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Chapter 712

Chapter 712

As the days pass, research and development are still going on intensively, and there is no result yet.

The situation in Longjiang City has deteriorated day by day. Although Chen Fei's efforts to producehealth wine, to a certain extent, has delayed the embarrassment of Alstom antibiotic shortage. But afterall, health wine is not a drug, nor can it completely replace Alstom antibiotics.

Therefore, the negative impact of antibiotic shortages has become more and more prominent, and thesituation is getting worse. Many hospitals are in short supply of medicines and are unable to seepatients.

On the part of patients, some minor diseases have been dragged on and getting worse because theycannot afford high medical expenses, and they almost died.

Under such circumstances, Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical's Longjiang City branch, Jiang Lingyun still didnot mean any price cuts, but instead raised the price of Alstom antibiotics again, intimidating China'spharmaceutical factory to pay for the high patents of Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals.

In this critical situation, in the laboratory of the Provincial Academy of Sciences, Chen Fei staredintently at the container, constantly rolling the black Chinese medicine liquid.

When he used a spoon to scoop up a spoonful of liquid, gently tasted, eyes showing a touch of SG,mouth Young up the channel:. "Become"

other people around are busy not paying attention to Chen Fei The words, until Chen Fei raised his

voice, raised his arms and said: "It's done, the research was successful. The alternative medicine wassuccessfully developed."

Suddenly, the whole laboratory quieted down. Then, all the staff showed excitement and ran towardsChen Fei, yelling with cheers.

"Successful, we succeeded!"

"This month's hard work, nothing in vain."

"Hahaha, I'm so happy, we succeeded, the citizens of Longjiang City have been saved."

"Dr. Chen, hurry up, hurry up Publish this good news! "

Chen Fei smiled and said, "The news is not in a hurry to announce. Now, the first thing we have to dois mass production of drugs to ensure that they can be used by the citizens of the entire LongjiangCity."

"Yes, yes, to ensure mass production, this It is the most important thing. "

" In mass production, I don't know if it is too late. "

" Relax, the main medicine used by Dr. Chen is traditional Chinese medicine, as long as the rawmaterials are enough, it is more convenient to produce. "

" However, are the raw materials enough? I remember that one of the medicines seems to be more

cherished! "

" Relax, on the side of the raw materials, Dr. Chen has long contacted other cities and shipped a batchof medicinal materials. It is definitely enough at present. "

" That would be great, Production, hurry up production. "

Immediately, Chen Fei disclosed the relevant news to the relevant department head of the provincialcapital. Almost all qualified factories immediately started up with full force to produce alternativemedicines.

At the same time, in the Longjiang branch of Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical, Jiang Lingyun received a callfrom cousin Jiang Lingzhi.

Over the phone, Jiang Lingzhi's tone was somewhat unsatisfactory, saying: "Ling Yun, you have beenthere for a month, haven't they succumbed yet?"

Jiang Lingyun said: "Cousin, there is a group here in Longjiang City Chinese medicine, said to studyalternative medicine. I think they are still holding a glimmer of hope, so they are still carrying it hard. "

Jiang Lingzhi said:" Don't continue to drag on, Mr. Norton on the bald eagle's side already has someSatisfied. You will resolve the matter over there as soon as possible, you know? "

" Okay, cousin. I will act immediately. Now, the hospitals in Longjiang City are almost on the verge ofcollapse. I just need to put pressure on them. It ’s definitely over. By then, if they do n’t cooperate, theymust come over and cooperate with us. ”Jiang Lingyun said.

Jiang Lingzhi said: "Since you have an idea, then do as you say, move quickly."

"Yes, cousin!" Jiang Lingyun hung up the phone, then called his deputy Hu Hai, ordered, "Prepare me apress conference, it means that I have important things to announce."

"Yes!" Hu Haidao immediately turned around and wanted to go out to work.

Jiang Lingyun said again: "Also, remember to let out some wind in advance. That is to say, tomorrow'spress conference will be the last deadline of our Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical. If Longjiang City does notcooperate again, our Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical, will They completely withdrew from Longjiang City.By then, even if they were rich, they would n’t be able to buy medicine. ”

After all , Hu Hai was from Longjiang City. When he heard the news, he could n’t help but express astunned expression and instinctively said: In this case, I am afraid that many people in Longjiang Citywill die because of this. We

don’t— ” Jiang Lingyun glared at him and said in a cold voice:“ Their life and death have nothing to dowith me! Besides, we should blame it. When they came to Longjiang City, they asked them not to agreeto our terms and cooperate with us. "

Hu Hai still wanted to say something, but Jiang Lingyun said coldly," I haven't done anything yet. "

Hu Hai can only say low Holding his head and sullen face, he went helplessly.

Soon after, the media that got the news all exploded.

Newspapers, magazines, and television networks all spread relevant news. Everyone was talkingnovelbin

about Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical's final deadline, and people were in a state of panic.

In particular, before the family members of the patients began to gather in major hospitals and healthdepartments, they asked the relevant units to cooperate with Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical to buymedicines and save their relatives and friends.

For a time, the entire city of Longjiang became completely noisy, like a gunpowder barrel that wasabout to explode at any time. Only the last ignition star could ignite it.

In this urgent situation, at ten o'clock the next day, Jiang Lingyun held a press conference amongJianghuhai Pharmaceutical Branch.

In the face of the bustling reporters below, as well as the leaders of the relevant units in Longjiang City,which looked gloomy, Jiang Lingyun did not change his face, even with a smile on his lips, he said: "Leteveryone calm down, now I have An important news is to be announced. "The

scene was quiet, everyone's eyes, all the reporters' shots were all aimed at Jiang Lingyun at themoment.

Jiang Lingyun's mouth was smiling, with a confident smile on his face, and he glanced down the stage,fell on the head of the hospital and health department, and then said: "About us JianghuhaiPharmaceutical and Longjiang City related department negotiations I think you should know everything."

Jiang Lingyun continued to nod." Originally, we, Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical, sincerely and sincerelywanted to cooperate with Longjiang City. But After several negotiations, we finally did not reach acooperation agreement. Therefore, I have to regret to announce that our cooperation is over. "After

this remark, the scene suddenly became noisy.

After all, although there have been rumors that Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical is about to end cooperation,it is after all a rumor. Now, the news comes out of Jiang Lingyun's mouth, and the meaning is different.

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