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Chapter 537

Chapter 537

When the host had finished speaking, the original warm cheers and applause gradually calmed down,and everyone at the scene was stunned and looked at the host inconceivably.

A few seconds later, a strong suspicion broke out at the scene.

"Why is Longan University deducting points?"

"What kind of game is this, shady, shady."

"What the hell are you doing, obviously Longan University has the first place." The

host turned pale, explaining: According to Fang's rules, we found that there is a fake singing link whenperforming programs at Long An University. Therefore, the fifteen points are deducted as apunishment. "The

host's explanation just came out, and a scream came.

"Fart, how could Long'an University be a fake singer?"

"I was sitting in the first row at that time, I heard clearly, it was Zhang Qiuyue's voice, how could a fakesinger?"

Sun Yi and Ding on the judges' bench Yi couldn't sit still anymore and directly questioned with anger.

"We are the judges, who gave you the right to deduct points indiscriminately?"

"I can be sure that Zhang Qiuyue absolutely does not sing, this point deduction, it doesn't make sense."

"Add the points back immediately and announce again Ranking? "Sun Yi shouted angrily.

In the face of anger like doubts, the host had to stand up and

say : "This is the result of the organizer's rigorous research, and it is impossible to change." Sun Yiimmediately became angry when he heard this, and fell directly Something went wrong, shoutingcoldly: "Who is the sponsor, who is the sponsor, how did they study it carefully, you tell me." The

host was dumbly questioned and could only support us: " This, this I— "

Sun Instrument seeing more anger, she shouted: "This thing, if you did not give me a satisfactoryanswer, I definitely held in the end."

DING Yi also nodded his head cold channel:. "And I,"

moderator completely Knowing what to do, just when he was in a hurry. An indifferent voice rang out,and came to the stage and said, "This is the decision of our Cultural Office, do you still have toquestion?" After

hearing the voice, everyone looked at it, and then they saw two figures walk on stage. coming. Amongthem was a serious-looking middle-aged man.

The average audience may not know the man, but the judges and the people on the team recognized itat a glance. This person is Zhao Yaquan, deputy director of the Ministry of Culture, and the person incharge of this art performance.

For a time, the exclamation sounded.

"Deputy Director Zhao, this was actually a decision made by

Deputy Director Zhao ?" "The officer, such a big Deputy Deputy Director, even spoke in person,wouldn't make a mistake!"

"Perhaps, what's the truth? Maybe. "

With Zhao Yaquan's opening, the atmosphere at the scene changed a bit. From the indignation of allthe people just now, it has now become a part of trust, and partly secretly doubted. novelbin

However, Sun Yi and Sun Lao on the panel of judges still looked cold and unyielding at this time:"Deputy Director Zhao why do you want to deduct points from Longan University, I hope to hear areasonable explanation. "

Zhao Yaquan glanced at Sun Yi and said coldly:" The reason for the deduction is already explained bythe host. Fake singing! "

" Impossible! "Sun Yi directly cut the railroad," I have been doing music for so many years, don't you? Ica n’t even hear fake singing or fake singing! I can be sure that Zhang Qiuyue has no fake singing. So,I would like to ask Deputy Director Zhao to review and revise the scores of Long’an University. ”

Zhao Yaquan snorted and said: "No, this score is judged by the expert group after deliberation, andthere is no room for modification."

"How can you--" Sun Yi furious, "If this game is like this, My judges are inappropriate. "

Zhao Yaquan was unimpressed and said directly:" Senior Sun, you are old, if you are not fit, then don'tforce it. Not only the judges of this competition, the School of Music The situation is the same overthere. "

Upon hearing this, many people at the scene suddenly became astonished, and the expressionbecame a little more subtle.

They could hear that Zhao Yaquan was very strong, he valued the score very much this time, and evenhesitated to directly threaten an old senior like Sun Yi.

Upon seeing this, the person who was originally prepared to speak up closed his mouth unconsciouslyat this time. After all, within the scope of Zhao Yaquan's power, there are many aspects related to theirwork and life. They are unlikely to offend officials at the level of Zhao Yaquan for the score of such agame.

When the scene was quiet, Zhao Yaquan's eyes were cold, and he waved his hand: "The score is sofixed."

Everyone heard the words, full of anger and anger, but they were helpless. Can only stare hard at ZhaoYaquan.

However, Zhao Yaquan did not move. Moreover, Zhao Hai also said at this time: "In addition to this fake

singing incident, Longan University also has other vicious incidents. Just two days before the game, myfriends and I went to the rehearsal place of Longan University to watch , But was badly beaten by theother party. As a result, eight of us were seriously injured, and now we are still lying in the hospital. Ihope to investigate this matter. "

Zhao Yaquan heard the words, looking surprised. Tao: "There should be such a thing, so we mustinvestigate it."

Zhao Hai directly said: "No need to investigate, I have relevant evidence."

After talking, Zhao Hai waved his hand, and then a video was played on the big screen. The pictureplayed is exactly the scene where Fade Chen stormed Zhao Hai.

As soon as the video was broadcast, there was an exclamation of excitement, and everyone couldn'thelp but point and talk.

And Fade Chen, as soon as he watched the video, his face sank. Because he saw it at a glance, thevideo was edited. The video cut out all the scenes of Zhao Hai's flirting with Zhang Qiuyue and others,and only the scene of Fade Chen hitting people.

In the eyes of those who do not know the truth, it is Fade Chen who beat Zhao Hai.

For a time, there was a loud voice of inquiries on the spot, and the questioning of Longan Universitysuddenly became louder.

Even the judges on the judges' bench couldn't help frowning at the moment.

Upon seeing this, right Ya announced: ".. Now that the evidence is conclusive, immediately call securitycontrol personnel, and the police, to the people involved are processed at the same time, the abolitionof competition results Dragon University, and the subsequent three years of eligibility"

so a punishment Announced that the scene was again in an uproar.

Many students and teachers of Long'an University were immediately filled with indignation and stoodup one after another, trying to explain aloud.

"Isn't that the case? It was they who kicked us first, we just—"

"This video is out of context and can't believe it."

However, without waiting for them to speak, a group of security guards suddenly rushed over anddirectly Fade Chen and the crowd at Long'an University surrounded them.

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