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Chapter 514

Chapter 514

Speaking of which, Mother Zhou's eyes were ruddy and she burst into tears.

Fade Chen was unimpressed and sneered: "What did you discuss?"

Mother Zhou slowly said: "I, the thing we discussed, the man wanted to use my son's affairs toblackmail the hospital, and then deal with him. The enemy, that is, Dr. Tao. "

Tao Ling didn't expect anything to do with herself, she couldn't help but stunned.

Zhou mother continued: ".. He said his plan is to make my home Oscar's condition suddenlydeteriorated and then let Dr. Tao bear the responsibility, while allowing the hospital to pay a lot ofmoney."

"I had heard that let Oscar The condition deteriorated and I was very worried. I immediately rejectedhim and wanted to leave. But then the man pulled me and said that his deterioration was onlysuperficial. Xiaokai would have nothing to do. "

" I didn't believe it, and he showed himself The doctor proved that he immediately gave me a sum ofmoney and even got an experiment to show me. So, I believed it and promised him. "

Hearing this, everyone's face could not help changing. Even Zhou Zhikai in the hospital bed had anunbelievable expression at the moment, looking at his mother, "Mom, how can you--" Mother

Zhou quickly explained: "Xiaokai, me, I'm also fascinated. You I also know that your dad has been a

small section chief for more than ten years. I did n’t have a job and my family ’s economy was not sobeautiful. So, I,

I— " Cried. novelbin

Seeing this, Fade Chen continued with a cold voice, "So, you agreed to the other party's request.Cooperate with him to poison Zhou Zhikai. After the incident, you will immediately bring someone toencircle Dr. Tao, just to complete The other party ’s request put the responsibility on Dr. Tao. That ’swhy you did n’t worry about your son ’s condition at all, did you? ”

Mother Zhou cried for a while, and finally nodded, saying ,“ Yes, yes Like this. Now, can you save myson? "

"Not yet!" Fade Chen shook his head. "There is one last question. Who is the poisoned person?"

Mama Zhou was taken aback, and then supported me, saying: "He showed me his documents andsaid He used to be a doctor in a hospital in the city called Lin Yaofei. "

Hearing this, everyone in the hospital was surprised.

Tao Ling had no idea that after Lin Yaofei was expelled from Director Zheng for the last time, he evenheld a grudge against himself, and planned this out carefully, just to frame and retaliate himself.

The dean and other high-level leaders were also shocked, because the last term of Dean Lin wasexpelled from Director Zheng because of his special relationship with Lin Yaofei. As a result, Lin Yaofeieven came to the hospital to do things, which made them very angry.

There was a silence in the ward. At this time, Zhou Zhikai was violently coughing and spit out a blood.

Upon seeing this, Mama Zhou was shocked and quickly said: "Hurry, save my son, hurry!"

Fade Chen said nothing to Tao Ling, then asked Tao Ling a few words, then walked to the bed and heldit Zhou Zhikai's wrist started to work on breath treatment.

Soon, Fade Chen stabilized the toxin, and Tao Ling took the corresponding medicine and injected it intoZhou Zhikai, which quickly took effect. Zhou Zhikai's complexion improved, and various physicalindicators gradually returned to normal, and the whole person fell asleep.

Upon seeing this, Mother Zhou and others were relieved.

At this time, they looked at Fade Chen and Tao Ling again, their eyes blinked unconsciously, and theydidn't know what to say. After all, she took the risk of her son's life and almost caused tragicconsequences that harmed others.

Seeing that they were fidgeting, Tao Ling was ready to say a few good words. After all, the patient hadno problems, which was the greatest thing.

But just when Tao Ling had just taken steps, suddenly, a heavy leather shoe sound came in with a cryof a middle-aged man, "What did you do with my son? Your hospital must be responsible! "

Listening to the words, everyone saw a middle-aged man in his forties or forties walked in with a heavyface.

As soon as the man walked into the ward, his serious gaze swept around, then fell on Tao Ling andsaid, "You are Doctor Tao, I am Zhou Zhikai's father. Zhou Zhikai's condition suddenly deteriorated,how did you see the doctor? Things, you must be responsible! "

Tao Ling froze, then stepped forward and opened her mouth to explain," Mr. Zhou, this is not the case,

I-- " " I still want to make excuses! " Tao Ling pulled over.

Tao Ling was frightened and screamed, at this time she could not dodge.

Seeing the other party's slap coming, the fan snorted, and at that moment, Fade Chen snorted, let goof his right hand and squeezed it in the past, grasped the other person's right hand accurately, andtwisted hard.

Suddenly, with a click, Mr. Zhou's right arm was cut out of a strange angle, and there was a painfulexpression on his face, "Ah! Pain, pain. Please let me go."

Fade Chen snorted, and directly forced one Push, loosen Mr. Zhou this week.

"You know who I am, dare to me—" Mr. Zhou was furious, pointing at Fade Chen to be scolded.

But at this time, Mother Zhou hurried over and took Mr. Zhou's arm and said something in a low voice.

Upon hearing this, Mr. Zhou's complexion could not help but changed, and he quickly looked over atthe son in the hospital bed. Seeing that there was no problem with his son, his face was better.However, immediately his face sank like water, his eyes flickered, and he seemed to be thinking aboutsomething.

Everyone knows what they say without listening. It's just that Mother Zhou told them about theblackmail and poison.

At the thought of this couple, for the sake of money and power, to risk their son's life, everyone's eyesare a little different.

Fade Chen and Tao Ling didn't want to get along with this kind of person any more, hummed andturned to leave.

But just when they had just stepped forward, Mr. Zhou suddenly said: "You stop for me, who will let youleave?"

Fade Chen looked down and turned to Mr. Zhou without a word.

Tao Ling frowned lightly and asked, "Mr. Zhou, do you have anything else?"

"What's the matter?" Mr. Zhou sneered, and said, "My son lives in your hospital and was poisoned. Ialmost lost my life. What did you say about me? "

" Mr. Zhou, you-- "Tao Ling didn't expect the other party to hold things again, his expression changed.

Mother Zhou quickly pulled Mr. Zhou's arm and reminded in a low voice: "We have exposed, they allknow. Xiao Kai's body is the most important."

Mr. Zhou did not take it seriously , frowning and said, "What do they know? What evidence? Besides, if

Xiaokai is poisoned in their hospital, they have to bear the responsibility of weak supervision. This can’t be escaped. ”

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