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Chapter 1125

Liu Yue excitedly talks about master Chen's deeds. When he hears that Yao Xia and Su Hao areshocked, they are totally stunned and feel a little incredible.

They are not common in the young generation. They are not common in the rich family. Usually in frontof peers, almost all of them walk with their heads held high. But compared with master Chen, it is not agrade at all.

Others, even their parents and families, can be left behind, not to mention the second generation whorely on their parents.

With that, Qiu Hai's followers helped him withdraw to the training ground.

Speaking of this, Qiu Hai could only nod his head and say in a voice, "then go ahead!"

Kong Tai nodded and said: "I am very confident in my own strength."novelbin

Qiu Hai looked at Kong Tai and said in a voice, "Kong Tai, he is the one who defeated my master.You're sure you want to try. "

Kong Tai took a look at Chen Fei, glanced at the corner of his mouth and said, "Mr. Qiu, I want to seehow powerful master Chen is."

"This -" Kong Tai's voice, obviously is Qiu Hai did not expect, can't help but a little surprised to seeKong Tai.

But just as he was about to open his mouth, little Kong Tai suddenly said, "Mr. Qiu, if you want to dealwith master Chen, let me have a try."

As he spoke, Qiu Hai turned and looked at the crowd on his right side, waving his hand to get peopleon stage.

This kind of anger under the contrast makes Qiu Hai look ferocious, glares at Chen Fei, grits his teethand says: "then you are ready to die!"

But Qiu Hai, who holds the armrest in both hands, can't fight Chen Fei at all. Therefore, Chen Fei'sopen-minded, but also set off the weakness and insignificance of his hatred of the sea.

With that, Chen Fei opened his arms and stood upright in front of Qiu Hai.

At this time, Chen Fei stepped in front of Qiu Hai on the martial arts field, his tone was calm andindifferent, "don't you want to kill me? Now, I'll give you a chance. You can do it. "

Su Mo looked at the three men, but he didn't bother to argue with them about what to explain. He justlooked at the training ground.

Yao Xia also laughed and said to Su Mo, "Mo Mo, didn't you have a rest?"

With disdain on his face, Liu Yue snorted coldly, "don't compare that coward who escaped from battlewith master Chen. It's an insult to our warriors."

"Your brother-in-law, Mo Mo, you are talking about the guy a few days ago! Don't be kidding. How isthat possible? " Su Hao laughed directly.

She was talking to herself, but she fell into the ears of Liu Yue and others, which immediately triggereda burst of ironic laughter.

But Su Mo murmured: "master Chen, how is he so similar to my brother-in-law? It can't be my brother-in-law! "

Just when Yao Xia and Su Hao were struggling to look around. Su Mo fixed his eyes on the figure onthe martial arts field, but he felt a little familiar. The more he looked, the more he felt that master Chenwas similar to his brother-in-law.

But even if they couldn't see clearly, they were still very excited. After all, it was master Chen, the realbig man.

However, because the distance is too far away, they can only see each other's body shape, specificface, some can not see clearly.

In the heat of discussion, Su Mo and others, standing on the outside, stand on tiptoe, stretch theirnecks, and look inside, trying to see what the famous master Chen Xiangjiang is.


"Qiu Tianjiu is not the opponent of master Chen. How can Qiu Hai be confident and dare to fightagainst master Chen?"

"Master Chen has finally appeared. This is a good look."

"I heard that master Chen is a prefecture level master. He doesn't look 30 years old. Can't he make amistake?"

"That's master Chen, who has been very hot in Xiangjiang recently."

After listening to Qiu Hai's words, the audience below burst into excitement.

Chou Hai, who was going to sit down, saw Chen Fei. His eyes were cold and he looked at Chen Feiwith gnashing teeth. He said in a voice, "master Chen, you dare to come out at last."

This man is Chen Fei naturally, just now Qiu Hai appeared the first moment, he noticed. It's justbecause I want to heal Xie Yuan backstage, so I've been delayed for some time. I've come out onlynow.

Then they saw a young man in uniform, with a stiff body and good temperament come out from thebackstage.

Hearing the sound, all the people at the scene looked at it.

But at the last critical moment, a clear and thick voice rang, clearly and incomparably into the publicears, "who let you sit down."

In a sigh, Qiu Hai with a smile on his face is about to sit down.


After all, they are local people, and they know all about Qiu Hai's bad behavior. This kind of goodsbecome the soul of Xiangjiang martial arts. It seems that they can already foresee the miserable anddark future of Xiangjiang martial arts.

In particular, there are many local warriors in Xiangjiang who are disappointed and sigh.

For a moment, lie down and sigh.The audience, looking at Qiu Hai on the stage, had differentexpressions. Some people don't agree, others don't want to. But just now, after seeing the strength ofKong Tai, no one dares to challenge Qiu Hai's position. They can only watch Qiu Hai sit down andbecome the soul of Xiangjiang.

With that, Qiu Hai asked the two men to let go of themselves, put their hands on the arms of themahogany chair, and prepare to sit down.

In front of the chair, Qiu Hai stares at the chair with complicated eyes. He turns around and looks at theaudience. He says in a loud voice: "I, Qiu Hai, from now on, am the new Xiangjiang martial spirit. Fromnow on, I will be respected in the martial arts circle of Xiangjiang. "

Put the mahogany chair in the center of the training ground, and two men came to help Qiu Hai up andwalked towards the mahogany chair.

With that, Qiu Hai waved his hand. Some of his men were well prepared and moved out a huge andheavy mahogany chair. The mahogany chair is carved with exquisite dragon patterns, complex andgorgeous, which is exactly the seat in Tianjiu Pavilion before Qiu Tianjiu.

Under the martial arts training ground, while everyone was discussing, Qiu Hai on the stage showed asneer at the corner of his mouth. He glanced at the crowd, then turned his mouth slightly andwhispered to himself, "Chen Fei, it's time. Don't you come out yet? In that case, I won't be polite. "

Kong Tai twisted his neck and looked at Chen Fei with a sneer. He said in a voice, "I've heard aboutmaster Chen for a long time. I want to see how powerful master Chen is."

Chen Fei took a look at Kong Tai, put his hands behind him and said faintly, "you are not my opponent."

Smell speech, Kong Tai's eyes shrank, sink a voice way: "I am not your opponent, have not comparedbefore, that can not necessarily.". Besides, I don't believe in rumors all the time, I only believe in the

facts I see with my own eyes. "

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