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Chapter 1624

At the critical moment, he clapped his hands and with the help of the force of reverse impact, stoppedhis body, finally landed and stepped on the arena.

Then Lin Xiang, with a gloomy face, glared at Chen Fei and gritted his teeth and said, "how dare you --"

without waiting for him to finish, Chen Fei frowned and said with a calm expression: "I didn't want tohurt you, but since you want to waste my time, I can only be rude."

"The old man will fight tomorrow. This guy is dead."

"Tomorrow is the real master, and then he will know what is good or bad."

"After winning several competitions, I think I'm invincible. I'm a frog in the well."

"Damn, this boy is so crazy that he dares to challenge our Jiang family in public."

Behind them, all the people of the Jiang family were blind and gloomy. They were so angry that theirfaces turned black and their bodies almost trembled.

With that, Chen Fei turned and walked away.

Chen Fei cold voice way: "I wait and see."

"I tell you, today's challenge arena is just an appetizer. The real highlight is tomorrow's presidentialelection. Tomorrow is the time for real experts to gather. Then you will be ready to meet the anger ofour Jiang family. "

At this time, Jiangning Han pulled his brother, then stepped out, looked at Chen Fei, and said: "youngman, don't think you'll have to win the championship today."

"You --" Jiang Ningfei was so angry that he almost couldn't help fighting Chen Fei immediately.

Chen Fei heard the speech and said coldly, "is that right? Come on, a little Jiang family. I haven't paidattention to it yet. "

"My son Jiang is extraordinary, and Jiang Han and Jiang Rulong of our Jiang family are all your hands!The Jiang family will never give up on this. "

Jiangning flies to smell speech, heavy cold hum a, full face anger, "pay a price, this sentence, shouldbe my Jiang family to say to you is."

"How? You'll have to pay for what you do to my friend. " Chen Fei said in a deep voice.

"So what?" Jiangning Fei drinks coldly and stares at Chen Fei without showing weakness.

Chen Fei caught this, looked at Jiangning Fei, and said: "it seems that the Luo family and theassassination are your orders."

Hearing this question, Jiangning Fei behind Jiangning Han couldn't help changing his face.

Chen Fei said, "who is in charge of the Luo family in Beijing. What's more, who gave the order to sendsnipers to assassinate Chen Ziling. "

"What's the problem?" Jiangning Han frowned.

Chen Fei looked at Jiangning Han, then glanced at the rest of the Jiang family and said in a cold voice,"I want to ask you a question?"

Just about to leave the Jiang family, see Chen Fei come over, can't help but face down. Jiang Feng'sfather, Jiang ninghan, stepped out and looked at Chen Fei. He said in a cold voice, "what are you goingto do?"

But at this time, Chen Fei walked in the direction of the Jiang family.

Zhu yunkong is very excited to go through the formalities, and then he is ready to ask Chen Fei toleave together.

In the voice of surprised discussion, the people talked with emotion and then got up and left.

Chen Fei, who had no hope at all, got nine points, ranking fourth in the list. In the end, they accountedfor 8% of the total score, which is a huge benefit.

At this time, everyone in Zhu's family was excited. Zhu yunkong was surrounded and cheered by thecrowd. The whole person didn't feel very real. It seemed that all this was a dream.

Such an in and out, the loss of the Xing family, is almost enormous. At the thought of this, the faces ofthe Xing family were very ugly, and their hearts were almost bleeding.

But the result is that the Xing family and their party took the initiative to push Chen Fei out, and stillpushed him to the opposite. Even Xing Jian and Chen Fei against each other ahead of time, leading tothe early elimination of the Xing family experts, the final score is not ideal.

If that is the case, now, Chen Fei, who won the championship eight times in a row, will bring eightpoints to the Xing family, which can directly upgrade the total score of the Xing family to a higher leveland greatly enhance the interests of the Xing family.

And the Xing family, they were originally the most intimate family with Chen Fei. He may also pull ChenFei into his family and help the Xing family fight.

Among them, the most ugly face is the Xing family. After all, the relationship between Pei family, Jiangfamily and Chen Fei is not good, and hostility is normal.

Of course, there are also people who are extremely regretful. They are the Pei family, Xing family andJiang family.

The focus of the discussion is naturally Chen Fei, who won the championship. People are talking abouthis background and strength, while others are thinking about how to win over this newly rising expert.

With the announcement of the referee, the silence of the audience, crash fried pot, the sound of instantdiscussion.

Until Chen Fei walks around and reminds the referee. The referee, who was stunned, came back andannounced the result of the match.

Lin Xiang lost so easily. Chen Fei's strength, the public has been completely unable to see through.This black horse, actually a black in the end, the final eight consecutive wins.Such a scene, let thescene all see silly, a silence, all people did not expect, will be such a result.

This time, Lin Xiang fainted in the air. He couldn't do anything at all. He fell to the ground heavily andspat out a mouthful of blood, which made the ground bright red.

Finally, Lin Xiang only felt that Chen Fei's right hand was growing bigger and bigger in front of him, withan indescribable momentum, which made him unable to resist. Chen Fei patted him on the chest andspat out a mouthful of blood. The whole person flew out directly.

All the things that stand in front of Chen Fei's big hand are crushed and have no effect at all.

"How can --" Lin Xiang is still stunned, at this time, Chen Fei's big hand, has been straight over.novelbin

However, when the Qi sword hit Chen Fei's palm, it was instantly broken and turned into countless Qiforces.

"To die!" With a sharp drink, Lin Xiang wields a sharp sword to stab Chen Fei.

However, the opposite Chen Fei shook his head, then took a step and grabbed Lin Xiang with a bighand.

With the roar of Lin Xiang, his momentum was shocked again, and then soared, forming a wave ofZhenyuan flavor, which was magnificent and huge, shocking.

On hearing this, Lin Xiang was about to explode, and his anger almost came out of his eyes. Next, I'mgoing to be serious. I want you to know what will happen if you annoy me, Lin Xiang. "

"Of course, the old man is a master in the middle stage of the heaven level. He has been in the middleof the heaven level for decades. How can a younger generation compare with him?"


In the angry voice, all the people of the Jiang family turned and left immediately.

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