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Chapter 393

Chapter 393

Following Fade Chen's gaze, the village head and others could not help but turned their heads andlooked over the highway. When they saw those official vehicles coming. His complexion also changedsomewhat.

Some villagers disagree: "The police came and how we do this, they dare to control it??"

"That is before the alarm is nobody, but we have this thing, they can stop."

But then it was discovered When something went wrong, he said: "No, there is a police, a court, and acar from the industry and commerce. All the people in the major law enforcement departments havecome. I feel something is wrong!" novelbin

"The public security is useless, the industry and commerce, the court What's the use, can we reallyarrest us? "Still some villagers don't think that after all, they have been making trouble in their villagesfor so many years, except for occasional things that are a bit big, and press on it. Other small things,almost no one will control .

Many villagers nodded their heads at this moment. Although I felt a little strange, I still didn't feelanything.

But the passers-by drivers and tourists beside him, seeing this posture, suddenly felt that things wereunusual. After all, the characters who can collectively dispatch the public security, courts, industry andcommerce and other major departments are definitely not small people.

For a time, everyone's eyes were all focused on Fade Chen, waiting for everything to happen next.

The whistling vehicle came to a stop and a public official in various uniforms came down. Then theywalked towards Fade Chen together, Qi Qi respectfully saluted: "Mr. Chen is good!"

Fade Chen nodded and said lightly: "Go!"

Then, the group of people with briefcases and suits left come out.

Facing the head of the village, he said loudly: "I am Xu Zhihua from Longjiang City Red Star Law Firm."

Hearing this name, the villagers did not feel anything. But tourists and drivers were shocked andamazed. Because this Xu Zhihua is definitely the first lawyer in the provincial capital, especially in civillitigation, it is definitely a good hand. I don't know how many complicated and difficult cases came tohim, and finally came alive.

Of course, if Mr. Xu is so powerful, the fees are naturally not low. And now, Fei Chen can call XuZhihua's servants with a phone call, and he still brings almost all the people from the law firm. Its strongidentity background has made some people feel incredible.

When the villagers heard the lawyer, it was a little unknown at the moment. So, the village head heldthe hoe tightly, glaring at Xu Zhihua, and shouted, "What about the lawyer? We are standing on theroad, and we haven't broken the law. What do you want to do to catch us? "

Xu Zhihua shook his head and said lightly:" I'm talking to you now, it's not the thing now. "

" Then you-- "The village head was even more puzzled.

Xu Zhihua reached out and the assistant next to him handed over the documents. Xu Zhihua glancedat the name of the village head and said, "Your name is Liu Yong!"

"What do you want--" The calmness of the lawyer made the village head a little nervous.

Xu Zhihua turned on the information and said: "Your family opened a small restaurant in the town.Some customers have reported that the hygiene of your restaurant is not up to standard. We entrustedour law firm to prosecute the restaurant and demand a claim of 200,000 yuan. "

" 200,000, impossible. "The village chief shouted immediately," There can be no health problems in ourrestaurant, we passed the inspection. "

" Is it? "The lawyer said coldly, and then spoke to the neighbouring health bureau. Public officialspointed. Public officials of the Health Bureau came over and presented an inspection report, "This is aninspection of your restaurant just now. There are as many as thirty-eight places where health is not upto standard. This is a notice of closure."

" No- — "The village chief has to defend.

Attorney Xu Zhihua immediately added in a cold voice: "In addition to the restaurant health issues. Youcan suspect that the restaurant bribes Huang Branch Chief of the Health Bureau and illegally obtains ahealth permit. For this point, Huang Section Chief has been removed from the office to prosecute, youas an accomplice, You will also be held accountable. "During the

talk, the policeman of the public security came over and showed the handcuffs directly.

The head of the village was dumbfounded by so many crimes, and his face was horrible. He looked atthe bright handcuffs in front of him, gritted his teeth, shouted, and said, "I'm not guilty, and myrestaurant is fine. You never want to frame us, we I won't go with you. "During the talk

, he threw his arms and greeted the villagers behind him.

Suddenly, a group of villagers rushed over and shoved to stop the police from catching people. Thingsseemed to be getting bigger and bigger.

But the villagers are not nervous at all, because similar things, they have not experienced before. Everytime a police officer comes to catch someone, as long as they work together, it is almost impossible forthe police to take the person away.

This time, they think the situation is the same.

But at this time, the old snakes came in handy and played directly at this station, blocking the villagers.

The villagers dared to deal with public officials because they knew they would not dare to deal withthemselves. And now, the old snakes stood in front of them, and they dare not start.

Xu Zhihua glanced at the crowd with a cold expression behind the old snake, and pointed to a middle-aged man shoving, saying: "Your name is Liu Gang, and his wife is working in a construction site in thecity, right!"

"How do you know?" Liu Gang froze.

Xu Zhihua immediately pulled out a document and said in a cold voice: "Your husband and wife havebeen expelled from the construction company. In addition, due to the failure of your work, the eightprojects on the construction site need to be reconstructed. The tax office requires you to compensateyou for the loss of 120,000 yuan in the indictment issued by you. "

"120 thousand, impossible, I--" Liu Gang was scared when he heard the figure of 120 thousand.

Xu Zhihua ignored him at all and looked at the next old lady sitting on the ground, saying, "Your nameis Huang Yuhua, and your son is working in a car company in the county. Now I officially inform youthat he was fired And, because of work mistakes, the company claimed 50,000 yuan. "The

old lady couldn't help but stunned, and immediately fell to the ground, began to roll and shouted," Bullthe people, you are bullying my son will not - "

Xu Zhihua face expressionless, cold channel:" And your grandchildren, your son because of lack ofdocuments has been dropped out because of school, this is the notice. ".

the old woman about some silly, Open mouth is about to shout loudly.

But at this time, Xu Zhihua immediately opened another stack of materials and said coldly: "There isalso the foundation of your home, which is illegally enlarged by one meter wide. The UrbanConstruction Bureau will immediately demolish it. You are ready to move."

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