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Chapter 370

Chapter 370

The lobby manager saw that Fade Chen and Lin Qiuhan did not move, frowned frowning dissatisfiedly,and waved for someone to come.

Fade Chen Shen said: "I'm waiting for a VIP here, are you sure you want to catch someone?"

"Gui VIP!" The lobby manager froze for a moment, and some were frightened.

Ji Ming sneered, and said: "A foreigner, what kind of dignitaries can you meet here? Just keep editing!"When

Ji Ming said this, the lobby manager woke up. These two people are obviously foreign tourists, who canknow the local guests. Obviously, Fade Chen's words deliberately scared him.

Thinking of this, the lobby manager sneered and said disdainfully: "Your so-called dignitaries are here,and we will also drive away. This is not where you stay."

At this moment, a fat figure came in, After glancing at Fade Chen, he waved and said hello: "Mr. Chen,I'm here."

Fade Chen looked at Gu boss and waved. Then I looked at the lobby manager and Ji Ming and othersand said, "My VIP is here." The

lobby manager snorted and waved, "I will take care of all your VIPs,

but I will rush out" Before he finished speaking, he turned to see the fat voice coming over, suddenlydumbfounded, the voice was scared and retracted into his throat, staring at the person before him inamazement: "This, this ? position is your guests'

ranging answered Fade Chen, Gu boss enthusiastic walked over, Fade Chen grasp a hand, smiled andsaid:. "Mr. Chen, to keep you waiting,"

"easier to do, fast Sit, let's talk about the business, "boss Gu said.

But Fade Chen glanced at the lobby manager and Ji Ming, who were next to him, and said, "Someonedoesn't want us to sit down, and says we are not worthy to eat here, we have to drive us away."

"Who is so bold and dare to chase my guests?" Gu Lao shouted angrily.

The lobby manager next to him suddenly shuddered and apologized: "Gu, boss, I, I don't know thatthey are your guests, me

." "You don't need to find any reason to inform you that boss Huang has come to apologize foradmitting the mistake, and then you can leave yourself."

Boss Gu spoke, the lobby manager dare to say more, but nodded, but promised to leave.

Ji Ming and his party next to him were totally dumb at the moment. Some people who have n’trecovered from God come to us with doubts and said, "Here, is this Boss of the Valley, very powerful?"The

educated youths next to him quickly said: "Boss of the Valley is a veritable boss of Fuma Town, andboth black and white are profound Relationship. Even the investment investigation of our delegation,the boss of Fuma Town is the principal. "

" What! "They didn't expect this boss to be so powerful. What made them unexpected was that FadeChen, a foreign tourist, knew a local gangster, and it seemed that their relationship was very good.

At this time, the expression on Ji Ming's face sank, and his face was so dark that he almost drippedwater.

Boss Gu gave them a cold look, and then said in a cold voice: "You don't have to respect my friends.You don't need to talk about investing. You guys in the delegation, go back!"

Ji Ming didn't expect this little thing of his own , Even affecting the entire inspection team, suddenly alittle panicked. After all, the delegation that came over this time is not the only one, there are at leastseven or eight, and finally bidding.

Now, as soon as Mr. Gu spoke, their delegation might be overwhelmed, and there would be no moreopportunities.

I thought that if I had messed up the bidding, after going back, my father would not kill myself. Ji Mingsuddenly became soft and almost paralyzed. Open his mouth and prepare to ask.

Boss Gu didn't wait for him to open his mouth, waved his hand, and said in a cold voice: "Go away, Idon't want to listen to your nonsense."

Ji Mingwen said, suddenly his eyes were black, and he fainted directly. The companions around himnovelbin

suddenly lifted Ji Ming away.

Seeing that the matter was resolved, Yao Ying also saw that Fade Chen seemed to have something totalk about, so he waved away.

Then, boss Gu ordered a table of signature dishes, and then chatted with Fade Chen and Lin Qiuhanabout Lin Qiuyuan.

The boss Gu beckoned. A man of fifty or sixty years old with dark cheeks walked over and looked atthe boss with some fear.

Boss Gu asked the old peasant to sit down, and then took out the photo, and said to Fade Chen andLin Qiuhan: "This is an old horse, an old resident in our town. The location on the photo wasrecognized by him."

"The location is Under the Fuma Mountain west of the town, there were originally dozens ofhouseholds. Because of the development of the Fuma Mountain, they all moved out in the past fewyears. Now the village is almost completely empty. Occasionally some villagers will sneak in Go backand find something. "

Said, Mr. Gu looked at Lama, and Lama said:" I am the one who moved out of the village. I can seefrom the scenery behind the window that this house should be the village head Ma Dafu. Home. "

" Ma Dafu's child is lonely. His home is not in the village and is relatively close to the top of themountain. Usually, few people come and go with him. After he moved out, he went to the field, and theroom was empty. . of the "

Lin Qiuhan one, look in the eyes of got a little excited, said:" able to determine the location, then we gofaster "!

Valley boss said:" Miss Lin, now it was late, and very difficult to walk the mountain Up the mountain, Iam afraid and insecure, Heidengxiahuo, if encountered criminals, we are not good captured. ".

Fade Chen Lin Qiuhan shook hands, nodded and said:" Do not worry, tomorrow is the deadline, as wellas Time."

Mr. Gu nodded and said: "Mr. Chen, Miss Lin, or else. Tomorrow I let Lao Ma and Mr. Chen together,and I will send a few people to go together."

"Because I have a meeting of the delegation, I can't talk to Mr. Chen walked together. "Gu bossexplained.

Fade Chendao: "Boss Gu has helped a lot and is in trouble. Then go tomorrow!"

Lin Qiuhan hurriedly said: "I will go together."

Gu boss immediately exhorted and said: "Miss Lin, that mountain road It ’s not easy to go, I ’m afraid it’s not convenient for you to go. Moreover, the gangsters are also very likely to be there. If they are indanger, they will be in trouble. ”

Fade Chen said that he also made some sense. I didn't want my wife to be in danger, so I squeezedmy wife's hand and said, "My wife is at ease, I will do it, no problem. You just wait for my good news inthe town."

Lin Qiuhan knew he couldn't help much So he nodded and responded with a "huh".

Mr. Gu immediately said: "Mr. Chen and Ms. Lin are assured that I will arrange to protect Ms. Linwithout problems."

"Well, thank you!" Fade Chen and Lin Qiuhan nodded.

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