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Chapter 857

Chapter 857

After a few minutes, Chen Fei finished washing, opened the bathroom door, and came out.

Shaking his wet hair, Chen Fei said, "Sister Ling, I'm out. I'll tell you in detail what I just said. I'm in frontof Qiu Han. That's absolutely the same thing, I--"

As a result, Chen Halfway through the flying talk, then I saw a slim figure sitting on the bed, it was hiswife Lin Qiuhan.

At the moment Lin Qiuhan looked at Chen Fei seriously. Beside her, Wei Ling's expression didn't knowwhat to do.

Chen Fei stayed in place for a while, stunned for a while, and then squeezed out a smile, saying: "QiuHan, you, you are back? When did you come back, I also just returned from the western province ofChongqing, so I rushed

Take a shower. " Lin Qiuhan looked at Chen Fei and said coldly:" I came back when you said to servetea and pour water, and do the laundry and cooking. "

" Ah--this-- "Chen Fei really stayed where he was, carefully. He said, "Wife, what did you hear behindthat?"

Lin Qiuhan nodded, with a serious look on his face, and said, "I have heard it all, and I can hear itclearly."

Chen Fei's face was suddenly bitter and crowded With a smile that was uglier than crying, he joined LinQiuhan and said, "Wife, I, what I said just now are all joking, don't take it seriously!"

"Is it really a joke? Or, I will give now You go to the laundry and cook! "Lin Qiuhan said solemnly.

When Chen Fei saw this, he almost knelt down for his wife and said, "Wife, I'm wrong. I shouldn't brag.I'll do the laundry and cook for you!"

Then, Chen Fei looked at Wei Ling and said: " Sister Ling, I was bragging just now, in my house. It wasQiu Han who was the master, saying nothing. ”

Looking at Chen Fei, Wei Ling almost laughed and could only say:“ Okay Don't be stubborn. Qiu Han isnot angry with you, go and put on your coat, don't catch a cold. "

Chen Fei heard, suddenly revealing a touch of a smile on Linqiu Han smiled, then mounted the pedalwent downstairs: "Wife, this time I brought you a gift back you wait for the next ah, I'll get.."

Wei Ling With a smile, Chen Fei went out, turned around, and saw Lin Qiuhan. Then I suddenlyrealized that my words just seemed a little too intimate.

Suddenly, a trace of panic flashed on Wei Ling's face, and quickly explained: "Qiu Han, I, I just said itcasually. When Chen Fei came back just now, he sneezed, so I said I was afraid of his cold. I

didn't— " Lin Qiuhan smiled faintly, said:" A Ling, no need to explain. I understand you. "So

, Lin Qiuhan got up and walked downstairs," Let's go downstairs and talk! "

Although Lin Qiuhan said so, But Wei Ling still felt a little uneasy, and followed Lin Qiuhan downstairswith a sorrowful face.

Downstairs, Chen Fei put on his coat and took out two small gifts from the suitcase for Lin Qiuhan andChen Fei.

Wei Ling looked at the exquisite jade pendant in his hand and could n’t help but say, “This is a goodHetian jade. It ’s very valuable and too expensive. I

can’t— ” Chen Fei said with a smile: “Sister Ling, do n’t you You're welcome. These things are nothingto me, just trivial. "

Wei Ling looked at Chen Fei and said," These millions of things are trivial. Have you made a fortune inWestern Chongqing? "

During the interview, Lin Qiuhan also looked curious and looked over.

Chen Fei patted his chest and said, "I don't hide from you, I'm in western Chongqing, and I'm reallyrich."

"Ah, you are really rich, what is it?" Wei Ling surprised.

Chen Fei smiled and said, "This is how things are."

Immediately, Chen Fei outlined what happened in Yuxi province.

After listening to the second girl, she suddenly appeared surprised.

Even the always calm Lin Qiuhan, looking shocked at the moment, looked at Chen Fei and said: "Yousaid that you now own 80% of the Yue family's property?"

Chen Fei nodded and said, "Well, not only that , Longyuan Medicine Field in Perak Gate is now minetoo. "

" Ah, this-- "Lin Qiuhan was shocked and speechless.

Wei Ling has been blessed with gold eyes and started to count Chen Fei's net worth. "80% of the Yuefamily's property, this must be tens of billions of dollars, plus Longyuan Medicine Field. Chen Fei you novelbin

My net worth is at least 15 billion. This is more than the entire company of the Autumn Group! " ChenFei said with a smile:" How much property does not make any difference to me. Besides, my Thingsare my wife's things. As long as my wife

speaks , all of my things can be given to my wife. " Lin Qiuhan heard the words, a light flashed in hiseyes, and then he hummed, saying," Who wants your property, I don't lack Money. "

" I know that my wife does not lack money, but the Yue family company should have some businessthat can help the Autumn Group. If it is useful, your wife can call it casually. "Chen Fei laughed.

Lin Qiuhan smiled and said, "I will consider it."

Wei Ling looked at the two people's intimate appearance, and her mouth could not help raising , but

she felt a sour heart involuntarily.

Chen Fei noticed the strange expression flashing across Wei Ling's face, and immediately opened thetopic,

saying : "Oh, Qiu Han, Sister Ling. What's going on, why didn't you work today!" Lin Qiuhan staredChen Fei glanced: "I don't go to work one day, can't I?"

Chen Fei hurriedly smiled and said: "Of course not, but your wife is usually a workaholic. I didn't go towork today, I feel a little strange!"

Wei Ling Chen Fei said: "Don't be strange, because I am going to travel tomorrow, today

I'm going to discuss some things with Qiu Han, so I'm at home. " " Oh, that's what it is! "Chen Feinodded, then regretted," I just came back, Sister Ling, you will leave on a business trip. Where are yougoing? "What's the matter?"

Wei Ling said: "Recently our autumn group's cosmetics business has developed well, but the growthmomentum has gradually slowed down. The domestic market, in a short period of time, it should bedifficult to have substantial growth. "

So, Qiu Han decided that our Autumn Group will expand to overseas cosmetics."

"It's not easy to expand overseas!" Chen Feidao.

Wei Ling nodded and said, "It's not easy, but one month later, there will be an international cosmeticsexhibition in Xiangjiang. We think this is an opportunity to take the opportunity to promote our products

at the exhibition."

"This The second exhibition is very important, so I have to go ahead and do some preparation work. "

" So that is it! That's hard work , Sister Ling. "Chen Feidao.

Wei Ling heard the words and said: "What am I, Qiu Han is the real hard work."

Chen Fei said: "You are all hard, so be it. Since you are both at home today, I will prepare dinner."

"You Prepare dinner? "Wei Ling looked suspicious.

Chen Fei patted the chest and said: "Sister Ling, don't doubt my cooking skills, Qiu Han has tastedwhat I cooked, and the taste is absolutely first-class."

"Moreover, this time I brought it from Longyuan Medicine Field I have returned some nourishing herbs,just to nourish your body. "

With that said, Chen Fei flipped the suitcase, took out the herbs, and started to cook.

Lin Qiuhan looked at the busy Chen Fei and couldn't help but show a smile, and then pulled Wei Ling,said: "Aling, let's discuss the details of the exhibition again."

Immediately, the two went to the study together.

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