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Chapter 265

Chapter 265

At this moment, the secretary knocked on the door and walked in, reporting: "Mr. Lin, there is the latestnews of the super hero hero liquor."

"What news?" Lin Qiuhan quickly asked.

The secretary said: "After three days, the Super Hero Feature Wine will hold a press conference toofficially launch the Super Hero Feature Wine in China. The address of the press conference is set inthe shopping mall next to our Autumn Group Building."

"What "" Lin Qiuhan took the case at once. Such behavior is undoubtedly a deliberate commercialcompetition against health wine.

Seeing his wife's anger, Fade Chen stepped forward and comforted: "Wife, don't worry. We are notwithout opportunities."

"What opportunity?" Lin Qiuhan asked.

Fade Chen confidently said: "I've got my taste and functional health wine self-confidence, I haveconfidence to really tried wine health of people and their news travels reheat, just rumor only."

"But," Lin Qiuhan or worry.

Fade Chen smiled and hugged his wife's shoulders and said, "It's nothing. I have a way in my heart.What you need most now is to take a good rest and wait for the official start of the press conference

three days later."

Lin Qiuhan was full of face Confused, but I don't know when she has a different kind of confidence inFade Chen.

At the same time, on the top floor of the five-star hotel in Hannan City, to the outsider, Claude, who wasinfinitely beautiful, was lying on the bed with a painful face at the moment, humming constantly.

Beside him, several American doctors are busy using various instruments and drugs for treatment, butstill have no effect.

This was a few days ago, at the party, Fade Chen violently beat the pain left by Claude. At that time,they did not apologize to Fade Chen for confessing their mistakes, and the pain has not been relieved.

Later, after the doctor called by Claude from the United States came, after some professionalexamination and treatment, he was surprised to find that Claude's physical examination did not causeany problems, but the pain was very clear. The presence.

Therefore, every night, Claude was tormented by this pain, and he could not sleep for most of the night.

As for Mike in the next room, it is even more tragic. That stuff was scrapped, not only now there is noresponse, but also, every night, there will be a burst of irritating pain, as if that thing is about to fall.Mike was so scared that he couldn't sleep at all. In just a few days, he had lost a circle.

As for the two young companions Song Bohan, there is no treatment for the two, let alone Dr. Mi, thereis no one for Dr. Hua Xia. He snorted in bed every night and could only bear his teeth.

It must be said that Mike could not bear it long ago, and wanted to apologize to Fade Chen to admit hismistake and relieve the pain. But Claude has always forbidden him to pass, at least not to ask FadeChen for confession before the launch of the Super Hero Feature Wine.

In this way, in a period of sickness, the day of the launch of the Super Heroes feature wine conferencefinally arrived.

Since this feature wine has the existence of Ke Le Company, an international beverage giant, hundredsof people came to the scene before the press conference started, and the scene was crowded. novelbin

Near ten o'clock at the start of the press conference, the venue was even more crowded, withthousands of people coming to the scene.

In the cheers of the crowd, Claude appeared on the scene in a suit, which immediately caused a burstof applause.

Then, the press conference officially started and went through the normal process. Introduce thevarious functions of the super hero function wine, related investment and development scale, partnersand so on.

I have to say that Ke Le is worthy of being an international giant. This shot is a big deal that ordinarymerchants can't match. Almost all resources in all aspects are domestic top-notch.

After the introduction, the reporter's question is next.

Some of the previous questions are basically some basic questions about the super hero function wine,

Claude responded one by one.

Then, a reporter from the crowd suddenly raised his hand and shouted: "Mr. Crowder, I heard someonesay that Mr. Claude you once wanted to buy a health care wine company in Long'an City, but it wasunsuccessful. Then, you launched a similar function and health wine heroes features wine. I would liketo ask, this is not a commercial competition for health wine group? "

topic, suddenly the scene about to set off, there is no doubt that this is Everyone's concern.

Claude seemed to be prepared for a long time, with a confident smile on his face, and said, "I can tellyou this about this matter. We are a large international company, and for some unknown smallcompanies, we I haven't heard of it. "

" Mr. Crowder, you mean, the acquisition is entirely hype by the health wine company bundling Kele?"The reporter continued to ask.

"I don't know this!" Claude said with a smile, although he didn't say it, but the expression obviously toldeveryone that he thought so.

Some people in the crowd saw this and were immediately dissatisfied, saying: "However, some timeago, the famous foodie Miss Lisa clarified that the health wine company absolutely did not tie up thehype of the Cole company."

"I am not familiar with Miss Lisa ." , I do n’t know how she got the news? ”Crowder continued.

Just The reporter continued to ask:. "With or without binding speculation, and now Heroes featureswine and health wine, indeed has formed a competitive relationship I want to know, Mr. Claude how do

you feel about the competition?"

Crowe De shook his head and smiled softly: "Competitive? I don't think so. We are the largestbeverage giant in the world. Our products have always been world-class."

"As for some small companies, I have heard that even basic quality problems cannot be guaranteedrecently, and they cannot meet the inspection standards of the United States. I think this is not a gradeat all, so there is no competitive relationship.

As soon as this remark came out, the scene suddenly became lively. Questions from reporters floodedout one after another.

"What do you mean by Claude, there is indeed a quality problem in health wine?"

"Mr. Cloud, do you think that the health wine company can not pose any threat to the super heroicfunctional wine?"

"Mr. Crowder, you How do you think about the quality problems that broke out in the health winecompany this time? "

Claude smiled and said to himself:" As a peer in the beverage industry, I will not say much about therest. I just want to tell all colleagues a word to do business It must be conscientious and responsible toconsumers. "The

reporters heard the words and suddenly snapped and snapped up one after another, very excited.

Just at this time, a cold voice called out, "Indeed, not only have the conscience to do business, but alsoand more importantly, a man of conscience!"

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