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Chapter 247

Chapter 247

The next morning, when Fade Chen got up, Lin Qiuhan had already got up and prepared breakfast inthe kitchen.

Of course, with Lin Qiuhan's cooking skills, complex nature cannot be prepared. Can only handle somebreakfast such as bread, milk, eggs, fruits.

Perhaps the massage was effective last night. Lin Qiuhan was in good spirits. When he saw FadeChen coming out with a smile on his face, he said, "Get up! Go wash and come and have breakfast."The

wife's concern suddenly made me dizzy. The dizzy Fade Chen, the spirit came. After washing, I satdown at the dining table and ate breakfast with my wife.

Eating, Fade Chen glanced at the mobile phone that his wife had on hand, and couldn't help but move,and immediately said: "Wife, after you fell asleep yesterday, I took a call from you."

"Oh, I saw it, it was Crow. Virtue! "Lin Qiuhan said smoothly. In his words, he seemed quite familiar withthis Claude.

Seeing this, Fade Chen suddenly felt that there was too much vinegar in the eggs, and there was a bitof sourness in his mouth. "He said he was your classmate and asked you to answer the phone, but Ithink you fell asleep and shut down."

Lin Qiuhan When I saw Fade Chen's vinegar-like appearance, I suddenly felt funny, and an inexplicable

explanation explained: "Claude is also my classmate. I went to the United States two years ago for atwo-month short-term mba business. I met when I was in the training class. "

" All of them are classmates and friends in the business community, because the business may havecontacts, so I left the contact information. However, after returning home, there is basically no contact. Idid not expect him now Call, maybe there is something to do! "

After listening to Lin Qiuhan's explanation, Fade Chen felt a feeling of beauty and a lot of comfort in hisheart." It turned out that it was just two months of classmates. I am a long time yet, is this sort ofstudents. Well, the foreigner is not self-respect, and my family and autumn Han you not familiar, what isbaby baby, ah! "

Linqiu Han Fade Chen do not know the thoughts of the heart, eating breakfast

But at this moment, her cell phone rang, Lin Qiuhan immediately connected the phone, got up andwalked aside, began to chat.

Indistinctly, Fade Chen seemed to hear Lin Qiuhan mention the name "Claude" on the phone. The spiritthat had just been relaxed suddenly tightened again.

Lin Qiuhan finished the call and returned to the dining table. Fade Chen pouted and askedinadvertently: "Why, then Crowder called again? What time is it, and come to greet so early?"

Lin Qiuhan looked Fade Chen glanced and explained: "No, it was a phone call from the companysecretary. He said there was a business cooperation."

"So how do I hear you say Claude?" Fade Chen found that all the people in love are Vinegar jars, anyclues, make yourself a little nervous, suspicious.

Lin Qiuhan suddenly laughed and said: "Don't think about it. The Cole company is the Cloud family. Hejust contacted the company and said that there are some commercial matters to talk to me."

"Cole company!" Listen At this name, Fade Chen couldn't help but be surprised. Unexpectedly, Claudewas still a great local tyrant, and he couldn't help being more vigilant in his heart.

Because this Kele company is the largest beverage company in the United States and even the world.Its business scope covers all kinds of beverages, beverages, snacks, and snacks industries. It isdefinitely a big existence.

The autumn group's assets are considered to be a lot in Long'an, but there is still a big gap comparedwith the international giants such as Ke Le company.

Moreover, the autumn group is a cosmetics company, and Ke Le company is not a business. At thistime, the other party suddenly asked Lin Qiuhan for cooperation. Fade Chen could not help but doubtthat the guy didn't have a picture, "How can Kele cooperate with us? We don't seem to be able tocooperate with us at all!"

Lin Qiuhan laughed through the careful thought in Fade Chen's heart: "Now It ’s not clear yet, it will beclear when we meet at the company. ”

Speaking of meeting, Lin Qiuhan saw Fade Chen's eyebrows twitching, and couldn't help but feelamused for a while, and then explained, "Commercial meeting, accompanied by a secretary. Now, youcan rest assured!"

Fade Chen nodded and bit With a sip of bread, he said: "Relax, rest assured! My wife, I have alwaysbeen relieved."

Looking at Fade Chen's jealous look, Lin Qiuhan felt a little weird.

After all, when the two first met, Lin Qiuhan was pulling Fade Chen to say he wanted to get married.The guy refused at first. Unexpectedly, until now, a boy in love is inseparable from himself.

After breakfast, Lin Qiuhan said goodbye and drove to the company.

Fade Chen had to go with him, and it turned out that at this time, a call was made on his mobile phone.

When I looked at the phone number, it was Wu Meng. Fade Chen was a little surprised, and answeredthe phone, "Sister Meng!" novelbin

"Xiao Chen, hello. Are you free this morning?" Wu Meng asked.

Fade Chen thought for a while, then nodded and said, "What are you doing, Meng Meng? Are you inany trouble?"

Wu Meng at the other end of the phone seemed to hesitate and paused before saying : "Yes Things, Iwant Xiao Chen to help me. "

" Don't tell me anything, as long as I can help, I will never postpone. "Fade Chen patted his chest.

Wu Meng said something difficult to say. Zhiwu said, "Can we meet and talk?"

"Uh, yes. Where are you, Meng? I'll pass immediately." Fade Chen asked.

Wu Meng immediately reported an address, a high-end cafe in the downtown business street, "XiaoChen, thank you."

"Sister Meng, what are you doing with me. I'll be there soon!" Fade Chen hung up the phone and drovetowards the cafe.

Forty minutes later, Fade Chen arrived at the coffee shop and came to Wu Meng's seat.

Wu Meng, wearing a casual outfit today, seemed to straighten her curly hair, and the small molebetween her left eyebrows was also gently blocked. The whole looks less sexy than the charming MissWu on weekdays, but a little more rustic and pure, as if Wu Meng returned to her youth.

Moreover, Wu Meng's eyes were drooping, and his hands were pinching the corners of his clothes,which seemed a little nervous. This actually surprised Fade Chen. After all, Wu Meng was not like this,and it seemed that something had happened.

"Sister Dream, I'm here!" Fade Chen greeted.

Wu Meng seemed to be immersed in something, completely unaware of Fade Chen's arrival, and wasa little scared by this sound. Suddenly looked up, almost didn't overturn the coffee on the table, thenhurriedly held the coffee cup, and then smiled at Fade Chen, said: "Oh, Xiao Chen, you are here,please sit down!"

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