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Chapter 337

Chapter 337

Sun Yonghui heard the words and suddenly looked happy, but when Fade Chen was still standing atthe door, he didn't dare to say anything. He could only say: "I know!"

And at this time, Sun Yongfei and Sun Xi looked suffocated and a little nervous. Looked at Fade Chen.

Fade Chen's eyes were

dull, and he said coldly: "It seems that the lesson of war is not enough." "Go, I will meet him now when Igo out!" Fade Chen walked out of the meteor, and Sun Yongfei and Sun Xi followed closely behind .

In the hall behind him, Sun Yonghui and others saw Fade Chen going out, which relieved him. Thenthinking of the war odds, his face could not help but smile, whispered, "The war is coming, the kidnamed Chen is finished."

Some people are still worried, saying: "Then Fade Chen, it seems very powerful Strong.

Without him, can he beat Fade Chen? " Waiting for Sun Yonghui to speak, Yang Shuhong had aresentful expression in his eyes, and said:" Fighting is not an ordinary person, their ancestors aremilitary I was born and practiced real killing skills. Even if I

am out of the military, I still have a deep background with the military, and my strength will not be weak."The Sun family felt relieved and looked better when they heard this some.

Sun Yonghui added somberly, "Moreover, even the strength of the people brought by the war is not

enough. But their identity is not Fade Chen's dynamic. That is a person with a military background, aperson with an official background, he Fade Chen No

matter how strong, do you dare to go against the official? " Upon hearing the words of the head of thehouse, the Sun family, immersed in great shock and fear, felt relieved at the moment and looked a lotbetter.

Sun Yonghui gritted his teeth and said: "Count the number of people, let's go out and see." YangShuhong said cruelly

: "When the next battle is less victorious, we must beat the water dog down. Revenge for

Ning'er ." But said at this time, Fade Chen took Sun Yongfei and Sun Xi walked out of the door of theSun family, and then saw four or fifty people standing densely at the door.

Although these people are wearing casual clothes, their neat queues, fierce eyes, and their motionlesspostures all indicate that they have undergone several rigorous military trainings. At first glance, theyare good hands trained in actual combat.

In front of this group of people, Zhan Qi was sitting in a wheelchair with a bandage on his lower body,staring at Fade Chen with fierce eyes, and gritted his teeth: "You make me not a man, I want to let ! youcan not go on living, "

Fade Chen looked at him coldly, cold channel:" it seems just a lesson or light, must be removed andthen something in you is enough ah! "

these words in a poke about Zhan Qi made him instantly angered, ordered, and shouted: "Come on, killhim, kill him fiercely!" In novelbin

an instant, these four or fifty people moved. And when they look at their movements, the training is verystrict, and the cooperation is very skilled. Almost in the blink of an eye, a circular queue is formed,which surrounds Fade Chen in the middle.

A captain shouted, and in a flash, a five-member squad approached Fade Chen and screamed withfist. With one shot, he greeted the key position, which was definitely a means of murder.

The offensive had just begun on the other side, and on the other side, the captain ordered another, afive-member team with a dagger rushed out, and the dagger in his hand attacked the vital part of FadeChen.

Seeing this, Fade Chen stretched out a hand, and several bursts of gas flowed out, and he threw up avigour, and directly flew them out. But this group of people is obviously very experienced in combat. Ateam of people was shot and flew, and the rest of the team immediately added in, almostuninterruptedly attacking Fade Chen.

At this time, Esun Yonghui and others who brought people out of their homes saw such a scene, theirfaces couldn't help but show a happy smile, gritted their teeth and said: "You can get it, you can do itwell, you can beat Fade Chen It is best to destroy it. "

" The warrior really deserves a reputation. Although he is not in the martial arts world, this strength isprobably not inferior to any martial arts family! "

"The marriage contract with the war fighter must be carried on." The

Sun family commented with joy, and the war odd at this time, with the thrill of revenge in his eyes, wasso excited that he couldn't step forward and beat Fade Chen violently. A meal.

At the moment, Fade Chen looked at the people under siege. His eyes were cold, and he said with acold voice: "I think that you have been a soldier after all. Sell your life, then do n’t blame me! "Duringthe

speech, Fade Chen burst into a strong wind. The strong wind screamed, blowing away several closeattackers directly, and then waiting for them to stabilize their feet, Fade Chen jumped high, his armsraised, and he turned into a huge curtain, falling from the air, and then violently. A loud bang.

The huge curtain that fell from the sky pressed down the four or fifty people, as if smashed by a heavyhammer.

In an instant, many people shook their chests, a mouthful of blood spewed out of their mouths, theirfaces were white, their bodies stumbled to the ground, and each battle was unstable.

Forty or fifty people, just like that, all of them lost their fighting power.

In such a scene, the door was full of joy, and the smiling Sun family couldn't help but change their faceat the moment. They couldn't help but stepped back a few steps. Some timid people even got into thehouse directly.

As for the excitement, the expression was completely frozen at the moment, and I couldn't believe it,looking at the scene in front of me.

It wasn't until Fade Chenleng came towards him that he suddenly awakened, showing a horrified look,patting the wheelchair, and quickly shouted: "

Come on , take me away, hurry!" But the people around him haven't had time. When he started, FadeChen flew out with one hand.

Then Fade Chen looked at Zhan Qi coldly, and pointed into a sword. There was a gasp on hisfingertips, marking on Zhan Qi, with a cold voice, "You said, this time, what should I cut? "

Zhan Qiwen said,

shaking his body in horror, waving in horror: "No, don't, I, I'm good, I will never dare." Fade Chen shookhis head, coldly said: "Some people, verbal guarantees are not effective. Must He gave him blood tosee, and he knew how powerful it was. "During the

speech, Fade Chen's eyes fell on Zhan Qi's ears, and the air on his fingertips shook his ears, saying,"You can't hear me, There is not much use in these ears. I will help you get rid of it! "

Zhan Qi was shocked and shouted:" No, don't! "

But at this time, Fade Chen's fingertips were waving.

At this moment, a rapid car sound was accompanied by a gunshot: "Stop!"

Everyone heard the sound and turned their heads to look over, only to see a military green jeep rumbleopen. A serious-looking man in his forties, leaning out of the window, holding a pistol in his hand,pointed to the sky and screamed.

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