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Chapter 714

Chapter 714

Chen Fei walked to the center of the podium and made a gesture of depression with both hands, whichmade the scene quiet.

So imposing, Jiang Lingyun frowned, and felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

At this time, Chen Fei said: "I know that you are very concerned about Alstom antibiotics, and today, Icame here for this matter." As

soon as I heard that Chen Fei came for antibiotics, Everyone on the scene couldn't help but lookexcited, and it became loud again.

"Mr. Chen, are you going to continue to produce health wine in large quantities?"

"Mr. Chen, may I ask, what do you think of this?"

"Mr. Chen, do you support our cooperation between Longjiang City and Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical?"

Listen to these questions At the moment, Jiang Lingyun also showed an interested expression on hisface.

Chen Fei looked cold, glanced at Jiang Lingyun, and then said sharply: "Cooperating with JianghuhaiPharmaceutical? This is impossible." As

soon as this remark came out, the reporters exploded.

"Mr. Chen, do you say this on your behalf against the cooperation between Longjiang City andJianghuhai Pharmaceutical?"

"Mr. Chen, can you tell me the reasons for your opposition?"

"Mr. Chen, Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical has already issued so good on favorable terms, you should alsoopposed, I am a little disappointed. "

listening to these words, Chen Fei sneered:"?? favorable terms I do not know if you are silly or fakesilly " "

an original price a few hundred pieces The price of the goods is now raised to five or six thousand, andthen you will reduce the price by a few hundred dollars. You say that this condition is favorable. Are allyour mathematics taught by physical education teachers? "Chen Fei asked.

Suddenly, everyone at the scene was quiet, and their heads fell silent.

Many people thought about it. Indeed, they were initially confused by the price reduction gimmick, butnow they heard Chen Feiyi realize that this so-called price reduction is totally worthless compared tothe skyrocketing price.

At this moment, Jiang Lingyun's expression was a little unpleasant, and quickly made a wink at somepeople in the crowd.

Immediately, someone stood up and asked Chen Fei: "Mr. Chen, you are opposed to cooperation, then

I would like to ask, what should we do with the ordinary people's illness? Just drag on, or say, go buyMr. Chen your health wine?"

After that, the man paused deliberately, and then asked a seemingly unintentional sentence, "Mr.Chen's health wine, has it increased a lot during this time?"

This sentence was extremely heartfelt.

Undoubtedly, he was suggesting to everyone that the reason why Chen Fei opposed cooperation wasto sell his own health wine, and the instinct of the businessman to profit was not for the sake ofeveryone.

Sure enough, hearing this, many people looked at Chen Fei's gaze, and the words of the discussionchanged at the moment.

"I hadn't imagined that Yangsheng wine was produced by him."

"Yeah, as long as they don't cooperate, the sales of Yangsheng wine will continue to rise."

"I thought he was talking for us, was it still business?"

Chen How Fei couldn't see the other party's strategy, his eyes were cold, he stared at the person whospoke, and slammed: "It's nonsense."

"My Chen Fei's company's health wine is really selling this time, but I will never Like some people, theytook the opportunity to raise prices and earn everyone's hard-earned money. "

" Is Mr. Chen really beautiful? "The man continued to be sneered in an unbelievable manner.

Chen Fei glared at him coldly, and then said: "Everyone suspects that my health wine is selling for thesake of making money. Then, I tell everyone, this is absolutely impossible."

The man heard the words, just about to continue. Refute Chen Fei.

But at this moment, Chen Fei continued immediately: "You think about it, some time ago, the healthwine was hot and the price was on the market. And now, what is the price of the health wine on themarket? Do you think that those retail Business, will give up profits for no reason, willing to cut priceswill not succeed? "

Such a question, let everyone think about it.

"It's true that some time ago, the price of health wine was cheap at 10,000 or 20,000, and some 30,000to 40,000 could grab a bottle."

"During this time, it seems that all have returned to the original original price, 500 yuan a bottle. "

I read the news because Mr. Chen severely cracked down on the behavior of retailers to drive upprices, which made the price drop."

"Mr. Chen did not oppose it just to make money, otherwise, he would directly a double ex-factory priceincrease, we still can not obediently buy it. " "

that guy, you misunderstood Mr. Chen, do not apologize. " "

Yes, quick to apologize! " "

Do not apologize, you are not intentional? "

face The pressure of everyone, just questioned the man just now, looking dull at the moment, can onlyapologize to Chen Fei.

The situation at the scene stabilized again. Jiang Lingyun's expression was a little gloomy at themoment. After all, my carefully planned arrangement of the plan seemed to be working soon. As aresult, Chen Fei rushed with a group of people and directly destroyed his good deeds.

This made Jiang Lingyun irritated and did not want to continue to drag on. He looked directly at theresponsible department of Longjiang City and said: "Leaders, our time for the press conference islimited. I Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical just released I do n’t know if you accept the conditions? ”

“ If you still do n’t accept it, we will immediately start the process and formally withdraw from theLongjiang City market. ” novelbin

Jiang Lingyun spread the words directly and unabashedly threatened Longjiang City The leaders makea decision.

The scene that had just been stabilized by Chen Fei, with Jiang Lingyun's words, was noisy again atthis moment.

"Mr. Chen is right, then Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical is indeed wicked."

"But we can't do it now, without that antibiotic, can we just let ourselves die like this?"

"Yeah, Mr. Chen said well, but but it did not provide a solution. we still can only be controlled by othersah! " "

Buy it, buy it, but also to leave a life. do not buy it, even the life is gone, we need money to do that? "

the face of all the discussions The leaders of Longjiang City felt pressure at the moment and theirexpressions became serious.

And Jiang Lingyun on the stage, with a smile in his mouth, became more relaxed at the moment. "Wedon't have much time, please ask the leaders to decide as soon as possible?"

Seeing the situation is completely under the control of Jiang Lingyun, but at this moment, Chen Fei Theexperts and scholars who came together came to the ears of leaders in Longjiang City and saidsomething softly.

Suddenly, the face of the group changed a lot, with a smile on their faces and a serious expression.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Lingyun on the stage felt something was wrong, and the muscles on his facepulled.

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