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Chapter 1537

Kou Wuxiong, on the other side, was a little surprised when he saw Chen Ziling's calm appearance.Then he said with a smile, "it's a bit unexpected that you can still be so calm when you see me!"

Chen Ziling looked at Kou Wuxiong and said in a deep voice: "you are Kou Wuxiong! You're arrestingme for the sake of Dr. Qin's revenge on my brother and my father, aren't you

"If that's the case, I can tell you, you won't make it." Chen Ziling made a firm voice.

"That's Chen Fei. It's him He said.

"Who?" This is the voice of boss Kou.

Just as Chen Ziling was making up her mind, suddenly, some disorderly footfalls rang in the workshop.Vaguely, Chen Ziling heard a report, "boss Kou, someone is coming towards us."

"At that time, even the consequences of serious injury and even death. I also want to use Zhenyuanmartial arts. I can't worry about that much more. "

Thinking of this, Chen Ziling couldn't help but make up her mind and thought to herself, "if the situationis critical at that time, I can't be a drag on my brother."

Moreover, he will certainly become a chip in the other party's hands to threaten Chen Fei.

Although Chen Fei's strength is believed, but see the other side arranged so many fighters and eventhose gunners, Chen Ziling can't help but worry.

And at this time, Chen Ziling's mind is quickly turned up. Now it seems that this kidnapping incident isentirely a collusion between the Xu family and Kou Wuxiong. The purpose is to deal with Chen Fei.

The Xu family listened to Kou Wuxiong's arrangement and their attention was diverted.

"That's where we'll be negotiating. The men are arranged on both sides, ready to move at any time.The Gunners will have the highest firepower. And... "

"At that time, Mo Shao, you can play whatever you want!" Kou Wuxiong said, and then changed thetopic, "silent little, let me introduce our plan and arrangement to you. This time, 80% of the staff weredispatched. Among them, there are five above the prefecture level and 26 above the Xuan level. Inother aspects, we have arranged for 15 shooters, all armed with American guns. "

Xu Mo thought for a moment, then nodded: "this is good. Wait a minute, I want Chen Fei to see hissister played by us with his own eyes. "

Kou Wuxiong also said: "the most important thing is Chen Fei. Otherwise, let's wait a little longer andcatch Chen Fei. Then we can think about how to torture him. Just a moment, so as not to beexogenous

Hearing the speech, Chen Ziling couldn't help but look down and said in a hurry, "if you dare to moveme, I will commit suicide immediately, so that your goal can't be achieved."

With that, Xu Mo's eyes fell on Chen Ziling, scanned her graceful figure up and down, looked obsceneand angry in her eyes, and said: "first of all, peel her clothes off for me. Chen Fei dares to abolish me. Iwant her sister to be a whore of thousands of people. "

Xu Mo cold voice way: "that don't kill to go, I have discretion."

"Mo Shao, keep her and use it to attract Chen Fei, so --" Kou Wuxiong said.

On the other hand, Xu Mo looks gloomy and stares at Chen Ziling, gritting her teeth and saying, "she isChen Fei's sister. She also has to take responsibility for what Chen Fei does to me. Now Chen Feihasn't come yet, so we'll start with her. "

Xu ruwen even stepped forward and slapped Chen Ziling in the face with a slap. She said with hatred:"Stinky bitch, you've made my son's leg useless. I'll make you pay for it."

Hearing this, Xu Rufei and Xu ruwen looked at Chen Ziling with cold eyes.

Zheng Kun knew Chen Ziling and immediately said in a voice: "her name is Chen Ziling. She is ChenFei's sister. She was involved when she was dealing with me. "novelbin

"Who is she?" Xu Rufei asked.

Just when Chen Ziling was worried, six members of the Xu family came in and saw Chen Ziling tied onthe opposite side of the sofa.

When Chen Ziling heard this, her eyes could not help but coagulate, and her heart trembled. "Thepeople of the Xu family are also involved in this incident. I'm not really in danger."

"Come on, come on, come out with me." Boss Kou immediately went out with the people.

At this time, his subordinates came in and reported: "boss Kou, the people of the Xu family are here."

"Ha ha, still boasting. Then you can wait to see a good play! " Kou Wuxiong said with a smile.

Chen Ziling pursed her lips and said firmly, "these things are not worth mentioning in front of mybrother."

"Scared?" Kou Wuxiong said with a smile.

Seeing these hot weapons, Chen Ziling's eyes could not help shrinking, and a touch of worry flashed inhis eyes.

With Kou Wuxiong's words, a group of people came forward with various kinds of hot weapons. Theyhave all the same American equipment, pistols, automatic rifles, grenades and even sniper guns.

"However, the struggle between life and death is not as simple as the realm of martial arts. Sometimes,a high level does not mean a final victory. Besides, I still have these things. ""Still so confident? Itseems that Chen Fei's strength may be the legendary master of martial arts. " Kou Wuxiong said with asmile, and then waved his hand, "master Wudao is really powerful, two small levels higher than me."

"You're going to deal with my brother!" Chen Ziling was surprised, but then he shook his head and said,"you can't beat my brother? So, I won't see the scene you just mentioned. "

"You are still waiting for him to save you! I'm really looking forward to it. When you see him trampled byme, life is not like death, what's his expression? " Kou Wuxiong said with a smile.

"Is it?" Kou Wuxiong had some accidents, and then said with a smile, "it seems that you really trust thatboy named Chen Fei!"

Chen Ziling confidently said: "because my brother will come to save me, that's enough."

Kou Wuxiong said with a smile: "I won't succeed? How did you come to this conclusion? "

"What, Chen Fei!" Kou boss was obviously surprised and frowned, "we haven't called him yet. Why didhe come so soon?"

Instead, Xu Mo was full of hate and said in a voice: "no matter why he comes here quickly? It doesn'tmatter. Now that I have come, I will act according to the plan, and I will take revenge on all the thingshe has imposed on me

Although Kou Wuxiong felt something was wrong in his heart, he was silent and the other side alsokilled him. Kou Wuxiong had to arrange to fight. So he immediately ordered: "everyone, according tothe plan, start to prepare for the enemy."

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