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Andrews POV


Three Years Ago...

"You're so pretty, Dalia," I cooed to Dalia, who was in my arms.

She just laughed and began to play with my shirt.

Dalia was the one blessing God had bestowed upon me; she was my light. Even if I were a badperson, I would never let Dalia see me like that.

My father was the leader of our gang, which was known as the largest and most dangerous gang inthe United States. I didn't want to be in a gang; all I wanted was a normal high school experience,but as soon as I graduated from high school last year, my father made me his second In command.

I've been trained and instructed on what to do when my father hands over the gang to me. I had myfirst fighting lesson when I was five years old, and I've had two-hour lessons twice a day ever since.

My father taught me how to hold a gun and shoot around the age of 14, when I had masteredfighting and defending myself. He agreed to let me get my first tattoo after I hit my first target attarget practice.

I enjoyed getting tattoos because I enjoyed the pain I felt when the ink was applied to my skin. I'mnot suicidal; I just don't feel anything.

That was the third thing my father taught me: I couldn't connect with people and shouldn't havefeelings for anyone. When I asked if he loved my mother, he said he did, but he would shoot her ifshe betrayed him. He said I was weak if I had a second thought about shooting someone.

I dropped all my friends and only fucked girls after he told me that, and then dropped them the nextday. I never wanted to have second thoughts about killing someone who would betray me. But thenDalia appeared and transformed me. She was the one person who would never judge me and who Icould never hurt.

Even with Dalia in my life, there was no room in my life or heart for anyone other than Dalia.


Present Day...


I was on my way to Stallion's house because he had lied to me and told the rival gang where ourshipments were arriving. He had cost me a lot of money, and now he was going to pay it.novelbin

I was deep in thought when a girl bumped into me and knocked herself down to the ground. I wasirritated that she had bumped into me and was causing me to be late. When I finally decided to lookat her, she was still on the floor; at first, I didn't recognize her, but then I did. She even touched me,which disgusted me.

"Watch where you're going," I advised.

"You were in my way," she said as she rose from the ground.

Who did she think she was talking to when she answered me? Did she not realize who she wasspeaking to? I was even more enraged that this whore thought she could talk to me in that manner.

"You have no idea who I am, and if you did, you wouldn't be talking to me like that." I responded

"I couldn't care less who you are." She remarked as she got up and started walking.

"You will, bitch, you will soon find out." I spoke just as she and her friends were turning the corner.

After I killed Stallion, I would have my men look for her and figure out how I could make her pay forhaving her whore hands on me and talking back to me.

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