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Chapter 1442

In the whoosh, someone will rush to Chen Fei.novelbin

However, before they moved, Xing Rui stopped them with a flash and said in a cold voice, "Mr. Chen ismy instructor and my friend. If you want to do it, you should pass me first! "

With that, Xing Rui was not polite. His momentum burst out, and the majestic breath roaredcontinuously, which oppressed several people of the other party in an instant.


"I'm still waiting for a beautiful woman to come up. Like brother Wang just now, I'll go up and sing asong."

"What's the matter? I'm just getting excited. Why is it so cold all of a sudden?"

"What's the matter? Why isn't the next one on stage yet? "

However, after waiting for dozens of seconds, there was no movement on the stage, which immediatelymade the following people talk.

The crowd is waiting for the next singer.

But at this time, the singer on the stage, in the arms of a childe brother, directly and intimately jumpeddown the stage and went to the room with a smile.

Chen Fei shook his head speechless, didn't say much, and turned to leave.

Xing Rui sighed and said: "no matter what their status is, they are all men. In this kind of thing, they arenot much different from local ruffians and hooligans."

"Is that all right?" Chen Fei frowned.

Such a situation is really beyond Chen Fei's expectation. It's really puzzling that this kind of sceneappeared in the bar dance floor at this high-grade reception.

Some people even rushed to the stage regardless of the image and sang with the singer in their arms.

And the atmosphere of the field, it seems more warm and excited.

In such an atmosphere, the dancers on the stage finished their performance. Next on stage is a singer,but the same as the dancer just now. The singer is also young and beautiful, and his clothes areexposed, revealing large white skin, which makes people dazzled.


"Yes, widen your legs."

"Just now that movement, twist again, move bigger."

"Take off one more and keep on taking off!"

Just now, many young men in suits and shoes and talking loudly clapped their hands and yelled, theireyes scarlet and their mouths full of wine.

Perfect figure, accompanied by beautiful dance, suddenly let the audience restless up, the atmosphereis more and more warm.

Because the young and beautiful dancer on the stage is very avant-garde in his clothes, almostcovering the key parts, and other positions are clearly exposed in the eyes of the public.

The name of the dancer is naturally not as good as the star in front of the emperor. But at the beginningof the performance, the atmosphere was very warm.

Next, another performer came on the stage. A young dancer was in his early twenties. I heard that hewon a prize in a foreign competition.

The atmosphere was hot and the performance was getting better.

It can be seen that the specifications of this reception are very high.

Then, the performers came on stage one by one. Most of them can be recognized by Chen Fei, whodoesn't pay much attention to the entertainment industry. Besides, there are two of them.

The singer sang a song, which was really good and won applause from the audience.

At this point, the show has begun. The first singer on stage surprised Chen Fei. He was a front-linesinger often seen in TV programs.

Xing Rui simply pulls Chen Fei to the stage.

"This -" Chen Fei is still hesitating.

Xing Rui said: "I don't know the details. Anyway, I heard them say that this time they invited popsingers, dancers and so on. They're all big brands, at least second tier. It won't be boring. "

"What kind of show is that?" Chen Feidao.

Xing Rui took Chen Fei and said with a smile, "instructor Chen, what you said is a performance thatleaders like to watch. It's all young people who are here now. Naturally, what they like is not that kind ofperformance. "

"Art performance?" Chen Fei was stunned, then waved his hand and said, "that kind of recitation andbel canto performance is boring. I'd better go first."

Xing ruidao: "it's about performing arts. Otherwise, Mr. Chen, you can stay and watch it before youleave. "

Chen Fei, who was about to leave, couldn't help being curious and asked Xing Rui, "what's this for?"

But at this time, the lights dimmed, a burst of music began, and everyone's eyes looked toward thecenter of the stage.

After a while, I didn't feel very interesting. Chen Fei is ready to leave.

It's just Zhao Yue. He doesn't care much about it. Even for the whole Zhao family, he didn't care much.If it's really noisy, it's a big deal to show your real strength. If not, it will be no problem to move the oldman out.

Chen Fei smiles and says nothing more.

"Drillmaster Chen, we all have this kind of relationship. Why are you polite to me?" Xing Rui said with asmile, "besides, Zhao Yue is too arrogant. Relying on the status of the Zhao family, he looks like a highspirited man, yelling at our warriors as if we were his subordinates. "Seeing this, Chen Fei nodded toXing Rui and said, "please."

Xing Rui also takes back his breath and returns to Chen Fei.

Then, with his valet, he turned and left.

But at the critical moment, he thought of the hidden family behind the Xing family. Finally, he put upwith it, shook off his hand and said, "let's go!"

"You --" Zhao Yue's eyes narrowed fiercely, almost angry.

Xing Rui did not give in and said coldly, "I know what I'm doing. It's you, Zhao Yue. Do you understandwhat you're doing? As I have said, Mr. Chen is not only my instructor, but also my friend. If you dosomething to him, you're fighting against the Xing family. "

Seeing this, Zhao Yue looked at Xing Rui and said in a deep voice, "Xing Rui, do you know what youare doing? You are making an enemy of the Zhao family! "

For a moment, they looked at Zhao Yue. It is obvious that if Xing Rui makes a move, only Zhao Yuecan fight.

Zhao Yue's followers are more ordinary in martial arts because their families are mainly officials.Therefore, under the pressure of Xing Rui's momentum, several people's faces suddenly becameheavy, their bodies trembled, and some of them could not be controlled.

Approaching, Xing Rui is a warrior who has experienced in the five elements team. The strength of theprefecture level later stage realm is no less than that of Jiang Bufan and Zhao Yue.

In the discussion, Zhao Yue frowned and said, "go to the back and ask. What's the matter?"

"Yes I went to the backstage immediately.

Soon, his men came back, came to Zhao Yue, and said in a voice: "Mr. Zhao, the matter is clear."

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