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Chapter 306

Chapter 306

Director Qin sighed and said, "He still has a nickname called Chen Maniac!"

"Chen Maniac? Is he a maniac?" Mrs. Qin didn't understand this.

Director Qin introduced: "It's not that he is a lunatic, but that he is acting madly. He only appeared inLong'an City six months ago, and then half a year later, he killed the most powerful family head inLongan City. Unify Long'an City. "

" Half a year, rule a city. "Even if Mrs. Qin didn't understand these, at the moment, it was inevitable thatshe was shocked in her heart, but she still said hard in her mouth," That's nothing, Long'an How cansuch a small city compare with our provincial capital? "

Director Qin continued:" Our provincial capital is indeed better than Long'an City. But then Fade Chenarrived in the provincial capital a few days ago, but he has already compared with Du Lao, People likeWu Chuan of the same level, like the Xie family's Xie Ze, are rich and young. After being taught byFade Chen, there is no response, and they will also hand over their own wine shares. You say this iswhat ordinary people can do Is novelbin

it true ? " " This, is this true? "The old lady obviously knew more clearly about the forces inside theprovincial capital, and at the moment also knew the strength of Fade Chen more intuitively.

However, for a time, she was still a little unimaginable. The Maotou turned out to be a big man, andsaid in a tough voice, "Even, even then, what about it? It's not just some businessmen. Your son is theleader of the Bureau of Industry and Commerce. Since the ancient people did not fight against officials,

are our Qin families afraid that he will not succeed? "

Director Qin smiled bitterly:" Mom, people say that people do not fight against officials. That is anofficial official, which represents the entire government and the whole country. Not My little bureauchief, how can I represent the official! "

" Besides, do you really think that families like the Xie and Wu families dare not fight me? That's why Idare not fight them. "

Lady Qin has always been proud of her son. At the moment, she can't help but feel dull." Son, you, youare too unconfident. Even if we can't fight these big families, but you say, they I still have to give face! "

Director Qin was about to cry without tears, and could only release the final killer, saying: "Mom, youdon't care about these families.

What about the Sun family?" "Sun family , what kind of Sun family ?" Mrs. Qin said.

"Which grandchildren are there in our province?" Secretary Qin said.

Mrs. Qin's face suddenly changed drastically, and said, "You are talking about the family of SunFengqin? What does this family have to do with the kid?" The

old lady's voice shook at the moment.

Even she knew the horror status of the Sun family in the provincial capital. The position of his son as adirector, when he took the Sun's house, may not even be able to enter the gate. You must know that it

is the existence of the mayor and the secretary of the municipal party committee who must be notifiedwhen he enters the door.

Director Qin said quietly: "Just a few days ago, the housekeeper of the Sun family took Fade Chen tothe Sun family."

"What, the Sun family went to pick him up personally, this is impossible!" Mrs. Qin I feel a little weird.

Director Qin said: "Mom, this matter has spread, there is nothing to believe."

"This" old lady is really stupid at the moment, can't say anything else .

Director Qin hurriedly said: "Mom, now you know how powerful people are! Hurry and me to apologizeto Mr. Chen and ask him for forgiveness."

"But, but I" thought of the short-term difference in change , Mrs. Qin is still somewhat unacceptable.

Director Qin persuaded: "Mom, what are you still hesitating. Don't you want to cure Dad's disease?"

Mentioning her husband, Mrs. Qin finally softened at the moment and nodded, saying: "I, I apologize ! "

So, two hours after Fade Chen and Du Lao returned to Du Medical Center. Director Qin took hismother, Mrs. Qin Lao, to the Du Medical Hall in person, apologized to Du Lao and Fade Chen forconfessing mistakes, and requested Fade Chen to treat Mr. Qin.

Fade Chen glanced at the two of them, and said coldly: "If you want me to accept an apology and askme to treat Mr. Qin, I can also have a condition!"

"What condition? Money, or help you find a relationship, my Qin family "Lady Qin heard the words andimmediately came."

Next to him, Director Qin hurriedly pulled his mother away, making a wink. "Mom!"

Mrs. Qin lowered her head and shut up, and stopped talking.

Fade Chen immediately said: "My conditions are very simple. From tomorrow on, let Mrs. Qin be athree-day welcome reception at the entrance of the medical hall. As long as this task is completed, theold man's illness, I promise to let him recover."

" What, let me be a welcome reception, I "Mrs. Qin heard the request, and almost immediately ranaway. Fortunately, he was pulled by the son next to him.

Director Qin quickly persuaded. But Mrs. Qin was disgusted, and she didn't speak.

Fade Chen seeing this, Leng Heng soon, said: "do not want to can, it is that you came up to me formedical treatment, rather than I beseech you over."

"Another point, you have to remember, you want others to respect You have to respect others first. "

After that, Fade Chen turned and entered the hospital immediately without saying a word.

Mrs. Qinlao almost walked away, but Qinju Zhang pulled his mother, earnest persuasion up, "Mom, thisthing, indeed, is your doing something wrong. He is the requirement can not be overstated."

"But, I But the Secretary ’s mother, I "

"Mom, you just value this identity too much. That's why you provoke this incident." Director Qinpersuaded, "And, you heard Dr. Chen say it. As long as you do this, he promises to be able to treat hisfather He was cured. "

Mrs. Qin hesitated for a while, finally thinking of his wife's condition, he nodded and agreed.

In the medical hall, Du Cang, Dong Hao and others gathered around with a worried look on their faces.

"Feige, does this really matter? That's the director Qin's mother!"

"Yeah, Feige. Even if they are soft now, if they wait for you to cure the disease, they will retaliateagainst you, what should they do What to do? "

Fade Chen listened to their concerns and smiled:" Relax, nothing will happen. "As

soon as he was confident that he could wear away the bad temper of Mrs. Qin in this way, even if hedidn't succeed, he I'm not afraid of Qin's revenge, so there is no burden at all.

So, in the next few days, the old lady Qin Tang appeared in front of the Du Medical Hall as areceptionist. From the old lady who was served, to the receptionist who served others.

This drastic identity change made Mrs. Qin uncomfortable at first, but slowly, she gradually began toadapt.

In this regard, Fade Chen also agreed to cure Alzheimer's Alzheimer's disease.

The recovery of the old man's illness was beyond the expectations of the Qin family. So, Mr. Qin andMrs. Qin came to the Du Medical Hall again and thanked Fade Chen. This time, they are sincere.

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