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Chapter 156

Chapter 156

He had set this up to distract Fade Chen, even choosing to go to a mountainous area in which onecould not receive any phone signal. Concurrently, he could proceed with his evil scheme against QuinLin.

If kidnapping Jordan Qi was all there was to motivating him, then an abandoned warehouse may havebeen more convenient than a cabin in the middle of the woods.

After Fade Chen had left and was soon not contactable, Watson Xie probably arranged for Quin Lin toeither be threatened or swindled into marriage with Howard Zhang.

Of course, Watson Xie would want something in return. He probably had come to some agreement withHoward Zhang That was probably what he was hinting at back in the cabin: that he would get his handson the shares of Fei Enterprises Holdings Inc regardless.

As for the disappearance of his vehicle and the bullet holes and bloodstains on Fade Chen's car, itmust have been prearranged. This created the illusion that Fade Chen was in trouble in order to coerceQuin Lin into agreeing with their conditions.

Although Fade Chen was unclear about the details, he had a rough grasp of this evil plot.novelbin

Fade Chen sighed at the lengths Watson Xie had gone to come up with this plan. He had thought thathe was just after the formula of the Life Elixir Wine, he never imagined that he was trying to spin suchan intricate web.

If he had not vanquished him, Watson Xie would have acquired both the formula of the Life Elixir Wineand shares of Fei Enterprises Holdings Inc. Also, Quin Lin would've fallen into the hands of HowardZhang.

Fade Chen reproached himself for being too careless. It should haven't happened if he had noticedsome details. Luckily, It was not too late to act against it.

The formula he wrote for Watson Xie had a flaw. When brewed, the end product would resemble theLife Elixir Wine.

However, in half an hour, one of the extra ingredients would cause the Life Elixir Wine to lose itspotency and turn into a common medicinal brew.

He was therefore not concerned that the Xie Family might be able to brew the Life Elixir Wineaccording to the given formula.

The wedding ceremony of Quin Lin, however, was of urgent priority. He had to stop it at all costs.

Fade Chen had no time to lose and told Lily Wei, "Sorry, I have no time to explain right now. I am in arush. Can you please try to contact Quin? Tell her that I am in no danger, and not to agree to anyconditions or negotiations at the moment. Stop this marriage if you can."

Lily Wei was eager to know what was going on, but at the same time, she knew it was not the time forcasual conversations. She promised Fade Chen, "I will find a way to do so."

After hanging up, Fade Chen made a call to Jimmy Wei, instructing him to bring some men to thewedding. If it came down to his opponents using force against him, he would have to fight with them forQuin Lin.

After the case involving Kevin Huang's assassination, Jimmy Wei felt indebted to Fade Chen, treatinghim with utmost respect and reverence. Upon hearing Fade Chen's request, he did not question it andagreed.

Finishing his calls, Fade Chen noticed they were approaching a small village. He was glad and carriedJordan Qi towards it.

The village was not big and had a small population, the fastest vehicle being an older motorbike. FadeChen fished out ample amounts of cash and handed it to the motorbike owner.

He asked him to help take care of Jordan Qi. Getting on the motorbike, he cruised towards the city athigh speed.

Just as Fade Chen was rushing to the wedding, Lily Wei arrived at the hotel, panicked.

After speaking to Fade Chen, she realized she couldn't get hold of Quin Lin. Her cell phone was turnedoff. Even if she had wanted to meet her in person, that was not possible, as there were HowardZhang's bodyguards stationed in front of the hotel. They didn't allow her to enter it.

Time was passing, and the wedding was soon to start. To her dismay, Lily Wei was still at a loss towhat she should do.

She paced back and forth, glancing up at the hotel. The top floor seemed radiant and brightly lit, andshe could hear the sound of music. The fireworks had already begun, its scintillating colors flashingacross the sky.

Lily Wei started to feel desperate. "The wedding has started. What can I do? I have promised but Ihave no idea what to do right now. Quin will be in big to help him, trouble if she falls into HowardZhang's hands."

She called her father Jimmy Wei, but they were still on their way. Lily Wei couldn't bring herself to enterthe building by herself.

She heard applause and cheers from above. It seems like the wedding couple would be making theirappearance soon.

Lily Wei felt like she was about to have a full-blown panic attack.

Looking around, something caught her eye. She saw a night vendor arguing with a government officialclose to the park. Next to them, there was a large horn.

The horn had been blaring out all sorts of advertisements. However, at the arrival of the official, thevendor had turned it off.

"That's it!" Lily Wei quickly rushed over and picked up the horn. "Please lend this to me," she said.

Lily Wei turned on the horn, which started blaring out advertisements.

Both the official and vendor rushed over to stop Lily Wei.

Lily Wei handed a load of cash to the vendor and flashed her official employee card from FeiEnterprises Holdings Inc at the government official. They allowed her to continue.

Wei Ling turned off the advertisement on the horn. Adjusting it, she put it on voice amplification mode."Hello, Hello!"

"Amazing, great volume." Lily Wei thought excitedly as she put it on maximum blast. She pointed itdirectly at the 5-star hotel.

"Quin Lin, Quin Lin, this is Lily Wei, Lily Wei."

"Listen to me carefully now. Fade Chen is in no danger, he is on his way. Don't agree to anything rightnow."

"Fade Chen is in no harm. I was on the phone with him. Quin, ---- please listen to me, don't do anythingsilly right now."


This horn was really effective. The top of the building seemed quite high, and there was music playing.But it was apparent that the sound of the horn could be heard even from up high.

At this moment, Howard Zhang and Quin Lin appeared hand in-hand walking down the red carpetwhich was strewn with fresh flowers. One was in delighted smiles, but the other looked gloomy anddispirited.

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