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Chapter 707

Chapter 707

Du Lao arrived soon, and the two waited for a while. Tao Ling, who was off work, also hurried over.

At the moment, Tao Ling is a servant, and his face is a bit waxy, and there is a tired look on the entireface.

Seeing Chen Fei and Du Lao, Tao Ling greeted: "Dr. Chen, Du Du, you are here."

Chen Fei opened his seat and said, "Dr. Tao, you're welcome, we eat and chat."

Tao Ling nodded. And sat down.

Chen Fei didn't turn around and opened the door straight away: "Dr. Tao, I just came back yesterday.Early in the morning, I found out that our Autumn Group's health wine was snapped up."

"Under the investigation, I learned that it was because of the recent The hospital's medical expenses inthe city are soaring. "

" I heard that an ordinary little cold, now go to the hospital for treatment, it will

cost one or two thousand yuan. " " Dr. Tao, what the hell is going on? The cost of the hospital , Howcould it rise so much? "Chen Fei could not help asking.

Tao Ling sighed and sighed with frustration, saying: "I know these things, but to tell you the truth, thehospital price increase is also forced to helplessness."

"How could this be?" Chen Feidao.

Tao Ling said: "Dr. Chen, Du Lao, you are all doctors, you should know. There is a commonly useddrug in the hospital, called beta antibiotics."

"Well, I know." Du Lao nodded, "This beta Antibiotics are a basic medicine, and they are commonamong all kinds of anti-inflammatory drugs and cold medicines. "

Tao Ling nodded and said," The reason for the soaring medical expenses is because of β antibiotics.

" How could it be? "Chen Fei still puzzled.

Tao Ling explained: "This beta antibiotic is called Alstom antibiotics abroad. It was developed by ascientist named Alstom in the United States."

"After Alstom antibiotics were developed, the pharmaceutical giant, the United States The Bald EaglePharmaceutical Company purchased the patent rights in the past. Over a decade ago, in order topromote the universal use of the Alstom antibiotic, the Bald Eagle Pharmaceutical Company authorizedthe use of this antibiotic to various pharmaceutical companies around the world at a low price.company. " " novelbin

it's ten years down thousands of worldwide pharmaceutical company Alstom in the production ofantibiotics, the use of antibiotics to promote this to the world. "

hearing this, Chen Fei vaguely feel a bit bad premonition.

Sure enough, Tao Ling continued, "And just three months ago, the term of use of Bald EaglePharmaceuticals expired. Bald Eagle asked each pharmaceutical factory to re-purchase the patentright to use this antibiotic."

"And this time, Baitou Eagle Pharmaceuticals has raised the cost of patent use hundreds of times andreached a horror of 50 million US dollars. At such a high price, few domestic pharmaceuticalcompanies can afford it. "

" So, with the expiration of patents, many domestic The pharmaceutical factory had to suspend theproduction of Alstom antibiotics. This led to a significant reduction in the production of this antibiotic,but the demand did not decrease, resulting in a shortage of drugs, which can only be relied on previousstocks or imported drugs from abroad to cure Ill. "

" And in this way, the cost is much higher, and the medical expenses have risen accordingly. "Tao Lingsaid.

After hearing this, Chen Fei couldn't help looking somber, his expression was silent for a while.

He understood that the feeling that his lifeline was being held in the hands of others was really bad.This is also the reason why many things in the country have self-intellectual property rights in order toprevent this kind of patent rogue behavior.

It's just that now that things have happened, we must find a solution.

Chen Fei couldn't help but ask: "Regarding such a big matter, does the relevant department have anycountermeasures?"

Tao Ling said: "The relevant department made corresponding preparations before the patent expires.On the one hand, it sent people to work with Bald Eagle Pharmaceutical The company is negotiatingand hopes that they will lower the royalties of patents; on the other hand, it will gather relevant scientificresearch personnel to develop alternative medicines. "

" But, you also know that the research of medicines is a long process. And, even if it is developed,Various testing experiments are still required, all of which are a long process. In the short term, it isalmost impossible to rely on the replacement of Alstom antibiotics with domestic drugs. "

Chen Fei nodded, he is also a doctor, naturally knowing the drug development Difficult and long.

Tao Ling continued: "In fact, the increase in the patent fees of Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals, although ithas a great impact, should not have caused such serious consequences in our Longjiang City. Thedirect cause should also be blamed on Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical Company. "

" Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical Company? This is— "Chen Fei had doubts.

Tao Ling said: "Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical is a large pharmaceutical company in Xiangjiang. Becauseit is located in Xiangjiang and is closely connected with foreign countries, Jianghuhai Pharmaceuticalhas been relying on agents to import foreign drugs into the mainland to make money."

"This time Als After the patent for antibiotics expires, our import agent in Longjiang City is responsiblefor Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical. And Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical, this time also intends to target us. "

Chen Fei frowned, said:" For us? How to say ? "

Tao Ling explained:." even if the use of patented pharmaceutical bald eagle prices, but do not reallylook desperate after all the medicine we use a wide range, in which the forces of many countries andpharmaceutical companies are doing well, if force It ’s too tight, and it finally broke down. Bald EaglePharmaceuticals has to lose a lot of business. "

"So, the initial price, bald eagle pharmacy proposed price, though not cheap, but still within asustainable range. This does not rise to the extent now simply can not afford."

"But we are responsible for Long Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical, which is imported by Jiangxi Drug Agent,has tripled on the basis of the price increase of Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals. This has caused the priceof Alstom antibiotics in our Longjiang City to skyrocket, and medical expenses have also risen. "

Chen When Fei heard this, he couldn't help but dignified his face, with anger in his eyes, and said:"This Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical is so arbitrarily raising prices, aren't you afraid of the relevantdepartments to check them, are you not afraid of Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals to check them?"

Tao Ling shook helplessly Shaking his head, he said: "Jianghu Haiben Company is a Xiangjiangcompany, and it is not afraid of inspections by the mainland authorities. As for the Bald EaglePharmaceuticals side, for this incident, you opened your eyes and closed your eyes, pretending not toknow."

"I guess, they want to use our current situation in Longjiang City as an example to threaten everyone. Ifthey don't buy their patent right as soon as possible, the situation in the hospital may be We Longjianginto this city. "

Heard this, Du old not help but feel angry palm shoot on the desktop, Nu Sheng said:" Theseforeigners too much, rivers and lakes as well as the man of the sea pharmaceuticals, as Chinese

people, How can they treat their compatriots like this? "

Tao Ling was helpless for a while, only to shake her head and sigh.

Chen Fei's expression was sullen, and his expression was somber.

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