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Chapter 797

Chapter 797

Zhu Yuan Ling heard this, his face is not satisfied, the channel: "... Why I shot him, is a huge mistakeDoes not he have any special or Chen Fei, said Xu captain you have to defend him."

This The tone was very heavy, and even directly confronted Captain Xu.

For a time, the atmosphere in the field became tense. Everyone looked at the situation in the field andcouldn't figure out how things would develop next.

Zhu Yuanling's face widened and he looked at Captain Xu fiercely, his fists clenched together. At thismoment, he is even ready to fall down with Captain Xu, and he must teach Chen Fei a meal to avengehis son.

At this time, Captain Xu couldn't help but look dumbfounded and said coldly: "Zhu Yuanling, don'tforget, you are a member of the spirit dragon, you are a public official."

Zhu Yuanling gritted his teeth and said: " If you ca n’t avenge my son, this public servant, I would ratherbe improper. "

" What do you mean by this, must you do it? "Captain Xu said in a deep voice.

Zhu Yuanling nodded steadily and said, "My son's hatred can never be counted like this."

Captain Xu showed a look of disappointment in his eyes and waved his hand. The opponent said to theLinglong players: "Catch Zhu Yuanling "The

Linglong team member froze for a moment, and then walked towards Zhu Yuanling, they must startcatching people.

Zhu Yuanling didn't even think that Captain Xu would send someone to grab himself in public, and hewas shocked, and said sharply: "Old Xu, do you really want to deal with me?"

Captain Xu said coldly, "Zhu Yuanling, you are serious After violating the rules of Linglong, Iimmediately went back to be investigated. "

" Regulations, what shit regulations! "Zhu Yuanling scolded," I just ask for justice for my son, you LaoXu will arrest me. I Seeing that you are clearly a private enemy of the communique, you havedeliberately suppressed me. I will not be convinced, I will report to the superior. "

Captain Xu shook his head and looked gloomy. Looking at Zhu Yuanling, he said: "I did this for yourown good. I said one last time, you are now obediently caught, and there is still a chance ofredemption, otherwise, what to say It's too late. "

" Xu Qizhi, don't scare me. I won't be able to leave without revenge today. "Zhu Yuanling shoutedloudly at the speech and shouted at the spirit dragon team members," The people who support me,stand up. "

Suddenly, some members of the Spirit Dragon changed their face for a while, and after hesitating for awhile, six or seven players stood up and stood beside Zhu Yuanling.

Xu Qizhi looked at their movements, did not stop, just coldly said: "You have to think clearly, you are a

member of the spirit dragon, not some private beaters." The

words are very heavy, but these players who walked past, did not Yo changed his mind, but insteadjustified himself.

"Captain Xu, for this matter, I think you have to understand Captain Zhu."

"Yeah, Zhu Youyong was beaten and crippled, and Chen Fei's shot was too vicious. Even if it was aviolation this time, I will report to Captain Zhu. Qiu said again? "

" Me too, too much. Please ask Captain Xu for your understanding. "Do

these people really look down, or just think that following Zhu Yuanling is more beneficial, no oneknows what is in their hearts. What do you think?

But since the station team is selected at this moment, the ending will be settled at this moment.

Xu Qizhi looked at them, his eyes cold, his face angry, and said: "You completely forgot theorganization and the country's cultivation of you. Your current behavior is betrayal."

"Xu Qizhi, you usually say these fake big empty slogans are even Today, you still come to this trick, itwould be boring. These brothers, not betrayed, just watched the evildoers do not commit crimes, andwanted to punish the rape to eliminate evil. "Zhu Yuanling said.

Several Linglong team members nodded quickly.

Xu Qizhi heard this, his face even more gloomy, who broke out of momentum, and almost Zhu Yuan

Ling hands, "Zhu Yuan Ling, you will regret for the act now."

Zhu Yuan Ling did not mind, He lipped his lips, and then said: "Xu Qizhi, I have no time to talk to you.You give me a break, I will teach Chen Fei."

"Impossible!" Xu Qizhi stepped forward and would start with Zhu Yuanling .

But at this moment, Yue Qiaoxi stood up and stood in front of Xu Qizhi, and said with a smile: "CaptainXu, today is the day of my brother's wedding, why should

you fight?" Shouted out loud.

Yue Qiaoxi smiled on his face, but he blocked Xu Qizhi intentionally or unintentionally, and did notmean to let go. "Captain Xu, what can I say? Why is it so stiff?"

And the air blocked by Yue Qiaoxi Zhu Zhuling has already walked towards Chen Fei, so he will start.

Upon seeing this, Xu Qizhi Li He said: "Zhu Yuan Ling, you gave me to stop."

Zhu Yuan Ling unmoved, but sneered:. "Xu captain, after this hands-on, I'll admit mistakes to theirsuperiors," novelbin

said Then, Zhu Yuanling's palm was full of energy, and he had to pat Chen Fei.

At this time, Xu Qizhi harsh bark, said: "? Zhu Yuan Ling, Chen you know what capacity you"

? "Identity"

“ Not worth mentioning! ”Xu Qizhi said sharply,“ Zhu Yuanling, I do n’t think you have anything know."

"Mr. Chen is a special instructor of our Linglong organization. It is your superior. Do you dare to dealwith Mr. Chen? That is a serious violation of discipline and law. Are you

looking for death?" Zhu Yuanling heard it and couldn't help but look surprised. Changed, shocked: "Heis a special instructor of Linglong, my superior?

" Suddenly, Zhu Yuanling laughed: "Xu Qizhi, don't joke. Our special instructor of Linglong organization,that is not a big name. The figure, how old is this kid, how could it be— "

Just when Zhu Yuanling didn't believe it, Chen Fei took out Linglong's certificate and stood in front ofZhu Yuanling's face and said with a cold:" Open your eyes. He saw clearly what was this? "

Zhu Yuanling was shocked when he looked at the document in Chen Fei's hand . His body flinchedback. His face was full of disbelief." It's really a special instructor, this How is this possible? You, howare you possible— "

Don't say Zhu Yuanling was stunned, everyone else around him was dumbfounded at this moment,and looked at Chen Fei incredulously, his eyes full of incredible colors.

For a time, almost everyone froze, Xu Qizhi also took the opportunity to get rid of Yue Qiaoxi'sentanglement, came to Chen Fei, bowed his hand and greeted: "Xu Qizhi, Linglong, a western dragonin Yuxi province, has met Chen instructor."

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