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Chapter 367

Chapter 367

Fade Chen "hanged his head and held his chest" and spent a fiery night.

The next day with a circle of dark circles, he got up from the bed in a daze. The wife got up early, afterwashing, dressed, urged Fade Chendao: "Get up quickly, today is the next day, time is running out."

Fade Chen knew that his wife was talking about Lin Qiuyuan, No more stubborn, quickly turned overfrom the bed.

As a result, he forgot that he didn't wear anything on him last night, so he got out of bed directly, andsuddenly he was gloomy. Lin Qiuhan suddenly looked hot, and turned around quickly.

Fade Chen smiled, quickly put on his clothes, and quickly washed. Then go downstairs with LinQiuhan.

The owner and waiter of the hotel, when they saw Fade Chen and Lin Qiuhan again, were morerespectful and enthusiastic than seeing their relatives. I served breakfast enthusiastically, and askedthe two of them, what other services are needed, although they can be ordered.

Since there is breakfast, Fade Chen and Lin Qiuhan will not have trouble going out to eat. Just havingbreakfast in the hotel, and then chatting with his wife about saving Lin Qiuyuan while eating.

Because there is only one photo and the broad address of Fumar Town, no specific places arementioned at all. If they rely on themselves, it is almost impossible to find Lin Qiuyuan within theprescribed time.

Therefore, the most reliable way now should be to find local people, let them help find, maybe there isstill a chance.

When Fade Chen secretly decided to find Brother Mantis and they were looking for someone, BrotherMantis and the shopkeeper came over respectfully. "Hello, Mr. Chen!"

"Well, how did you come?" For their Fade Chen was a little surprised.

Brother Mantis stooped and smiled and said: "Mr. Chen, our Mr. Otani wants to meet you."

"Boss Gu!" Fade Chen raised an eyebrow and said coldly, "Why, Tang Lang, you go back andcomplain. I want you, Boss Gu, to teach me."

Brother Mantis quickly waved his hand, "No, no, I don't. Chen Sir, you misunderstood. "

" Is it really a misunderstanding? "Fade Chen glared at Mantis.

When Tang Lang was anxious and frightened, a thick male voice rang, and then Fade Chen saw amiddle-aged man in his forties or forties came over.

The middle-aged man is very fat, holding a huge beer belly, and his head is bald to becomeMediterranean, with a smile on his face, looking like a businessman.

But the man reached out to Fade Chen: "Mr. Chen, hello. This is Gu Dafu."

"Gu Boss!" Fade Chen was a little surprised to see Gu Boss. Did not go to shake hands with boss Gu.

The boss of this valley seems to have a good temper. Seeing that Fade Chen did not reach out, norshowed an unpleasant look, he withdrew his right hand. Then he smiled and said: "Mr. Chen, I camehere early in the morning to express my apology to Mr. Chen." novelbin

Fade Chen raised an eyebrow and looked at Boss Gu, looking a little surprised.

After all, according to the innkeeper, Gu boss is the absolute leader of Fuma Town, regardless of thewhite road and the underworld, it is the leader.

As a result, this smiling fat man, without any boss's cruelty, seemed rather kind.

Seeing that Fade Chen did n’t reply, Mr. Gu explained to himself: "Mr. Chen, this is the case. Last nightI learned about Tang Lang, and it was a big mistake to know that he irritated Mr. Chen. Last night, I Hetaught him a hard meal. "

" Considering that it was too late, I didn't come to apologize to Mr. Chen yesterday. I got up early thismorning and came to express my apologies to Mr. Chen. "

During the speech, the boss of the valley even bends his fat waist hard and bowed to Fade Chen toapologize.

The innkeeper and the mantis behind him also hurriedly bent over to apologize.

Such a good attitude for admitting mistakes really made Fade Chen feel a little unexpected. "Is thisValley boss after washing white and not black, his temper is much better."

"However, the average businessman does not have such a good temper! "Fade Chen thought, butanyway, good temper is always a good thing.

Since the other party was polite, Fade Chen did not embarrass them. There was nothing to say, and Ihad a few words with Mr. Gu, saying that the matter was over.

Mr. Gu once again expressed his gratitude, and took Brother Mantis and the hotel owner to bow toFade Chen for a while, thanking him.

Afterwards, Mr. Gu asked enthusiastically: "Mr. Chen, you and your wife came to our town of Fuma. Isit tourism or something else? Is there anything we need to help us with?"

Thinking of Lin Qiuyuan, Fade Chen couldn't help but move. I glanced at Lin Qiuhan, nodded at theboss, and looked at Boss Gu, and said, "Speaking of it, I really have something. I want Boss Gu, youcan help."

"Mr. Chen, as long as it is my Dafu, I can help Yes, never postpone. "Gu boss laughed and chuckled.

Fade Chen turned on the phone and called up the photo of Lin Qiuyuan, saying: "I want to find thisperson, only this photo, the other person said, the location is in Fuma Town, I want to know the specificlocation."

Gu boss After looking at the photo for a while, I said, "Looking at the photo, the scenery outside thewindow should be really in our town of Fuma. But there are many similar scenes. I am not sure. I needto find an acquaintance to recognize it. It may take some time. "

Trouble boss Gu as soon as possible, the other party has a limited time." Fade Chendao, then sent thephoto to boss Gu.

"Sure, sure!" Gu boss nodded. "I will send the photos immediately and let them find local people to seeif they can find this place."

"Trouble Gu boss!" Fade Chen thanked.

Mr. Gu

laughed and said, " Mr. Chen is too polite. It is Mr. Chen who didn't care about our conflict. It should beour gratitude." Fade Chen waved his hand and smiled, "Let the past, let him go "No!"

Gu boss nodded and smiled. "Mr. Chen is generous and we admire. In this way, Mr. Chen and yourwife use it slowly. I'll go back to find someone first. I have news to contact the two."

Fade Chen nodded: " Well, thank you very much. "The

head of the stock smiled and waved goodbye, leaving Brother Mantis and the hotel owner.

The matter of finding someone is also a wink, and the two of them suddenly feel more relaxed.

Lin Qiuhan took a sip of soy milk and said, "I didn't expect the boss in this place to be so good attalking."

Fade Chen smiled. "Perhaps because he is a businessman now!"

"Well." Lin Qiuhan nodded. "Now, just Hope to find a clue soon. I hope Qiuyuan will not have anythingto do. "

Fade Chen took Lin Qiuhan's hand and squeezed gently, said:" Relax, there is me, it's okay. "

Lin Qiuhan felt warm and exposed A smile, nodded.

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