movement.

When thinking about it in my heart, the snake rushed to the boat. I felt relieved and immediately gave asignal: "let's go!"

"Such an opponent is a serious problem for our blood blade killer organization. After going back thistime, we must report the situation here to chief Songkan and pay attention to Chen Fei. "

However, at the moment, she was also puzzled. She frowned and whispered: "is Chen Fei's last movereally yuan Ning. If that's the case, it would be terrible. It's incredible to reach such a state at a youngage. "

Looking at the boat not far away by the river and the nervous snake, I can't help but feel a little relievedand quickly rush to the boat by the river.

In less than 30 seconds, the snake had escaped two blocks.

Viper itself is a local level master, absolutely a very powerful warrior. Moreover, her own style is flexible,good at assassination. Running away is her unique skill.

After chasing him out of the martial arts school, he was like electricity. He pulled out shadows andchased the snake in the direction of escape.However, at the moment, Chen Fei doesn't know these hotdiscussions about himself.

For a moment, the discussion about the origin of Chen Fei in the martial arts circle became hot.

After all, in the world of martial arts and Taoism, even the disciples of the four heavenly forces, in theirtwenties, few of them have reached the prefecture level, let alone the heavenly level, which they havenot seen for decades.

When it comes to this, many of them can't believe it at the moment.

"That's how old he is. Is he really just an ordinary monk? "

"There's no need to fight, whether it's the heaven level warrior or the special prefecture level warrior.Chen Fei's strength is better than before. We underestimated him

"This, this is not necessarily!"

"No, I don't think it's a heaven level warrior. Chen Fei is also a prefecture level warrior. Although mostof Zhenyuan congealing forms can only be achieved by heaven level fighters, some prefecture levelfighters can also practice them under special circumstances. Chen Fei is such a special case. "

"It's incredible to be a heaven level warrior in his early twenties."

"Has Chen Fei reached the realm of heaven level warrior?"

"The boss of Asia? What about him? " Chen Fei asked.

The snake said, "his name is Songkan. He is seventy years old. He is a master of Muay Thai. He hasbeen famous for decades. He is the head of our blood blade organization and the Asian region. Myimmediate superior. "

"Song Kan!" Chen Fei wrote down the name and continued to ask, "what about other regions?"

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