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Chapter 476

Chapter 476

"What?" Fade Chen frowned, his expression cold, and then asked, "Then, who is responsible for SongYaling's business in your company?" The

security guard said: "Who? Eh , Miss Song still has a broker in the company, now it is She is in chargeof Miss Song. "

" Agent? Let her come to see me. "Fade Chen ordered coldly.

The security guard dared not resist, and quickly used the intercom to contact the company and said,"Miss Xu, someone wants to see Miss Song, please come down." After

about five minutes, a man with red curly hair, flaming red lips, stepping on high heels, The swayingwoman came out of the company door.

When she came to the door, she saw the security guard and said impatiently: "It's said that Miss Songis not in the country, who will find it! Trouble!" The

security guard didn't dare to say anything. At this time, Fade Chen and Brother Liu came out with acold face, and said coldly: "We are looking for Song Yaling." As soon as

Miss Xu saw Brother Liu, her expression suddenly changed, and she said coldly, "How come you comeagain?" Are you bothered? I said it all. What you said has nothing to do with Miss Song. Do n’t botherme anymore. ”

After that, I did n’t give Big Brother Liu the opportunity to speak. The lady Xu turned to leave.

When Brother Liu saw this, he couldn't help but anxiously catch up with him, grabbed the other's wrist,and shouted: "You hit my dad, you must give me a statement on this

matter- " Miss Xu was pulled and looked back at this The old middle-aged man took his hand andsuddenly seemed to encounter a hedgehog. The whole person almost jumped up and shouted: "Whatare you doing, let me go. Dirty guy, let me go."

At the same time, she shouted loudly, "Security, security, come soon, drive him away."

However, the security guard at the door had been beaten up by Fade Chen for a long time, and had nocombat effectiveness at all. The only one with a little fighting power left, under Fade Chen's eyes, didnot dare to start.

Miss Xu seeing more anger and worry, shouted:. "! Quick to let go, otherwise, I said you call the policeindecent"

Liu brother temper honest, the other one said the police, he really was afraid, and suddenly it loosenedThe other side's arm.

Seeing that, Miss Xu quickly hurried towards the interior of Anya Entertainment.

However, she didn't take two steps. Fade Chen's figure flickered and appeared in front of Miss Xu,blocking her way.

"What are you doing?" Miss Xu shouted.

Fade Chen said with a cold face: "Song Yaling's collision, you must be responsible."

Miss Xu said impatiently: "I have told you that Miss Song did not collide, you have found the wrongperson."

Fade Chen Leng said: "I was on the scene at the time, and I was an eyewitness. She hit people butdidn't hit them. I saw it clearly. In front of me, I denied that it was useless."

Wen Yan, Miss Xu couldn't help blinking her eyes. . She is Song Yaling's agent, naturally knowing thatSong Yaling's hitting people is true. Moreover, some of the news and messages on the Internet are stillhandled by her, and naturally they know that they are greasy.

Now, she heard that the other party had found an eyewitness, and she couldn't help but chuck in herheart.

However, she responded quickly, and immediately recovered, snorted and said, "You said you were aneyewitness! Who can prove it? I also said that you were hired by him for money and deliberatelyblackmailed Song Miss. "

" I warn you, it's best to leave immediately. Otherwise, wait for the police to come, I want you not to eatand walk around. "Miss Xu hugged her arms around her chest.

Upon hearing this, Brother Liu immediately angered and anxious, shouting: "Dr. Chen is the one whosaved my dad, he is a good person. We have no blackmail."

Miss Xu sneered, "Oh, a group of poor and earthy Guys, if you say no, you do n’t have it! I tell you, youare not only blackmailing, but also suspected of intentionally injuring people. Next, just wait for thepolice to come to your door! "

Brother Liu said, his face flushed suddenly. But he was not good at speaking, and he didn't know whatto do at the moment.

And Fade Chen, when he looked at the attitude of the other party, his eyes could not help but sink, andsaid coldly: "Do you think you really do it seamlessly? I don't believe that there are so many merchantson the scene monitoring, so many passersby, there is no one I captured the scene at that time. "

" As long as I find a live video, you will wait for you to lose your reputation! "Fade Chen said coldly. novelbin

These words, no doubt, hit the weakness of Miss Xu's heart at once. Song Yaling collided with people,although their team went to the pedestrian street shops in time to operate, and all video surveillancewas sealed.

But it is difficult to guarantee that no one will keep a backup in secret, and that no passer-by will takepictures of the scene at that time.

Therefore, what Fade Chen just said is what they are most worried about.

Anxious in her heart, Miss Xu suddenly panicked. Immediately, she quickly reached out the phone andsent a message to Song Yaling explaining the situation here.

A few minutes later, Song Yaling returned the message there: "If they can really find the evidence, theycan just take the evidence and go to the police station. Why should they come here to make trouble.

This shows that the other party has no evidence at hand."

Xu When the lady looked at the information, she immediately felt certain, and then looked at the otherparty's dress and dress, not like someone with the ability to find evidence.

Thinking of this, Miss Xu couldn't help but feel calm for a while, and then said: "There is no evidence ofsomething that does not exist! You want to misrepresent people, find the wrong object, get out!"

Brother Liu was so angry that she was going to run away, her fists were squeezed with blue muscles,and she almost rushed up to beat people.

Fade Chen glanced at him and pulled Brother Liu coldly, said, "Brother Liu, let's go."

He knew that now that he was entangled with the other party, there would be no result. Only when theevidence is obtained and the other party is nailed down completely can this cause them to confinethemselves.

Seeing the two leave, Miss Xu was immediately full of pride and a triumphant smile.

But at this time, Song Yaling sent another message over there and asked what kind of troublesomepeople are here! Miss Xu immediately took a photo of the two on her mobile phone and posted it.Randomly said that the matter has been resolved.

Song Yaling over there was shocked when she saw the photo, because Fade Chen's appearance reallymade her too deep. She was so confident that she felt a little nervous in her heart.

After all, Fade Chen is the majority shareholder of Weitian Entertainment, and he can be regarded as a

person with social status. If he really got the evidence, it would be bad.

The more anxious in his heart, Song Yaling hurriedly sent a message, "Don't mess with that youngman, this matter, I'm afraid it's a little trouble. Starting from the country gangster, even if it is smashedwith money, it must be settled."

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