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Chapter 1774

I went to the United States to meet them. First, I'd like to see who their parents are and make sure thatI can trust Lin Qiuyuan to them. In addition, you can also learn something about your parents in thoseyears, maybe you can find the clue of Xie lingshuang's mother.

Thinking of this, Lin Qiuhan nodded and said, "I don't know when Mr. Wang will start. I want to gotogether."

"The sooner the better. Tomorrow, if you can." Mr. Wang said.

Jiang Zihui, who is supported by the bodyguard, stares at Chen Fei with anger on her face and says,"what's the matter with you? Do you push people like that? "

Suddenly caused a small chaos, let that river posture Hui can't help but scream out.

But he just moved, Chen Fei clapped it out. The burly bodyguard fell back and almost didn't run intoJiang Zihui and his party.

"Boy, it's arrogant!" With a sneer, the bodyguard leaned over to Chen Fei, ready to grab Chen Fei's armand turn him aside.

Chen Fei looked at the bodyguard coldly and said in a cold voice, "I advise you not to do it?"

"Hello, what's the matter with you? Don't let you get in the way, do you mean it? " The bodyguardcheered, ready to start this time.

Chen Fei, who was ready to get out of the way, immediately stood up and walked directly in front of theother party. He didn't mean to get out of the way.

But he didn't move yet, protecting Jiang Zihui's bodyguard, already walked to Chen Fei, stretched outhis hand to point to come over, "what's the matter with you? No one's coming. Get out of the way

Chen Fei doesn't know much about the star. He frowns and continues to walk away.

Seeing this, Chen Fei also knows that this should be the "Jiang Zihui" in the mouth of these fans.

With the women's coming out, the fans at the airport suddenly burst into a frenzy.

Chen Fei turned his head and found that four strong men in black came out, protecting a young womanwith a hat and a mask.

But just at this moment, behind him, there was a bad shrill cry, "those in front, stay away, don't get inthe way."

Leng for a while, Chen Fei immediately stepped out, ready to leave.


"Zihui, Zihui, is always the most beautiful."

"Huihui is the most beautiful, Huihui is the best!"

"Jiang Zihui, I love you!"

Chen Fei takes a close look and finds that it's a group of star chasers holding lanterns, posters andbanners. They are constantly shouting the names of their idols.

As soon as he came out, there was a torrential cry in front of him.

This kind of confusion was felt when Chen Fei just came out of the VIP channel.

This is a kind of bustle different from that in the capital, which also has a kind of rules and massiness.The bustle of Donghai city is full of vitality and even chaos.

When he came to the first commercial city in China, Chen Fei just got off the plane and felt a kind ofbustling.

After agreeing, Chen Fei flew directly to Donghai the next day.

Chen Fei heard the speech, did not hesitate, immediately agreed to come down, go to Donghai city.

Now Su Yunhai has no choice but to call Chen Fei for help.

But unexpectedly, at this critical moment, the partner suddenly changed his mind and madeunreasonable demands. Su Yunhai and the other side talked for several days, but the other side didn'tlet go at all. Instead, they pushed forward.

Originally, after a spring festival preparation, everything of the new company is ready. Next, just choosea lucky day to start business.

Su Yunhai didn't do anything polite. He told his own story directly. It turns out that Su Yunhai has beendealing with the new company in Donghai city during this period.

Not long after Chen Fei was free, Su Yunhai called Chen Fei.

On the third day, Chen Fei went to the airport to see his wife off. When he returned to the villa, he feltthat his home was empty.

However, in two days, the other side is ready for everything. It can be seen from this that Lin Qiuyuan'sbiological parents should be well worth.

Because of Lin Qiuyuan's special situation, we need to contact a special doctor, prepare thecorresponding equipment, and contact the airline, which is not a small project.

It's settled. The next step is to prepare.

One side of Mr. Wang also said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, please rest assured that Lin Qiuyuan's parentsare very grateful to Miss Lin

"Don't worry, I'm not a child." Lin Qiuhan laughs.

Chen Fei was silent for a while, finally nodded and said to Lin Qiuhan, "then take care of yourself."

"Besides, I won't be able to go long this time. I'll be back soon after I settle in Qiuyuan."

Lin Qiuhan laughed and said, "there's nothing to worry about. I've been to the United States manytimes. There won't be anything. Besides, I'm a Xuanwu now. Ordinary people can't hurt me. "

"But, I'm worried --" Chen Fei looked at his wife anxiously.

Lin Qiuhan shook Chen Fei's hand and said gently, "let me go alone. Besides, so many companies andthings in China need to be handled by people. If you're gone, there's no one in charge. "Now, Chen Feiunderstands. It seems that Lin Qiuyuan's biological parents not only dislike themselves, but also resent

them. The reason for Lin Qiuyuan's current situation is also attributed to himself. No wonder the otherparty said it was inconvenient to go together.

At this time, Mr. Wang added: "moreover, Lin Qiuyuan's parents seem to think that Lin Qiuyuan's injuryand coma have something to do with Mr. Chen."

At the beginning of the downhill, Chen Fei and Lin Qiuyuan's relationship is not good, even the enemy,Chen Fei also taught him. If the other party investigates these things, it's normal that he doesn't likeChen Fei.

The meaning is obvious.

Mr. Wang said, "Mr. Chen, it's like this. About the past of you and Mr. Lin Qiuyuan, Lin Qiuyuan'sbiological parents have sent people to investigate. So, they seem to be a little - not very good to Mr.Chen's senses! "

"Why not?" Chen Fei frowned and said, "I'm Lin Qiuhan's husband. What's the inconvenience of goingwith her?"

However, after listening to Chen Fei's words, Mr. Wang on the other side changed his face slightly. Helooked at Chen Fei strangely, considered it for a while, and said, "it may be inconvenient for Mr. Chento go."

He understood what his wife thought, so he didn't stop her from going to the United States. But alsosome worry, do not trust his wife to go abroad, so put forward their own with the past.

"So fast!" Chen Fei was a little surprised and then said, "I'll go with you."

Chen Fei hummed coldly: "you have to make it clear that your bodyguard did it to me first. I didn't teachhim a lesson. I've been lenient. "

"That's where you get in the way first!" Jiangzihui road.

Chen Fei said coldly, "what do you mean I'm in the way? This is the airport, not your home. I'm ahead.Why do you want me to give way? "novelbin

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