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Chapter 731

Chapter 731

"This behavior of betraying employers is absolutely prohibited by our blood blade organization, and it isalso a behavior that the killer industry is spurned."

"And, such behavior has an extremely bad influence on our reputation of blood blade killerorganization. This will make Employers no longer trust our blood-blade organization, which will ruin ourblood-blade accumulation for many years. "

" So, we must solve this matter, not only to solve it, but also to be extremely serious and clear. Thismatter. We must let the people in the industry see the determination and strength of our blood bladeorganization. "

" Only in this way can we restore the reputation of our blood blade organization. "

Hearing this, everyone's face became serious, look To the old man.

The old man said, "So, now, I order the big man and the poisonous snake, you tens of thousands ofChinese, kill Chen Fei, solve this matter."

"Yes!" The strong man heard the words and couldn't help showing his excitement. , Noddedimmediately.

"Why me--" The voluptuous woman's poisonous snake said somewhat reluctantly.

The old man said: "Because of us, only you two are East Asians. You will not cause too much doubt

when you enter China. The rest of us will be too conspicuous."

Indeed, among the nine people present, Except that the strong men and the voluptuous women arepure East Asians, the others are either white or Southeast Asian. When they enter Huaxia, theirappearance is very dazzling and it is not convenient for them to move at all.

Hearing this, the fascinating woman viper can only nod and say: "Yes, boss, I will complete the missionand kill Chen Fei."

Lao Dadao: "You and the big man are our blood-stained gold medal killers, I don't worry about you It ’sjust one thing, you have to remember that this time, it ’s not as simple as the assassination of ChenFei. "

"It is to restore the reputation of our blood-bladed killer organization. Therefore, you cannot simplyassassinate Chen Fei, but you must find a way to kill Chen Fei in the face of major events in theindustry. "

Only in this way can our blood-edged organization prove its strength and determination to its peers inthe industry. Do you understand?"

Upon hearing this, the viper immediately frowned and said unpleasantly: "So troublesome? Can'tassassinate yet!"

Old Avenue : "If the assassination, there is no influence, it is impossible to prove that our blood wasdone. Then it will not achieve our purpose." The

big man is straightforward, saying: "If it can't be assassinated, it is also simple. Then, I will directly Tochallenge Chen Fei, to kill him in public. "The

poisonous snake heard the words and sneered:" Are you a fool? Where do you think China is, they willlet you challenge Chen Fei so brazenly and kill him in public? " You need to be clear that China'sLinglong organization is not a decoration. "

" Can't challenge directly, what should I do? "The big guy was a little puzzled.

Viper said: "Fools, they will not rely on their local power in Huaxia! You know, they are not iron."

"How to help?" The big man asked.

"You--" Viper said.

The boss waved his hand to stop the argument between the two, and said: "The specific method, yougo down to discuss it yourself, and after confirming, report to me, don't argue here. The matter issettled, this meeting is over."

"Yes, Boss. "Everyone started, then got up and left.

At the same time, Chen Fei, who is in Longjiang City, did not know that the outside world had begunactions against him.

At this moment, he is busy with Tao Ling and Du Lao.

Although the successful development of ephedra oral solution has eased the shortage of antibiotics in

Alstom in Longjiang City. However, the production volume is limited after all, and the shortage ofantibiotics in other regions still exists, so now Chen Fei still needs to increase the output of ephedraoral solution. novelbin

Moreover, with the reputation of ephedra oral solution, Chen Fei's reputation as a doctor surged, and atthe same time, it also promoted the development of the entire Chinese medicine industry in LongjiangCity.

In front of the Du Medical Center, there are more people coming to seek medical treatment every daythan before, and the queues can't be lined up.

Even some patients came directly to the entrance of the autumn group, blocked the door of thecompany every day, and asked Chen Fei for medicine.

At the beginning, Chen Fei also helped them diagnose and prescribe the prescription. However, withthe spread of the effect, more and more people came to the company's door, directly blocking the entireautumn group's gate, and the water leaked, which completely affected the company's normal work.

Both Chen Fei and the company came forward to persuade several times, but the patients were still inconstant flow, blocking the company's door tightly.

In this case, Lin Qiuhan found Chen Fei and ordered him to think of a solution within three days.Otherwise, he would be expelled from the company and he would not be allowed to stay in thecompany.

To be driven out of the company by his wife, Chen Fei was about to cry without tears. He could only cryto Xu Xiaoting in the company's medical room: "Xiaoting, I'm going to be fired by the company. What do

you say? "

Xiao Xiaoting looked at Chen Fei and couldn't help but give him a blank look and said:" Dr. Chen, Mr.Lin is your wife, and you are afraid of being expelled from the company? Even if you don't do anything,you can live well with Mr. Lin "Yeah!"

Chen Fei heard, and said with a straight face: "Xiao Ting, I didn't expect you to have this kind ofdelicious lazy thinking when you are young. This is not necessary! How can I stay at home as a man inChen Feidangtang When rice worms, eat his wife's soft rice! "

" Then you go out to find work? "Xu Xiaoting said.

Chen Fei shook his head quickly and said, "That wouldn't work, I don't want to leave the AutumnGroup."

"Why? Lin is always your wife, whether you are working in the company or not, it's the same!" XuXiaoting asked puzzled.

Chen Fei rolled his eyes, smiled at Xu Xiaoting, and gently tapped on her forehead, saying: "Because Ileft the company, I will see you without Xiaoting!"

Xu Xiaoting froze for a moment, and then his cheeks flushed. : "Dr. Chen, you are kidding me again.What if President Lin sees it, what do you do with you?"

" What about seeing? I am a man in Chen Feidang's house, but he is very good at home. You have toknow, go home After that, I said nothing. Qiu Han was obedient to me. Whatever I said, she would—"Chen Fei patted his chest and looked confident.

At this moment, Xu Xiaoting suddenly changed his face and straightened his waist. He said straightly:"Mr. Lin, why are you here?"

Chen Fei suddenly stumbled and almost fell off his seat.

He hurriedly sat in a mess, with a smile in his mouth, and quickly explained: "Wife, I was just kidding, Idid n’t mean that--"

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