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Chapter 495

Chapter 495

She scooped up the food, delivered it to the mouth, and chewed a few times. Fade Chen's eyes lit upand gave Thumbs up to Brother Liu, saying: "It's delicious!"

Brother Liu immediately smiled and smiled, "This is our dragon Jiang's old specialties are made ofthree ingredients: fish, pork and chicken, and are stewed together in the form of pellets, cakes, andcolumns, and then served with eight kinds of side dishes. The side dishes are delicious, firm, and full-bodied. For Longjiang Sanxian. "

" Dr. Chen, you will try other things, and the soup is also delicious! "Liu said

Fade Chen and Yu Qingmei heard the three ingredients, and the expressions on their faces suddenlybecame more and more pleasant. And after they took a sip of soup, they even showed amazing colors,smashed their tongues, and praised: "It's so fresh, delicious!"

Seeing this, Brother Liu became more and more happy, and some bragging introductions said: " ThisLongjiang Sanxian is our old craft on the Longjiang side, although there are still many people who knowit. But now, there are not many people who can really make an authentic one. First, the currentmerchants are reluctant to pay for it. Kung fu, some places that require manual use are all replaced bymachines; secondly, the choice of materials has also lowered the standard, so the things that are madehave completely lost the old taste. It is completely incomparable with the things in this small store in myhouse- "

Liu brother being said in Hing head, at this time, all of a sudden, harsh bark voice came over," who isthe boss, give I roll out!"

Liu brother a moment, then looked over toward the door, looking suddenly It sank.

Because at the door of the shop, a burly man with a golden chain and a group of young brothers stoodat the door fiercely and scared the guests away.

"I am the boss, do you have anything?" Brother Liu came out and said out loud.

The burly man heard the words, snorted, extended his finger, and clicked on Brother Liu's chest,saying, "What's the matter? Can't you understand? I brought my brothers to dinner."

"If you eat, please line up there!" Brother Liu pointed to the team that still had five or six people.

The burly man sneered and looked at Brother Liu. He said, "Let me line up? Have you made a mistake.I was hungry all morning and I will eat now. I will prepare it for me immediately. I will not get it for threeminutes. Okay, I smashed your shop. "

Brother Liu said coldly:" Sorry, please wait in line. Otherwise, our shop will not do your business. "

" Oh, no business. "The burly man sneered Suddenly, "Are you crazy? You don't do my business, doyou know who Lao Tzu is?"

"I don't care who you are, I have to wait in line or ask a few to leave."

"Damn, you're so crazy!" The burly man was angry, rolled up his sleeves, and waved. "Brothers, thisguy toasts and doesn't eat fines. Give it to me and smash this little shop."

During the speech, the burly man with his younger brother pulled out several steel pipes at once, andhe started to smash the shop with great force.

The guests were suddenly frightened to spread out. Brother Liu's face froze and shouted, and he wouldrush to

fight with them, "Dare you!" The burly man saw that, sneered, and said: " Dare to fight back, Call me,hit hard! "

Seeing that the steel pipe was about to hit Brother Liu. At this moment, Fade Chen suddenly rushedout of the store, almost a flash of time, appeared next to Brother Liu. Then a sweep, swept a fewyounger brothers directly to the ground.

When the burly man saw it, he couldn't help but stunned, his eyes fell on Fade Chen, coldly said:"Damn, there's a lot of business around. Lao Tzu abandoned you first." During the

speech, the burly man said Directly facing Fade Chen's head fell down.

Fade Chen snorted and banged directly.

Upon seeing this, the burly man could not help laughing, "Your boy is stupid, use my fist and my steelpipe to find something dead!"

Fade Chen said indifferently, just a punch, hitting the steel pipe on.

Suddenly, the burly man felt a great force coming, and the tiger's mouth holding the steel pipe

shuddered, tearing open directly, and blood pouring out. The steel tube with the arm's thickness wassmashed by Fade Chen.

At this time, the burly man was dumbfounded, and looked at Fade Chen incredulously, "You, how can

you-- " Fade Chen didn't say much, his backhand was a slap, pumped on the face of the burly man,and shouted: "Kneel "The

Dahan was directly beaten into a daze, and suddenly knelt on the ground with a snap. The youngerbrothers who had just climbed up beside him were originally prepared to come to siege and retaliate.But as soon as he saw the curved steel pipes on the ground beside the big man, he was suddenlyscared and stupid. He kneeled beside the burly big man and looked at Fade Chen with a chill.

Fade Chen snorted and said, "Why are you

looking for fault?" Dahan explained: "We, we just heard that the food here is delicious, so we want totry it."

"Really?" Fade Chen's eyes were suspicious. .

At this moment, Brother Liu stood up directly and said coldly: "Are you the one found by Hongling RealEstate?" The

burly big man could not help but tremble with a look of surprise in his eyes. Then instinctively want todeny.

But at this time, Fade Chen drank coldly and gave out a vigorous force, directly oppressed, "To be


By Fade Chen's momentum, the burly man softened directly, trembling replied: "I, indeed It wasHongling Real Estate who invited us for the money. "

" Sure enough, they are. "Brother Liu heard the words and immediately gritted his teeth, with hatred inhis eyes.

Fade Chen immediately smelled: "Brother Liu, what's going on? That Hongling Real Estate, what's therelationship with this matter?"

Brother Liu sighed, then pointed to the shop behind him, said: "Dr. Chen You also saw that my smallbuilding is a bit old. Hongling Real Estate is going to develop a commercial building here and wants todemolish my small shop. They have talked to them several times before and we did not accept thedemolition. "

"In the end, the people of Hongling Real Estate remembered the partial approach. Some time ago,someone came to my store to throw feces, and then quietly damaged the electrical circuits and waterpipes of my house. After a few failures, they are now dispatched Coming to the store? "Big Brother Liuhated.

"It's too much!" Fade Chen heard the words, his expression suddenly cooled down, and then looked atthe burly man with a cold voice, "Go back and tell the people of Hongling Real Estate, they said FadeChen said, they will dare to come to Brother Liu in the future Here is the trouble, then wait for thebankruptcy to die. Get out! "

" Yes! "The burly man responded quickly and then left with a fast climb.

When Brother Liu saw it, he immediately sighed and thanked Fade Chen again.novelbin

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