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Chapter 333

Chapter 333

Zhan Qi was slapped with a slap, covering her cheek, looked at Sun Xi, and then looked at Fade Chen,"Your sister? She, she is Sun's family, you"

Sun Xi was terrified and saw at this moment When Fade Chen arrived, he couldn't help it anymore. Heburst into tears and threw himself into Fade Chen's arms, holding Fade Chen, sobbing tremblingly,"Brother Chen, you're here, I, I"

Fade Chen I patted Sun Xi's back and comforted softly: "Xiao Xi, don't be afraid, I'm here, no one canhurt you anymore."

Then, Fade Chen looked coldly at Zhan Qi, coldly Road, "Do you want me to do it, or do it yourself!"

Zhan Qi shivered in shock and quickly waved to explain: "I, she, she is my fiancee. I did not force her."

Sun Xi heard, I quickly denied it and said, "I am not your fiancee. Me, I am just here to meet you. Thecousins said that if they were inappropriate, it would be fine. I said no, but you deceived me. roomscome, but also to me, "

war odd quickly explained:" I, I got you a hint Sun family, only hands I

Fade Chen Leng Heng heard, said:. "! Do not explain since you made this kind of thing, it would be aprice to pay,"

Yuehua Jian, Fade Chen appeared a Limang hands, legs alignment between the odd war, gas Mang

surge, it will burst out.

After seeing the war, he was terrified and panicked. He shook his head quickly and shook his headdesperately. "No, no. I was wrong, I was wrong. Please, don't do it, don't!"

Fade Chen left hand held Sun Xi's head, buried her in his arms. Then his right hand shook gently, andwith a "shoo", a burst of gas burst out, accurately hitting the key part of the war.

Suddenly let him make a miserable howl, fell to the ground, furiously rolled and rolled, his mouthintermittently said: "You, you abandoned me. I, our warriors will not let you go, we will not"

Fade Chen was too lazy to listen to this guy's nonsense, kicked Zhanqi dizzy with one foot, thenhugged Sun Xi, who was sobbing, and walked out of the room.

Ten minutes later, Sun Yongfei and Lin Qiuhan also rushed to the hotel. The few people gatheredtogether and looked at the crying Sun Xi, who was so comforted again.

Sun Xi's emotions calmed down, and he immediately described what happened before.

It turned out that just this morning, Sun Xi was packing up things, preparing to leave the Sun family. Asa result, cousin Sun Ying came to Sun Xi's room and said she had something to find her.

Sun Ying usually bullies Sun Xi, and Sun Xi is naturally a bit wary when she sees her. But this time,Sun Ying's attitude was very gentle, and even deliberately pleased. She said that she already knewthat Sun Xi was about to leave the Sun family. Now that she figured out the past, she expressed greatapology for her bullying of Sun Xi, hoping to be forgiven by Sun Xi.

Sun Xi was soft-hearted. After listening to her cousin's apology, her heart softened.

Then, Sun Ying took advantage of the heat to talk about the blind date. Sun Xi naturally would notagree to this absurd marriage.

However, Sun Ying said that the warriors had already come. Now if they learn that Sun Xi is unwilling tomarry and leave directly, I am afraid that he will have resentment against the Sun family. So I hope SunXi can meet each other before leaving the Sun family and make things clear, so that the warriors'hostility towards the Sun family is not so heavy.

When Sun Xi heard this, it felt very reasonable. After all, he was also regarded as a member of the Sunfamily. It ’s a great thing to meet and explain things clearly and reduce misunderstandings.

So, Sun Xi agreed with Sun Ying's request. Come to the hotel with her and meet with Zhan Qi.

As a result, the occasion of meeting. Sun Ying's previous words have all changed. She has nevermentioned the cancellation of the marriage contract. Instead, she warmly matched Sun Xi and Zhan Qi.

Zhan Qi was also attentive at the dinner table and showed great affection for Sun Xi. Sun Xi thought atthe moment that the other party was too enthusiastic and the cousin was embarrassed to mention thecancellation of the marriage contract.

So after eating, she agreed to go to Zhanqi's room. She wanted to make things clear in a private way,so as not to misunderstand. As for safety, Sun Ying promised to wait for her outside the door.

But what she didn't expect was that Sun Ying was simply with Zhan Qi. Zhan Qi this guy can't change

the way to eat shit. Seeing Sun Xi's beauty, he couldn't help but want to bow the bow as soon as heentered the house.

As a result, the latter happened.

Knowing the course of things, Fade Chen, Lin Qiuhan and Sun Yongfei were almost angry.

At this moment, Sun Yongfei has made up his mind that he must leave the Sun family.

In this case, Fade Chen decided to take them and go directly to the Sun's house to make things clear,as well as Sun Ying and Sun Ning's oppression of Sun Xi.

So, Fade Chen and Lin Qiuhan took Sun Yongfei and Sun Xi all the way to Sun Family.

Looking at the approaching Sun family, Sun Xi couldn't help getting nervous, his eyes flashed a little,and his hands and feet trembling gently.

Seeing this, Fade Chen patted Sun Xi's head and smiled: "Xiao Xi is at ease, don't be afraid. WithBrother Chen in, they don't dare to do anything!"

"Well!" Sun Xi nodded, a firm expression in his eyes. Color.

Just as Fade Chen was marching towards the Sun family, there were many people sitting in the Sunfamily hall at the moment. There was a lot of discussion and the atmosphere was very lively.

The homeowner Sun Yonghui sat in the first seat, and his wife Yang Shuhong sat beside him. Thefollowing sits with Sun Ning, Sun Ying and other Sun family.

With a smile on his face, Sun Yonghui looked at Sun Ying and praised, "Xiaoying, this time things aredoing well!"

Yang Shuhong said with a smile: "Xiaoying has a delicate mind and a good plan. Successfully let SunXi and Zhan Qi meet. As long as the raw rice is cooked into cooked rice, the matter of marriage will besettled. This time can be regarded as a big deal."

Sun Yingxiao Dao: "Thank you Uncle and your aunt for exaggerating. You don't deserve a mention."

Sun Ning said at the moment: "Sun Xi is the little girl. Sun Yongfei's side, what should I do next?"

Sun Yonghui heard Then, with a sneer, he said: "Sun Yongfei, a child of a family's branch, has beenvery beautiful outside for so many years under the family name. Now let him make a contribution andwant to leave our Sun family. "

Yangshu Hong Leng Heng soon as, in the eyes showing a touch of Lise, said:" this White Wolf can notstay long, the Sun Xi and other things settle down after Sunyong Fei directly out of go, before torecover all his possessions Chia name. " novelbin

" It should be so! "Sun Yonghui nodded," A person who does not want to contribute to our Sun family,there is no need to stay in the family. "

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