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Chapter 455

Chapter 455

But just as Fade Chen was about to walk, the security guards and bodyguards pulling the cordonsuddenly waved rubber sticks and shouted fiercely: “Give way, give me way! "The

security guards drove the fans and passers-by to open up a path.

Immediately, the assistant agent hurried away with Song Yaling. Photographers and lightingengineers also left. It seems that this shooting is over. novelbin

Fans saw Song Yaling about to leave, one by one was naturally very reluctant, crowded next to thecordon, waving his mobile phone and autograph, shouted one by one.

"Song Yaling, I love you!"

"Yaling, give me a name!"

"Yaling, I am a 15-year old fan of you."

"Look here, Yaling." The

fans are very enthusiastic, this Song Yaling's attitude was very cold. She glanced at everyoneobliquely with sunglasses, and then speeded up. She got into a black Mercedes-Benz car and greetedthe driver to drive away.

Originally, this section of the commercial street was not allowed to drive motor vehicles. But a star

like Song Yaling is obviously a special case.

The car started at once, not slow, and rushed forward. Fans and passers-by who were watching infront were suddenly taken aback and hurriedly made way for the car to leave.

Some passers-by saw this and could not help frowning.

"What are you doing so hard and almost hit someone!"

"This is a pedestrian street, and the car can't drive!"

"Stars can do special things, what?"

"Damn, I almost hit me just now. Hurry! "

Passers-by were dissatisfied. Some of the brain-washing fans heard the words and suddenlyrushed over them one by one, defending Song Yaling and arguing with them.

"Who told you to stand in front of you for not giving way, and blamed Yaling for driving too hard!"

"My Yaling is a big star, let alone driving here, even if you go to the Forbidden City, it is justified."

"It's your blessing to bump into you!"

"What are you talking about, why should I say Yaling in my family?"

Passers-by and brain-scattered fans fought together, and the scene was suddenly a bit chaotic.

Fade Chen looked at the ear-red brain powder can't help but shake my head and sigh. Not tomention anything else, just talking about the behavior of these brain powders makes him a passer-byfeel a sense of disgust towards Song Yaling.

Not interested in watching these boring things, Fade Chen squeezed away the crowd and wasready to leave.

But at this moment, there was an exclamation in front of him, and then someone exclaimed.

"It's hitting people, quickly, stop!"

"Stop them, hurry, and don’t let them run."

"No, bleeding, is there a doctor? Come and save people!"

"The car ran, quickly, Stop now! "

There was a shrill engine roar in the shouts, and then there were exclamations and shouts ofpassers-by.

Fade Chen turned away from the crowd and rushed past quickly. At a glance, on the pedestrianstreet in front, an old man was lying on the ground with blood oozing from the back of his head, stainingthe floor tiles red.

In front, a black Mercedes quickly left, the same car that Song Yaling had just got on.

"The star hits people and escapes!" Fade Chen's heart moved, and his expression cooled down.

Looking at the Mercedes-Benz sedan that was about to leave the pedestrian street, Fade Chenmoved, trying to rush over to stop the sedan. But at this moment, people exclaimed, "No, the old manis in a coma, come and save people!"

Fade Chen heard that he could only stop and hurried towards the unconscious old man who washit.

There were many people watching around the old man, but there were no people who helped.After all, this kind of accident is not a professional, and most people don't dare to do it casually.Besides, in this society, there are many things to save people who are wronged. Everyone is worried.At this moment, they dare not take action casually.

Therefore, the onlookers on the scene surrounded the third floor, but they could only hurry. No onecould do anything.

Fade Chen didn't have so many concerns, he rushed directly to the old man, leaned down, quicklyobserved the old man's condition, and then grasped the old man's wrist and started to pulse.

In less than a minute, Fade Chen let go of his hand, and then took out a pair of silver needles thathe carried with him. Shout to passers-by: "Who has liquor

and a lighter, give it to me." The passers-by were busy for a while. Soon, someone brought a bottleof Erguotou and a lighter from the roadside store and handed it to Fade Chen.

Fade Chen's left hand connects to the Erguotou, thumb and forefinger gently squeezed, anddirectly pinched the wine bottle. Then, Fade Chen poured Erguotou onto the silver needle, washed it, litthe lighter, and burned the silver needle.

The silver needle was burned by the faint blue flame, and the sterilization was completed quickly.

Then, Fade Chen squeezed the silver needle and turned to the position of the old man's head. Hisgaze condensed.

Seeing that the silver needle was about to stab the old man's head, at this moment, a woman'sscream came over, "What are you doing, stop it!"

Fade Chen heard the sound and stopped his movements. Looking up, then I saw a 26-year-oldwoman with short hair and a pair of black-framed glasses on her face, quickly walked over to this side.

"Uh--" Fade Chen frowned lightly, then bowed his head, ready to continue to prick the needle.

But when the short-haired woman saw it, her voice became more severe. She rushed over andshouted: "I let you stop, didn't you hear?" The

short-haired woman rushed over and grabbed Fade Chen's wrist, staring fiercely Fade Chen.

"I'm saving people, don't delay my time." Fade Chen said.

The passers-by around this time also pointed at the woman and talked about it, obviouslydissatisfied with her behavior of preventing Fade Chen from saving people.

"Save people? Use such a long silver needle to pierce your head. Are you saving or harming?"The short-haired woman shouted sharply.

"I am a Chinese medicine doctor, and acupuncture is a normal thing." Fade Chen explained.

"Traditional Chinese Medicine!" The short-haired woman looked at Fade Chen and shouted, "Whatis this Chinese medicine doing this nonsense, can this kind of injury be cured by Chinese medicine?Not to mention, you have not graduated from university at this age, Chinese medicine What level can ithave? "

Fade Chen looked at the paler old man, frowning with dissatisfaction, and said," You are stoppingme from saving people. Do you know that you are killing people? "

"Your Chinese medicine doctor pricked the needle indiscriminately, and that was life-threatening."The woman shouted, and then pushed away Fade Chen, said, "I'm the director of internal medicine of ahospital in the city. This kind of injury in a car accident can't be treated by Chinese medicine, you Don'tmake trouble, let go! "

The passerby who was still dissatisfied with the woman heard that the woman turned out to be thedirector of internal medicine at the city's first hospital.

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