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Chapter 681

Chapter 681

Although the two went down the mountain and left, but on the road, the more they thought, the moreunhappy, and the more unwilling in their hearts.

So, that night, the two of them quietly touched back on the mountain and sneaked into the room of theold man of Shuang Jue, even wanting to steal the secret of Master Sword and Shuang Jue.

As a result, they didn't expect that after searching, they didn't find any cheats. Instead, they alarmedthe sleeping master.

Master discovered that the two came back to steal cheats, and couldn't help but get furious, saying thatthey would abolish their martial arts and expel them from the master.

The two immediately apologized on their knees and begged more than once. Say they knew somethingwrong and let Master let them go.

After all, it was an apprentice who had cultivated himself for more than ten years. The seniors ofShuangjue felt weak in their hearts at the time, saying that they could let them go once this time, but inthe future, they would not be allowed to come back.

The two agreed, and then said they would bow down to Master and leave.

As a result, when the Master was not prepared, he carried out a sneak attack on the Master, eventuallystruck the Master into a serious injury, and threatened the Master to surrender his secret sword andsword.

The old man of Shuang Jue didn't even think that his two apprentices were so cruel, they werefrustrated for a while.

And under their coercion, the old man of Shuangjue finally finally stated the reason why he didn't teachthem to use sword and sword.

It turned out that this sword is absolutely unique, and it has high requirements for the practitioner'sstate of mind and the balance of his hands. Talents who need a quiet mind and balanced hands areeasy to learn. If the conditions are not suitable, forcibly studying, there will be no effect at all.

The old man of Shuangjue had seen through the qualities of the two apprentices, knowing that theywere not suitable for learning the swords and swordsmanship. Therefore, he only taught them thecharacteristics of the two and taught them the same. Let them practice to the extreme.

It turned out that the two were not greedy enough, but instead blamed him for hiding things privatelyand not teaching them all the tricks. It turned out to be such a rebellious thing to kill the teacher.

The two listened to Shuangjue's old man's words, then they were ignorant. Then under panic andgreed, instead of believing in Master's words, he threatened Master and eventually found out thesecrets of the sword and sword.

And because they feared that the old people of Shuangjue would reveal the news and get revenge, thetwo of them stubbornly stubbornly killed each other after finding the cheats, and then escaped with thecheats.

After escaping, they worked hard on cheats and wanted to practice swordsmanship, but they practicedfor several years. Only then did they find out that it was really the same as what Master said. The twoof them couldn't practice swordsmanship at all, but instead affected their original martial arts becauseof distraction.

The two had no choice, and then found another way. The two became one, the two became one, oneheld the sword, and the other held the sword. After the final exercise, the effect was quite good.Although it's not as good as the swordsmanship of the old man and the old man. novelbin

But with the cooperation of the two, the power is not bad, especially when they both break through tothe early stage of the Xuan level, and the combined force makes the sword double. It is also good.Many warriors in the middle of the yellow level are not their opponents.

As a result, the two also gradually gained a certain reputation. Because the man's surname is Yangand the woman's surname is Liu, they are collectively called Yang Dao Liu Jian by martial artists.

It's just that it didn't take long for the two to become famous. Someone discovered the truth about thedeath of the old man of Shuangjue. Yangdao Liujian, who had just become so famous, was instantlyinfamous, and was regarded as a scum by everyone in the martial arts.

Many former friends of Shuangjue's old man, those who had been helped by him, as well as justices,came forward to hunt down Yang Daoliujian in order to avenge Shuangjue's old man.

Under such circumstances, the two escaped the pursuit and continued to flee. Eventually, itdisappeared five years ago.

Some people say that they were killed; others say they fled, and now they are hiding in the mountainsand dare not show up; others say they have fled abroad.

All kinds of sayings, no one knows which is true. But the time passed by one minute and one second,the two had no trace, and everyone slowly forgot about them.

Unexpectedly, today Xu Gang and Xu Shao, the two actually appeared.

Moreover, looking at the momentum exuded by the two of them now, it is obvious that the strength isfurther than that of the year, reaching the mid-level realm of metaphysics.

You should know that when the two teamed up to use swords and swords, they were able to fight manywarriors in the mid-level. Now that they have reached the middle of the Xuan level, under the combinedforce, it should not be a problem to defeat the warriors of the late Xuan level.

For a time, everyone in the hall couldn't help but show excitement, and his gaze to Chen Fei alsochanged, as if to look at the dead.

Because, even if this kid is strong, even if it is a meta-level master, at most it is the early meta-level. Inthis way, he has absolutely no chance of winning against Yang Daoliujian.

Xu Gang was also full of confidence, looking at Chen Fei and saying, "You can let Yang Dao Liu Jiantwo seniors come forward, it is also your honor!" You

know, Yang Dao Liu Jian, a master of this level, It is almost impossible to follow Xu Gang as abodyguard hitter. But because when the two were chased and killed, the Yao family saved them, and

then they stayed with the Yao family.

Xu Gang was worried about his own safety during his trip to Long'an, so he used his cousin Yao Hai'sidentity and finally borrowed these words to protect himself.

You know, even if they are among the Yao family, they are not many people. It is almost impossible tocome forward to protect Xu Gang for the second time.

Therefore, Xu did not let them show up just now. After all, he didn't want to waste the opportunity ofthese two masters in a small place like Long'an.

On the other hand, the two's realm of strength exceeds the level of the metaphysical level prescribedby the spirit dragon, so it is not convenient to appear in such a battle. In addition, the two of them havea bad reputation because of the killing of teachers.

Xu Gang didn't even want to let the two shot.

As a result, he did not expect that he was forced into this situation by Chen Fei, so he had to let the twocome forward.

At the moment, Yang Daoliujian glanced at Chen Fei obliquely, and then he looked disdainful, and saidto Xu Gang: "Just like this kind of thing, do you let us go?"

Xu Gang smiled and said: "Trouble, trouble The two predecessors. "

" Then make a quick decision and solve it. "The two nodded and glanced at each other.

Immediately, they looked at Chen Fei and raised their mouths at an angle. "Boy, it's your pleasure todie in our hands!" During the

speech, the two grinned and the sword also moved.

However, at the moment, Chen Fei looked at the two of them, and there was no trace of fear at all.

On the contrary, Chen Fei frowned and said to the two in disgust: "It's almost dirty my hands to workwith you two notorious master killers." As

soon as the words came out, the scene suddenly became quiet, everyone All held their breath, staringblankly at Chen Fei.

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