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Chapter 457

Chapter 457

At the beginning, the old man was still in a coma, and nothing seemed to change. But then, Tao Lingwas surprised to find that the bleeding bleeding behind the old man's head seemed to have stoppedbleeding at this time, and the blood did not continue to flow.

Moreover, the old man's eyelids tremble, and he opened his eyes hurriedly, even waking up from acoma. The pale cheeks also regained some blood now, and they looked much better.

At this time, Tao Ling was really shocked, "Hey, this is--"

At this time, Fade Chen came over and leaned down to take a pulse for the old man, and at thesame time explained: "I sealed the relevant acupoint with a silver needle It stopped the bleeding for theold man. At the same time, he used the silver needle luck to dissolve the congestion in the old man'sskull and contacted the nerve compression, so the old man came over fresh. "

Tao Ling heard Fade Chen's words and felt a magical and incredible.

At this time, the old man slowly sat up from the ground and grateful: "Boy, I know, you saved me. Ifeel much better now, thank you very much." The

old man not only wakes up, but also has a clear conversation , Which surprised Tao Ling again.Quickly leaned down and checked the old man.

Then she was surprised to find that the old man's physical condition was actually much better thanbefore, completely out of danger.

Suddenly, Tao Ling was a little silly, and looked up at Fade Chen incredulously, with no expressionon her face.

At this moment, the ambulance drove over, the crowd gave way, the doctors and nurses werebusy, and quickly carried the elderly to the ambulance. The instrument connected to the car waschecked briefly. Then, the emergency doctors were stupid, "The old people's physical indicators arevery healthy, but there is some blood loss. This does not require emergency treatment at all!"

Tao Ling truly believed in the words of the emergency doctor at the moment. Fade Chen's medicalskills. I was relieved, and I hurried forward to clarify my identity, explained to the emergency doctorwhat I had just said, and asked the doctor to quickly take the old man to the hospital to check it again.

The emergency doctor learned Tao Ling's identity and was very respectful. He nodded quickly andagreed. Quickly took the old man away. novelbin

Seeing that the old man was saved, the people around him gradually dispersed. Fade Chen alsoclapped his hands, ready to leave.

Seeing Tao Ling, he quickly hurriedly stepped up, flying quickly caught up and shouted: “Pleasewait.”

Fade Chen stood still and turned to look at Tao Ling. Do you think I am a liar? "   Tao Ling'scheeks turned slightly red, and his face changed slightly. Immediately, she took a breath and stoodstraight. Then he deeply bowed a 90-degree bow to Fade Chenju and said sincerely: "I'm sorry, what Ijust said was that I was too reckless, with prejudice, misunderstanding your husband. Please alsoforgive me, sir! "   looked at in front of his bowed Tao Ling, Fade Chen really surprised some of the.

After all, Tao Ling, in his twenties, became the director of a department of the city's first hospital, andhis appearance is not bad, about eight points.   It can be said that Tao Ling is definitely a high-quality woman among women. A woman of this level, who rarely had arrogance, took the initiative toapologize to herself for admitting her mistakes, but it made Fade Chen feel a little resentful towardsher, and it completely disappeared at the moment.   So, Fade Chen said, "Well, I forgive you, getup!"   Dr. Tao immediately got up, pushed his glasses, looked at Fade Chen, a smile appeared atthe corner of his mouth, said: "Thank you for your forgiveness."   Fade Chen Wenyan , Waved hishand: "Don't be so polite, my name is Fade Chen, you just call me my name."   Tao Ling smiledsoftly and said, "Dr. Chen, just now I have nothing to hide, please ask Dr. Chen to forgive. I don't knowwhere Dr. Chen is In a hospital? I did n’t seem to have seen Dr. Chen before. ”   Fade Chendaosaid:“ I did n’t work in a hospital. I work in an enterprise. ”

“ Ah, this—but, Mr. Chen, your medicine— ”Tao Ling was surprised.

Fade Chen explained casually: "My medicine is learned from my master."

"It turns out that. Mr. Chen is so young, so medicine is so good. Mr. Chen's master must be afamous Chinese medical sage?" Road.

Fade Chen shook his head and said, "No, my master is not famous at all. It is not a holy hand ofthe Chinese doctor, he is just a doctor who travels by the rivers and lakes."

"Ah, this--" Tao Ling was a little embarrassed.

Seeing this, Fade Chen waved goodbye and said, "I still have something to do. Bye."

"Bye!" Tao Ling waved goodbye and watched Fade Chen turn away. Suddenly wanted to think ofsomething, and hurriedly shouted, "Mr. Chen, please wait. Can I leave your contact information?"

"Uh-" Fade Chen looked at Tao Ling a little unexpectedly.

Tao Ling is also a red face at the moment. After all, she is also a young woman. She asked FadeChen for a phone number from a large audience, and she is very likely to be misunderstood to pursueFade Chen. So, she hurriedly explained: "I was worried about the old man's injury just now, so I wouldlike to leave Mr. Chen your contact information, so I can consult you for advice."

Wen Yan, Fade Chen felt reasonable Nodded, and the phone number was left to Tao Ling.

Then the two sides waved goodbye.

Fade Chen strolled back, playing with a mobile phone on the road, and soon found relevantinformation on Weibo.

Someone posted on Weibo about the accident just now, saying that actress Song Yaling ran awayafter hitting someone, and did not treat the injured. The plot is very bad. The scene was also equippedwith a few pictures of the scene of the old man falling down and the back of Song Yaling's blackMercedes.

As soon as this information was sent out, it quickly caused an uproar on the Internet. For a time,fans of all the netizens fired up.

Some people blamed Song Yaling for the escape and called on the police to arrest her.

Some people say that it is not possible to determine the truth of a thing based on a single Weibo.At the same time, he called on both parties to reveal more evidence.

Song Yaling's fans were even more angry, and rushed to the whistleblower's Weibo, mercilesslyinsulted and personally attacked, and even began to flesh the other party's identity.

Looking at the farce on Weibo, Fade Chen frowned.

After another look, Fade Chen refreshed. Suddenly discovered that the Weibo news just nowdisappeared, and the related hot topic "Song Yaling's escape from the accident" was also blocked.

Later, Song Yaling's personal microblog sent a message denying that he had escaped the incidentand declared that he was innocent. At the same time, he rebuked those who broke the news.

Not long after Weibo was posted, it was reposted by many big V marketing accounts. SongYaling's fans even had a carnival, rushed to the Weibo of those who doubted Song Yaling, and brushedthe screen with insult.

For a time, the Internet was lively.

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