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Chapter 348

Chapter 348

When Sun Fengqin looked at the delicate and warm jade in Fade Chen's hands, he thought of the jadein the dust in the box in his study for a long time, and instantly thought of the gorgeous figure, and hisface paled in an instant, "You, how do you have this "

" How can I have this? "Fade Chen sneered," This jade is the jade that Lin Qiuhan took to your Sun'sfamily for help? "

" As a result, your Sun 's family completely forgot their promises, not only did not help, Also tried toforce Lin Qiuhan to stay forcibly. Could it be that your Sun family repays this kind of favor? "Fade Chenasked angrily. novelbin

Sunfeng Qin trembling a little, seems to not believe things in front of desperately shaking his head, "No,this is impossible. She, she would have died, it is impossible to come back, which is impossible!"

"Do not die, you The Sun family's promises are not counted, can the former kindness not be reported?"Fade Chenhan said.

"Compassion, Commitment!" Sun Fengqin mumbled these words in his mouth, shaking his headdesperately, a firm light appeared in his eyes, "No, no, my Sun Fengqin does not owe her anything.She has no affection for me, I don't owe her. "

" Really? "Fade Chen said coldly.

"Of course it is!" Sun Fengqin was a little crazy at the moment, "I gave her the things she gave me. I

have followed her, and I have been a slave for so many years, driven by her like a dog, which has longoffset her. Worthless rewards. "

" Worthless rewards? "Fade Chen sneered," You seem to have forgotten, how is your current strengthcome from? If there is no one, you are an abandoned grandson. " How can the children of the familybranch suddenly rise, return to the Sun family, and become the first master of the provincial capital. "

" She just started to give something and the rest is all my own efforts, and it has nothing to do with her."Sun Fengqin roared, with a look of excitement in his eyes," I am now stronger, I am the first master ofthe provincial capital. I am no longer afraid of her, I am no longer a slave to anyone. "

"Moreover, she is already dead. Who knows whether Yu Pei is her. Even if she returns with her in hand,my Sun Fengqin will no longer be her servant and will not be driven by her again. Because of me, Sheis stronger. "Sun Fengqin shouted excitedly.

Fade Chen shook his head and sneered coldly, "It seems that you don't know who you were with at thattime?"

"Who?" Sun Fengqin froze for a while, then said, "Aren't you just a martial artist? I was too weak at thattime, so when I followed her, I felt that she was so strong. But now, I am the first master of theprovincial capital. What is she? "

" Frog at the bottom of the well, you don't know anything, but still Self-righteous. Take a closer look atthis jade pendant! "Fade Chen said that he lost the jade pendant.

Sun Fengqin holding the jade pendant, looked closely, and soon discovered that this jade pendant was

different from the jade pen in his box. Both the front and the back of the jade are carved with exquisitepatterns of ancient buildings and stars.

The pattern is exquisite and simple, but Sun Fengqin feels very unfamiliar, and he is not familiar withthe pattern. "What is this! Do you want to sculpt me suddenly, come to cheat me."

"Fool you?" Fade Chen shook his head sneered, "It seems You are the No. 1 master in the provincialcapital. For so many years, it has been completely in vain. Even the sign of

Wushuanglou was not recognized? " " Wushuanglou? What's not there? "Sun Fengqin said, what hethought suddenly, he was shocked and his face appeared. A shocked expression, "You, you are talkingabout Wushuanglou, one of the four major forces of the present day? No, this is impossible. The sign ofWushuanglou is not like this. You are lying to me."

Fade Chen said coldly: "The logo of Wushuang Building was changed and simplified 20 years ago. Andthis logo is the symbol of the old Wushuang Building, and it can only be worn by disciples above theinner door."

"So, you followed The at least disciple of the inner door of Wushuanglou. "Fade Chen looked at SunFengqin." Now, do you still think that the favor she gave you was a small benefit? Do you still think thatbeing her servant Is it a shame?

"This, this is impossible, this must not be true." Sun Fengqin could not believe what was in front of her,"she, how could she be a person without a double floor, this"

Sun Fengqin's head was a little dazed. You must know that Wushuanglou is a top-level force, and anyordinary disciple is born. Many predecessors and seniors in the martial arts world even voluntarily

followed a common disciple as a servant, hoping to get some guidance and care.

This is just an ordinary disciple, not to mention the inner disciple of Wushuanglou, which is definitely anelite. Just come out alone, it is the existence of prefect masters.

Masters of that level, not to mention servants, even slaves, even dogs, don't know how many peopleare willing to be.

Her Sun Fengqin, when ignorant and unconscious, used such a master as a guide, how many peoplecould not have asked for it.

But at this time, I remembered the herbs she taught her to give herself. Only then did Sun Fengqinrealize the mystery, why he can become the first master in the provincial capital by the middle of hismiddle age. It turned out that that is the power of the top forces.

At this moment, Sun Fengqin recalled his unwillingness and self-confidence, and suddenly felt a puckerin his heart, feeling very ridiculous and terrible.

Her so-called strength, the name of the so-called provincial master, the so-called power of her Sunfamily. In that eye, it was not worth mentioning at all, it was like an ant.

Sun Fengqin didn't want to believe this kind of thing. Suddenly, she groaned in her head and thought ofsomething. It's like grabbing a straw and shaking his head like crazy, "No, it's not true, everything ismade up by you, you're lying to me, you must be lying to me."

"Otherwise, you simply can't Explain why she is so powerful, as a disciple in the door of WushuangBuilding, she died silently, and Wushuang Building did not conduct any investigation. This is

unreasonable, very unreasonable. So, your words, sure Is lying. "Sun Fengqin shouted frantically.

"Dead?" Fade Chen frowned slightly, and thought of the wife Lin Qiuhan's appearance, she couldn'thelp shaking. But then he shook his head and said, "I don't know what she is sending? But I can tellyou what, I didn't lie."

"No, you must be lying, you" Sun Fengqin is still denying, he doesn't want to believe his strength Theone who rebelled turned out to be a matter of disciple Wushuanglou.

Fade Chen didn't explain much. He directly figured out a jade pendant and asked, "This logo hasn'tbeen changed. Should you know it?

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