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Chapter 161

1. Chapter 161

Aaron Wan smiled and shook his head. "Jimmy Wei, that is not right. President Lin is young, andshe has been deceived by others, leading to this misunderstanding with the Zhang Family.Anyways, this is something within their family and has nothing to do with you."

"A misunderstanding?" Jimmy Wei retorted, glaring at him. "Aaron Wan, who are you for us tobelieve you? Just because you said it is a misunderstanding, we're expected to believe that?"

Aaron Wei replied, his expression slightly changing. "Jimmy Wei, your anger has clouded yourthinking. Of course, I have proof of this."

"What proof?" Jimmy Wei started to feel uneasy, frowning.

Aaron Wan gently took out a document, exhibiting it in front of the crowd. "It is widely known thatfew months ago, Howard Zhang and Quin Lin became engaged. This is the marriage contract theysigned back then."

As he spoke, Aaron Wan gestured towards the two signatures and thumbprints on the contract.

He pointed towards another name below. "I was witness to this engagement, and here is mysignature as well."

"Therefore, as witness to their engagement, I can prove that this marriage contract is valid."

Jimmy Wei was not expecting this contract to be in existence and frowned. The crowd began todiscuss this new turn of events amongst them. The Zhang family members smiled in triumph.

Agitated, Quin Lin could not help crying out."That's fake, was under a false impression when Isigned it. I."

Aaron Wan silenced her with a deep grunt and continued, "I have no idea what has caused frictionand misunderstanding between the bride and groom. However, as I can testify on the validity of themarriage contract, I would like to ensure the wedding proceeds as planned. This is the least I cando to fulfill my responsibilities as witness."

Jimmy Wei darkened in expression as he heard these words. He knew that he could not allow thewedding to proceed at all cost. He decided not to continue the debate. "Aaron Wan, lets not argue.I will say this, I have to bring Quin Lin back with me.

Hearing this, a dark cloud came over Aaron Wan. He was infuriated. "Jimmy Wei, are you with meor against me?'

Jimmy Wei would not give in. "What if I am against you?" "Jimmy Wei, your arrogance will be yourdownfall." Aaron Wan replied gravely

"If you want to pick a fight, then let's do it then, why speak in circles!" Jimmy Wei retorted.

"Come on then." Aaron Wan seemed to increase in stature as he prepared for battle. His aurachanged as though he was a completely different person altogether.

Jimmy Wei's eyes bulged in anger. He growled, muscles flexing, as he launched himself at AaronWan. The fight was on.

At this point, the crowd was completely dumbfounded.

The battle between the two upcoming proteges, Horace Wan and Tom Wei was already shockingenough. Yet now, the elders of Bay City and North Bay City were about to have a violent


It was common knowledge that the elders of Bay City had been in conflict for years. There hadbeen numerous confrontations and battles amongst their subordinates. However, a direct combatbetween them was unheard of.

Both were late Yellow Level martial artists. As they faced each other, the crowd started toanticipate the battle in slight worry.

There was also a growing sense of confusion over this matter.

Why would Uncle Wei be so up in arms over the marriage of Quin Lin? I was as though he was notsatisfied with just the involvement of Master Wei and the Four Heavenly Kings and camepersonally to settle this matter.

Even if Quin Lin was really coerced into this marriage, Uncle Wei wouldn't be the type to go tosuch great lengths to protect her just in the name of justice.

While the crowd was still stunned and confused, Jimmy Wei and Aaron Wan began their battle.

In comparison to the agility and speed of Horace Wan and Tom Wei, the two elders seemed ratherslow and clumsy in reaction. Their movements seemed to take time and their footsteps seemedheavy as they clashed with each other.

However, experienced martial artists would have been on the edge of their seat at the sight of theirbattle.

They were not just attempting to knock each other over, but all their movements werepremeditated and was guided by great waves of inner energies.

Any common person would be completely annihilated if they on the receiving end of these blasts.

"Boom, pow, bang!"

The sound of clashing fists resonated through the hall. At the same time, the constant bursts ofenergies caused all the surrounding flowers and food to crumble into dust. All the guests retreatedhastily and distanced themselves from the battle, fearful that they might suffer from collateraldamage.

At this time, the expression on both elders were slowly changing.

Aaron Wan was smiling faintly, but his smile became wider and more pronounced at each gesture.

On the other end, Jimmy Wei had a grim expression. It seemed like he was becoming moreanxious as the battle went on.

Previously, Aaron Wan was his equal in strength and skill, if not weaker than him. This heremembered from prior battles. However, to his surprise, it seemed that he was now stronger thanhim.

Defending himself against Aaron Wan, Jimmy Wei started to struggle. If this continued for a longertime he would be defeated.

At this thought, he commanded Tom Wei, "Go now."

Tom Wei felt a sense of foreboding. He could see that Second Uncle was not coping well in thebattle. He wondered, how could both Horace Wan and Aaron Wan improve in strength and skillwithin such a short period of time? Were they taking some kind of pill or potion?

As soon as Jimmy Wei spoke, the guards made a move without needing Aaron Wan's prompting.They surrounded Tom Wei and his companions. Seeing the situation becoming more tense, Jimmy

Wei gritted his teeth, willing himself to generate more energy. He started attacking Aaron Wan withferocity, pouncing on his every move.

Aaron Wan was caught off guard by this sudden attack and struggled to defend himself. It seemedthat Jimmy Wei would soon be victorious. Without warning, Aaron Wan stuffed a red pill down hisown throat.

He felt an instant surge of energy through him. With this renewed strength, Aaron Wan starteddefending himself against Jimmy Wei.

Jimmy Wei's style of attack was always famed for its ferocity and accuracy. Shockingly, Aaron Wancould block all his moves without struggle.

"They are taking some kind of pill!" Tom Wei frowned. He became even more worried as he lookedover at Second Uncle, because it seemed like Aaron Wan was gaining the upper hand.novelbin

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