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Chapter 359

Chapter 359

Among them, Fade Chen and Lin Qiuhan were on the other side of their seats. A pair of men andwomen who were twenty-five or sixty years old were even more excited and yelled. They took outphotography equipment that was extremely expensive at first glance, and started shooting.

But at this moment, the car suddenly stopped suddenly, and the car stopped suddenly.

The person in the car who was filming was caught off guard at the moment and leaned forward. It wascrackling and fell a lot of people at once. Some of them's cell phones and cameras were also broken,and they immediately complained and scolded.

Fade Chen's ability is good, and at once he supported the back of the table and chairs, but hestabilized his body and hugged his wife Lin Qiuhan at the same time. But this time, his wife wasawakened.

Just as Lin Qiuhan was confused and ready to ask what happened, there was a crunch, the door of thecar was blown open, and then four men with black threaded hats rushed up fiercely.

They held things like daggers and hammers, and when they rushed up, they controlled the driver. Theother three walked towards the back of the car and yelled angrily: "Everyone is seated, not allowed tomove, and take out valuable things." After

seeing this posture, the passengers in the car suddenly panicked. I even met the robber. Suddenlynervous one by one.

Someone wanted to sneak out the phone alarm, but the other party was obviously experienced. Hedirectly grabbed the phone and smashed it with a hammer, and threatened with fierceness: "If youmess up again, the next hammer will not be You hit it on your phone, but it hits your head. "At

this point, everyone dared not move, and could only sit on the spot with fear. novelbin

Fade Chen frowned lightly and hugged Lin Qiuhan, who was trembling. I quickly thought about it.

These four robbers, of course, are not a problem for him. But the question is whether these fourrobbers have anything to do with the kidnappers of Lin Qiuyuan, are they deliberately attractingthemselves and their wives to show up?

With doubts in his heart, Fade Chen didn't do anything, and shrunk his head in a frightened manner.

At this time, the robbers had already taken out the cloth bags that had been prepared for a long timeand began to collect property from front to back.

Cell phones, cameras, wallets, and jewelry were all left untouched. After the search was cleaned, theywere all thrown into the bag.

Most of the people in the car are outsiders. Obviously, their own safety is more important than money.All the valuable things are handed over in cooperation.

The robber looked at the bag full of dangdang's harvest and seemed very happy. Obviously, this piececaught a big fat sheep.

Soon, they came to the young men and women on the other side of Fade Chen and Lin Qiuhan, urgingthem to surrender things.

With a worried look on his face, the boy took the initiative to hand over his wallet, mobile phone andcamera. Money the robbers saw the burly wallet thick wad of money, suddenly laughed, "Hey, did notexpect to encounter big money Sheep, yes, yes!"

Said the burly side with a knife robbers Take a few shots on the young man's face.

The man trembled in shock and his voice trembled: "I, I have paid all my valuables. You, you don't wantto hurt me. If you want more money, I can call home and ask, as long as you don't hurt me, Any amountof money is fine. "It can be

seen that this guy is a fool afraid of death. At this time, he even revealed his family background.

But fortunately, these robbers have strong professional qualities and smiled and said: "Boy, we arerobbing, not kidnapping for extortion. You fat sheep, we remember, next time!" The

man suddenly He laughed a little and didn't know what to say.

At this time, the robber urged the girl next to the man to hand over.

The girl reluctantly handed over the things. When she finally put the camera, she said: "Can you let metake out the memory card in the camera, there are many photos I took, there is no backup. I don't wantto"

"Little girl! We are robbers, we are not here to discuss business with you, let go of things!" A robber

behind him grabbed the camera and stuffed it into the bag.

And the burly robber with a dagger could n’t help but smile at the moment, “I did n’t expect that thisrobbery also encountered two wonderful flowers, one was so timid as to die, and took the initiative topay the money. , Interesting. "

The young man heard a word, and he was terrified suddenly, and his body shrank more tightly. The girlsighed and looked at the camera that was thrown into the bag, with a sad expression on her face.

After collecting the money of the young men and women, the robber's immediate goal naturally turnedto Fade Chen and Lin Qiuhan.

Fade Chen embraced Lin Qiuhan in his arms and then took out his wallet and mobile phone.

The robber nodded, put away his things, and prepared to move forward to take the next one.

But at this moment, the burly robber with a dagger in his hand was staring at Lin Qiuhan in

Fade Chen's arms and said, "What's the matter with her, she uncovered her clothes?" It turned out thatFade Chen held Lin Qiuhan in his arms , Covering his head with clothes.

Fade Chen explained: "This is my wife. I'm sick and I can't see the light."

Instead of listening, the dagger robber approached and reached out his hand and

said, "Sick? That's a search." A pair of big hands probed Lin Qiuhan. Fade Chen's eyes suddenly fixedon his side, blocking the robber's movements.

The robber suddenly looked down and shouted, "Your boy is looking for death!"

Immediately, he pulled the clothes off Lin Qiuhan's head.

Suddenly, Lin Qiuhan's delicate and pretty face appeared in front of everyone.

Dagger robbers could not help but froze a moment, then face appeared out of touch of stunning color,licking his lips, hehe smiles: "! No wonder not let me search, your wife had such a beautiful ah,"

"Hey, this girl, this Face, this figure, not bad, not bad. The best, better than the stars on TV. "During thespeech, the dagger robber's eyes appeared evil.

The other robbers also came over at this moment, and when they looked at Lin Qiuhan's appearance,they suddenly shined. Even a lot of passengers are showing amazing colors at this time. Obviously,they did not expect such a big beauty to sit in the car.

A robber laughed: "Boss, drag on, have fun."

"This kind of super girl, can't miss it! Boss!"

"Boss, your first. Our brothers take turns."

"Hey, this It ’s worth a lifetime to play a chick. ”In

a while of swearing, the boss robber with a dagger smiled and stretched out his dagger to point to FadeChen. Don't snatch it. "

Fade Chen's eyes dropped, and a chill appeared in his eyes.

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