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Chapter 310

Chapter 310

Xie Ze heard the words and immediately shouted, full of reluctance, "One winery is not enough, youneed my cosmetics company!"

Fade Chen looked down, coldly said: "This is what you asked for. If you are obedient

Hand over the winery, let us take over smoothly, there will not be so many things. But you secretlymake trouble, then you have to pay for your actions! " Xie Jinhu glanced, said:" Dr. Chen, you needCompensation, we understand. But if you want a cosmetics company, you are too greedy! "

" Greedy! "Fade Chen sneered and said," If I don't have this card, this winery has already been takenback by your Xie family At that time, I do n’t know if President

Xie described yourself, would you use the word greed? ” Xie Jinhu looked cold, and said:“ I know Mr.Chen ’s martial arts strength is good, although my family is not a martial art family. But a few masters ofmartial arts still got it. Is it true that Mr. Chen really wants to tear my face with my family? "

" Master of martial arts? Are you threatening me? "Fade Chen snorted, then looked at him fiercely.Ning, palm Condensed out of breath touch of crimson.

The breath swelled in the palm of the hand, and then ignited with a blast, turning into a fiery flame.Flames burned in Fade Chen's palm, but Fade Chen was not hurt.

Immediately, Fade Chen shot it, and the blazing flame fell on a metal sculpture.

The hard metal sculpture, after encountering the flame, turned out to be like Bai Xue encountered hotwater. The "zizi" melted quickly, turned into a pool of molten iron, and flowed down the table.

Upon seeing this, Xie Jinhu couldn't help but change his complexion, his face was full of panic.

Although he is not a martial arts man, he is, after all, a big business man in the provincial capital, andhe is surrounded by martial arts and strong bodyguards. Therefore, Xie Jinhu is quite familiar with theunderstanding of the strength of martial arts.

Next to him was a personal bodyguard with a yellow level peak.

This is because he has paid a lot of money to buy it. Needless to say, his strength is very strong. Thereaction speed is also very sensitive, and sometimes even Xie Jinhu can avoid bullets before theopponent shoots.

Xie Jinhu was amazed by such a powerful strength. But now, compared with the strength of FadeChen's exposure, the bodyguard of the yellow peak at his side is totally worthless.

Even if Xuan-level masters can achieve Fade Chen, Xie Jinhu is not sure.

For a time, he felt a chill in his heart and felt a cold rush from the bottom of his heart. The whole persontrembled, his legs became soft, and he almost did not fall to the ground.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that he had ignored a problem before.

That is, Fade Chen and Lin Qiuhan went to the Sun's family for help, annoyed the Sun's family, and

were eventually kicked out. Before he heard this news, he instinctively thought that Fade Chen was notworried. Without the Sun family as a backer, there was no threat at all. So it was the breach of contractthat forced the winery.

But now think about it carefully, in the case of annoying the Sun family. He even came out of the Sunfamily unharmed, and during this time, the Sun family never retaliated against him. novelbin

Such a weird situation, think of it now. There is only one explanation, that is, Fade Chen's strength isvery strong, so strong that the Sun family has concerns, so there will be no revenge.

At the thought of this, Xie Jinhu suddenly felt soft and knelt on the ground with a click, then thumpedFade Chen three times, and said: "Mr. Chen, we were wrong. The previous thing was that we werecrazy. wrong thing. now, we would like to thank family cosmetics company to fall free transfer group,and provide the best service for the fall group also requested Mr. Chen forgive. "

Xie Ze father not to be so thorough, a little surprised father time Action.

But at the moment, Xie Jinhu directly pulled him down, kneeled down on the ground, and pressed hishead to admit Fade Chen's mistake.

Seeing this, Fade Chen knew what Xie Jinhu should have discovered. He didn't say much. The cornerof his mouth raised gently, revealing a faint smile, and said: "For your good faith, I will let you go thistime."

"However, the promised thing If you Xie family don't perform again, then next time, you will not be solucky. "Fade Chenhan said.

Xie Jinhu quickly kowtowed: "No, it will definitely not, there is no next time."

"Huh, then go do it! I will give you three days. After three days, things are done, Xie Ze came to get theantidote. . Things are not done, you thank the family, I think there is no need to exist. "Fade Chen saidin a deep voice.

"Yes, yes!"

Xie Jinhu shuddered, then stood up backwards and went out.

Xie Ze was dragged into the car by his father and ran away in general.

Running all the way, finally returned home. Xie Jinhu was relieved, the expression on his face relaxed.

Xie Ze was a little puzzled and said: "Dad, your attitude was just that too! That's right, Fade Chen is sopowerful, but he doesn't dare to indiscriminately kill innocents. The condition that we at most promisehim is that, . Why so low attitude, face discreditable "

Xie Jinhu harsh glare of a Ze Xie, shouted:" you is not doing a good thing, but for Fade Chen willbecome a mess that right now. "? "

dad , I "Xie Ze pouted.

Xie Jinhu interrupted him directly, "Don't look for reasons anymore. This time, we are the luckiest oneto survive. A winery and a cosmetics company are nothing."

"Dad, when will you change?" It must be so timid! "Xie Ze puzzled.

"I'm worried? You are too stupid to even know the real master." Xie Jinhu glared at his son fiercely, andthen said, "You only saw Fade Chen being driven out of the Sun's family and thought he had nobackers. . But I did not expect something deeper. "

" What deeper thing can there be? "Xie Ze puzzled.

Xie Jinhu knocked on Xie Ze, and then his own conjecture and analysis came out.

After listening, Xie Ze suddenly felt a cold heart and felt a thin layer of sweat on his back. The wholeperson felt afraid for a while, and his teeth continued to fight. Everyone is afraid, this, this "

" Don't get into trouble if you meet him again in the future. In front of you, don't be a son if you can be agrandson. You must be respectful and don't mess with him, you know? "Xie Jinhu taught. .

Xie Ze felt palpitated and swallowed. He nodded and said, "Dad, I, I know!"

The father and son, who were terrified, began to busy the transfer of wineries and cosmeticscompanies.

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