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Chapter 529

Chapter 529

Such a situation made everyone on the scene shudder and was surprised again.

At the same time, the low voice of discussion also buzzed.

"Unexpectedly, this autumn moon's backing is really a bit capable, and it can have a relationship withHai Shao and them."

"Oh, then it depends on what relationship! Looking at this posture, he obviously offended Hai Shao,and then and now things will probably not good, ah! " "

also, they face less and less these rich sea, he again powerful, but what can they do? " "

this time, they may plant up. " "

Look at yourself The woman was snatched away in front of her and wantonly insulted. This feeling, Ifeel sad for him. "

" What a sorrow! What I want to say, the saddest is the girl. The confidence called the backer, I wantedto rely on him to carry the young man. As a result, I didn't expect that my own backer was in front of theother party. It was completely worthless. If I knew this, I might as well get directly from the young man,maybe I would make him happy Get a greater benefit. "The

room was full of discussion, Fade Chen released Zhang Qiuyue at this time, let everyone at Long'anUniversity back, and then glanced coldly at Zhao Hai's bodyguards, coldly said:" You , really want

hands-on it? "

Zhao, who face For a change, I think before Fade Chen hands handprint on wooden pillarsphotographed the scene, could not help but heart thump a bit.

However, as soon as they saw the big bodyguards in front of them, their expressions were a little moreconfident.

"The surname Chen, don't be complacent. Just let you coax you, do you think it still works now?"

"These bodyguards, but we spend a lot of money to invite them. Ha ha, I think you can stand alone Somany masters! "

" Then do it yourself, who is afraid of who! "

In the cry, Zhao Hai swept his head coldly, looked at Fade Chen, and said with a cold voice: "Give youthe last chance, immediately put the woman's hands on her hands, otherwise-hum-"

"No need otherwise." Fade Chen's eyes narrowed and his face sank, his right hand flicked up, and witha strong wind, he pulled towards Zhao Hai.

Not to mention Zhao Hai himself, even the bodyguard in front of Zhao Hai did not react at all, let aloneblocked.

So, with a snapping sound, Zhao Hai slapped heavily on his face, and his cheeks swelled directly.

"You, dare to hit me!" Zhao Hai covered her hot cheeks with a stunned expression and a shockedexpression.

Immediately, Zhao Hai was furious and shouted to the bodyguards: "Go, give me all, go together, killme, I will kill him."

Suddenly, there was a bang, a group of bodyguards rushed towards Fade Chen Besiege.

At this moment, there was a quick cry outside the door, "Young Sea, don't. Mr. Chen, don't do it!"

Along with the cry, a figure ran in quickly.

The movement was interrupted, and everyone looked at the figure and found that it was Zheng Yu.

Suddenly, Hai Shao and his group, their faces sank immediately, and the sound of cold drinkingsounded.

"Zheng Yu, what do you mean?"

"Lao Zheng, and need to maintain that surnamed Chen, and the sea less against it"?

Zhao also sullen, look to the Zheng Yu, cold channel: "Zheng Yu, You'd better give me an explanation,otherwise

the words- " Zheng Yu at this time, there is also bitterness in his heart.

He was afraid of recurring conflicts, so he specially arranged for Fade Chen to leave the back door of

the resort. novelbin

But I did not expect that, coincidentally, Zhao Hai and they are here to have fun. What's more, theobject of fun is just the people Fade Chen knows. So, the two sides clashed again.

This simply made Zheng Yu's head big and almost burst.

With a bitter smile on his face, Zheng Yu can only say: "Hao Hai, this time, I, I think it may be amisunderstanding. It is better to talk about it better than everyone. The matter can be resolved well."

Zhao Hai heard it. Suddenly, he yelled and said: "Misunderstanding you paralyzed, Zheng Yu, Lao Tzugave you a face, the kid has been put on a horse. As a result, he hit Lao Tzu's face, this breath, I can'tbear it anyway. "

. The rich and young people around also spoke out.

"Zheng Yu, everybody friends, you always help outsiders, what exactly do you mean?"

"That is, Zheng Shao. Your elbow turned outwards, did the kid give you any benefits!"

" Lao Zheng, if you continue this way, I think that our friendship for so many years will be over. "

Zheng Yu was sweating anxiously and wanted to persuade, but he didn't know what to say. Can onlycontinue to make Fade Chen wink, trying to calm him down.

But Fade Chen didn't pay attention at all, but looked at Zhao Hai coldly.

At this time, Zhao Hai was really angry. He pushed Zheng Yu straight away and waved his hand andsaid: "Give me, beat hard! It's my death." In

an instant, a group of bodyguards rushed When he came out, he rushed towards Fade Chen fiercely.

Seeing that the war was about to begin, everyone around hurriedly stepped back.

The rich and the young sneered in the corners of their mouths, and some people even took out theirphones in preparation for this scene.

Just when the rich and the young were proud, the battle on the field broke out. However, the war wasnot what they expected, and the bodyguards besieged Fade Chen.

The result was just the opposite. Fade Chen faced the siege of a group of burly bodyguards, but itseemed like a tiger rushed into the flock. The whole person turned into a Vajra Warrior and rusheddirectly into the bodyguard's encirclement. His fists and feet hit the bodyguard with a roaring wind.


slap , poo!" Various sounds, accompanied by screams and blood splatters, rang continuously amongthe bodyguards.

Every time Fade Chen attacks, he can knock down a bodyguard.

In less than three minutes, the battle ended with the bodyguards falling to the ground, bloody, andwailing.

The wealthy young man with a proud smile on his face has not faded. At this time, he is completelydumbfounded. He looked at the scene inconceivably, and his mouth could not close.

And when they looked up and watched the cold-faced Fade Chen walk towards them, a group ofpeople shivered suddenly, showing a look of horror, and their voices trembled: "You, what are youdoing here, what do you want to do?"

"You said , What am I going to do? "Fade Chen snorted coldly, and then punched out.

There was another crackling noise, and the rich and the young wailed one by one on the ground, andwent with their bodyguards.

Immediately, Fade Chen stepped back on the body of the rich and the young and the bodyguard.Zhang gaze to see the moon, mouth raised, with a hint of a smile, to a channel: "! Moon, let's go"

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