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Chapter 726

Chapter 726

Everyone was sluggish, and the young killer took the lead in reacting, turning around and runningtowards the outside of the hall.

Because Chen Fei's current strength is beyond his expectations. At this moment, the young killer couldnot help but swear in the heart. What exactly did the gold master do, the information given wascompletely wrong.

They estimated that Chen Fei's strength was about the peak of Huang level to the level of Xuan level.Therefore, he was sent to the middle of Xuan level to assassinate Chen Fei.

The result was unexpected, just one round, he was crushed by the other party. The strength revealedby Chen Feizhan has definitely reached the late Xuan level or even the peak level of the Xuan level.This young killer has no chance of success.

At this time, he just wanted to flee back quickly and then scolded the gold master and the relevantpersonnel in the organization. The wrong information they provided made me almost lose my life here.

"Take care of the tasks in the future. It is better not to accept the tasks from Huaxia. The strength of theHuaxia warriors is really a little weird, and many of them are unclear." The young killer thought thatafter he had begun to calculate his home Too.

However, to disappoint him, he couldn't escape at all.

Chen Fei grabbed his big hand forward, an invisible big hand caught in the air, grabbed the young killer

in his hand, and dragged it back.

After hitting the killer hard on the ground, Chen Fei stared at him coldly and asked, "Who are you? Whyshould you kill me?" There was a

shock in the young killer's eyes. The color, but then looked cold, shook his head, and said: "I don'tknow anything."

Chen Fei's eyes were cold, the strength on his feet increased a bit, coldly said: "Do not say, you onlyThere is a way to die. "The

young killer's eyes showed a decisive color, and he gritted his teeth and said," Doing our business haslong been expected to be the day. I will not be a traitor. "

"Really?" Chen Fei said coldly, with a killing intention in his eyes.

Seeing this, the young killer raised his mouth, showing a smile, and then bit the hard bite hard, showinga decisive look in his eyes.

As a killer, he expected this result. Their organization is also prepared accordingly, so at this momenthe did not hesitate to open the poison sac of the posterior molar, ready to take poison.

But just when he just bit the poison sac, Chen Fei suddenly leaned down, and a silver needle with rootsappeared in his hand, directly plunging into various points on the head and neck of the young killer.

When the young killer saw this, he couldn't help but be surprised and said, "What are you doing?"

Chen Fei looked at him coldly, and said, "In front of me, you want to commit suicide, it's not thatsimple."

Wen Yan, young The killer groaned, and then felt it for a while, and found that the role of the poisonseemed to be delayed a lot.

You know, this kind of specially-made poison in their organization will kill the poison in almost half aminute.

But at this moment, he has passed for almost a minute, but there is no sign of death. At the same time,the various side effects of the poison gradually came into play, making the killer feel painful and thewhole person's cheeks were twisted.

Chen Fei looked at the killer, cold channel: "Answer my question, I'll give you straightforward."

The young killer teeth, shook his head and said:. "I will not sell my gold owners and organization" novelbin

"Really? "Chen Fei snorted." It seems that the pain of the poison is not enough. I have to give yousome strength. "

" You, what are you doing? "

At this time, Chen Fei, with a few more silver needles in his hand, quickly pierced the killer's chest afew times.

At the beginning, the killer didn't feel anything unusual. But soon, he felt a tingling sensation under the

silver needle.

It seems that a small worm has penetrated into the skin, walking through its own flesh and blood, andconstantly eating its flesh and nerves.

That kind of intense pain suddenly distorted the killer's pain, and made a miserable howl.

At this moment, his hands were clutching fiercely on his chest, a piece of flesh and blood was blurred,and he seemed to want to break his skin and flesh out the non-existent "bugs".

Chen Fei stood in front of the killer and said coldly: "If you don't answer my question, this pain willcontinue for two hours. Do you decide for yourself?" The

young killer completely collapsed at this moment, with tears in his face, crying Road: "I said, I saideverything, please give me a happy heart."

"Say!" Chen Fei said coldly.

The young killer said: "I am the silver killer of the blood blade killer organization. The person whospends my money behind me is the responsible Norton of the Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals AsiaRegion."

"Blood Blade, Norton!" Chen Fei chewed these two words , Eyes narrowed slightly.

The killer said painfully: "I have said, you kill me, kill me soon."

Chen Fei looked down at the killer, and then shot with his right hand. A burst of energy hit the killer's

head, making a loud noise, the killer's neck made a clicking sound, and then the glory in his eyespassed, and the whole person lost his breath.

After solving the killer, Chen Fei frowned and walked away. He took out his mobile phone and calledSun Fengqin to ask her to investigate some blood-blade killer organizations.

But at this time, everyone in the venue saw such a bloody and terrifying situation, one by one wascompletely scared, standing on the spot, the muscles on his face were stiff.

Huang Rui and Fan Dong were even more stunned at the moment. They looked at the scene indisbelief and their lips were trembling.

"This, is this the strength of Chen Fei? Is this the master of martial arts?" For

a time, there was boundless fear in their hearts. They thought of the disrespect of Chen Fei and ChenFei just now, they could not help but fear for a while, their hearts jumped.

If the two of them just continued to provoke somehow, they finally angered Chen Fei and shot themdirectly to death. I am afraid it was a very simple thing.

At the moment, there was only one thought in their minds, that is to leave from here as soon aspossible. Don't come to Longjiang again in the future.

Soon, the police came and blocked the scene, and all the guests were kept in place.

Then, the people from the Linglong organization in Longjiang City also arrived. They took over thematter from the police and learned from Chen Fei's mouth. Immediately, they took the body of the killer

back, and then arranged the situation on the scene, so that all the guests left.

Chen Fei sent Tao Ling out, and then looked away, with a chill in his eyes.

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