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Chapter 483

Chapter 483

Farewell to Tao Ling, Fade Chen returned home.

After a night of rest, the next afternoon, Fade Chen received a call from Wu Chuan. It is said that ajewelry exhibition mentioned earlier with Fade Chen is going to be held today, and Fade Chen needs tobe put in the palm of his hand.

Since it was something that was promised before, Fade Chen would naturally not refuse to ask. Heasked the address and time of the exhibition. After washing himself, he went to the place where hestarted.

Just as Fade Chen rushed to the exhibition, Anya Entertainment ’s owner Xu Shan, who had justopened his own limited edition sports car at the moment, took Song Yaling from the airport.

On the sports car, Song Yaling's dissatisfied pouting and said: "People just returned from Mi Guo, theywere exhausted. You don't know what hurts others, just so fiercely dragged me to participate in whatexhibition."

Xu Shan suddenly felt nauseous. Persuaded, "My sweetheart, I know you are tired. However, thisexhibition is not an ordinary exhibition. We go to participate, there are only benefits and no harm."

"What is not ordinary, is not an exhibition of some jewelers Really? I usually see more. "Song Yalingsaid a little uncomfortably.

While driving, Xu Shan reassured: "Little baby, I tell you, this jewelry exhibition is really not a normal

jewelry exhibition. Because, above this exhibition, Ome Jewelry Company will participate."

Song Yaling heard When I came to the words Ome Jewelry, my eyes suddenly lighted up, theexhaustion seemed to be swept away, and I said excitedly: "Ome Jewelry, this is the top jewelry brandin China. Moreover, the grade is very high, even if compared with some international big names, "Ithasn't fallen."

"I heard that the lowest price of every piece of jewelry in Ome Jewelry is 500,000 yuan, which isabsolutely high-end."

Xu Shandao said: "That's right, and I also heard the rumored news. This time Yumei of Ome Jewelrywill participate in a treasure-taste meeting. At that time, if I can win the favor of Mr. Yu, I will make animpression on her. By then, There are many benefits, needless to say. Maybe, you can take theopportunity to become the spokesperson of Ome Jewelry. "

Speaking of which, the light in Song Yaling's eyes is more vigorous. 'S actress, if I can endorse OmeJewelry, I can definitely go further and rush directly to the middle line. "

Xu Shan said with pride:" Now, you know my good intentions! "

Song Yaling smiled, He leaned on Xu Shan's greasy cheek novelbin

and gave a kiss . "Mr. Xu, I knew that you were the best for me." Immediately, Song Yaling touched themakeup with excitement and began to dress up in the car.

Half an hour later, they arrived at the exhibition venue. Xu Shan happily threw the keys of the luxury car

to the parking crew, then took Song Yaling and walked towards the entrance of the venue with a smile.

Although this jewelry show attracted many celebrities of businessmen. However, the appearance of XuShan and Song Yaling caused quite a stir at the scene.

After all, Xu Shan is the veteran owner of the provincial entertainment industry, and Song Yaling is alsoa hot actress recently. This combination of appearances, not only the celebrities of other guests, butalso some reporters interviewed, swarmed over.

This situation made Xu Shan and Song Yaling even more happy. The smiling people greeted everyoneand greeted the reporter.

This caused a lot of tossing at the entrance, and it took about half an hour to make the two slowly walktowards the venue.

Just as the two were about to enter, Song Yaling suddenly made a surprised voice, "Ah, why is hehere?"

Xu Shan asked, "What's wrong?"

Song Yaling pointed in the other direction of the entrance and said, "

Over there." Xu Shan looked down at the entrance and saw a young man in his early twenties at theentrance over there, now lined up and walking towards the meeting place. Suddenly, Xu Shan's eyesfroze. "It's that kid, Weitian Entertainment's shareholder-Fade Chen!"

Xu Shan's teeth tickled and the expression on his face suddenly thought of the scene where Fade

Chen had been beaten. It cooled down at once.

Song Yaling was even more angry, adding fuel and vinegar: "Mr. Xu, this time I went to the UnitedStates. This guy is still investigating my collision, and also hurt my agent. We absolutely cannot give upon this matter. "

Xu Shan heard the words, and his expression became colder. He was silent for a while, and then saidout loudly:" Well, I have a way, I must make the boy look ugly. "

Then, Xu Shan pulled Song Yaling and walked quickly to the Progress Hall Among. Instead of watchingthe exhibits in the exhibition hall, they accelerated their pace and walked towards the entrance on theother side.

Seeing this, Song Yaling was a little puzzled and asked: "Mr. Xu, what do you want to do?"

Xu Shan said coldly: "This time the jewelry exhibition is of high grade, not ordinary people, at least allof our provincial business circles Celebrity. The kid came here, probably in the capacity of WeitianEntertainment's shareholder, that is to say, Huang Wei must also be in the exhibition. "

" Well, this is the case, but? "Song Yaling still didn't understand Xu Shan the meaning of.

Xu Shan's voice was lowered, and it almost sang to Song Yaling's ear, and said: "The two majorshareholders of Weitian Entertainment are here, and celebrities are gathered here. You said that ifjewelry was stolen on this occasion, What effect will it have? "

Song Yaling froze for a moment, then recovered, her face suddenly showed a look of surprise, lookedat Fade Chen who had lined up in the exhibition hall, and then looked at Xu Shan, Speaking: "Mr. Xu,

you mean. We frame Fade Chen to steal things, and then expose him in public to embarrass him."

Xu Shan nodded and said in a cold voice: "That's it, I don't only want him to be embarrassed. I alsowant Huang Wei to be embarrassed, and let them lose their reputation. I see what

else they are fighting against us." Song Yaling heard it. He was immediately excited and couldn't helpsaying: "Mr. Xu's tactics are high."

"It's just, how do we do it? People come and go here, there are a lot of monitoring, and many jewelryhave alarms." Song Yaling asked.

Xu Shan face proudly said: ".. Which you may rest assured that there jeweler, and I did not see themvery good relationship, I go to say, things will be able to accomplishing"

"is indeed Xu, really high "" Song Yaling was very excited.

Immediately, Xu Shan went to the jeweler to arrange things, while Song Yaling stayed here, payingattention to Fade Chen's whereabouts.

Soon, Xu Shan came back with a smile on his face and made an ok gesture to Song Yaling.Immediately afterwards, the two followed Fade Chen without any hassle, and followed the people'spopularity.

At this time, Fade Chen entered the exhibition hall and looked at the dazzling array of jewels. Hecouldn't help but feel his eyes lit up and walked around with the flow of people to see what it lookedlike.

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