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I brushed myself off and looked up at the surface that had just knocked me down, but my eyeswidened as I realized it wasn't a "it," but a "him," and that particular "him" didn't appear to be happy.

I ignored the man's expression and began to carefully watch him.

He was dressed all in black, with a leather jacket around his waist. Even though I could see his armmuscles through his jacket and his shirt was outlining his stomach, I could easily assume he hadabs because the rest of his body that was visible was ripped.

He had intricate tattoos that ran down his neck, past his shoulders, to his arms, and then to hishands.

I swear he had a razor-sharp jawline that could cut my finger.

He had a light stubble around his jawline, which defined it even more. I looked up some more, andwhat I found surprised me.

He had the most beautiful eyes I'd ever seen; they were an emerald green and could probablypierce through you if you let your guard down for even a second. His eyes were easily the mostbeautiful feature of him.

Although he appeared to have been sculpted by God himself, I knew what kind of man he was themoment I looked into his eyes.

He preyed on helpless people and desired power above everything else.

He got what he wanted, even if it meant crossing lines that no one should cross. I knew thisbecause I saw those eyes in Sylvester every day at the strip club. That was what shook me to mycore; I knew I'd never let a man like him back into my life.

I quickly rose from the ground, his gaze fixed on me. He looked at me as if I were a piece of meat,but also with disgust. I shot him a quick glance.novelbin

"Be careful where you're going." He snarled , and his tone surprised me.

"You were blocking my path." I shot back, my gaze fixed on him.

He looked at me, surprised, but his face quickly changed when he realized what I had said. He wasaware that I was putting him to the test, and he was not pleased.

"You have no idea who I am, and if you did, you wouldn't be talking to me like that." He spat at mewith such certainty that the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

"I couldn't care less who you are." I uttered as I began walking away with Charis and Jenny, whoboth looked at me as if I had grown two heads.

"You will, bitch, you will soon find out." He said this just as I turned a corner.

Jenny and Charis both came to a halt and stared at me after we turned the corner.

"What are you guys looking at me like I've grown two heads or something?" I inquired, still irritatedby the jerk.

"Do you know who that was, Ava?" Jenny yelled, her eyes still wide with surprise.

"No, and I don't care, " I said.

"Ava, that is the leader of one of the world's largest and most dangerous gangs." Charis stated.

As if that was important.

"Charis I don't really care; I've dealt with men like him before, and he's nothing special; he doesn'tknow my name, and I'm not sure I'll ever see him again; if he's so big and bad, he probably hasmore to deal with than some girl who backtalk's him." I explained, oblivious to what Charis had said.

"You're crazy and fearless, boo." Jenny added, lightly laughing.

"Ehhhhm, I' m not fearless." I responded while Shrugging my shoulders.

Something in the back of my mind told me that it wouldn't be the last time I saw that asshole, but Iignored it because I don't need a controlling male in my life.

Ava's POV

Charis and Jenny walked me to the underground subway; they were about to board, but there wasno need because it was only a few stops away and I knew how hungry they were both.

I stepped onto the subway and began brushing my pants because I had fallen to the ground and theasshole hadn't even helped me up; he was very attractive, but everything about him screamedtrouble.

I quickly reminded myself that there was no reason for me to be thinking about him so much. Eventhough I knew I had run into him, he was not the type of man I would apologize to.

I reflected on the interview and went over potential questions in my head. I desperately needed thisjob. I was drawn to the ad because I stated that it paid well and that I needed money to pay forcollege. I really wanted to go to college , but none of my other jobs paid well enough for me to savemoney.

I was deep in thought when I heard my stop been mentioned. I quickly stood up and left the train. I'dnever been to this wealthy section of New York. The mansions were lavish and stunning.

I was aware that the funds used to purchase these houses were tainted, but I cant be the one tofast judge. I was aware that e veryone had secrets, and that was fine with me. So, rather thananalyzing, I simply admired the houses as I walked by.

I eventually arrived at the address specified in the advertisement. The house had a large black gatein front of it, a garden in front, and many flowers.

I noticed all the flowers were roses and looked at the different colors; there were pink, red, andwhite roses, but what caught my eye was a bush of black roses; I had never seen such beautifulroses before. Their beauty was unparalleled, and they were dark but pure.

I was jolted out of my thoughts when I noticed two guards behind the gate staring at me, bothdressed in suits, and before I could think any further, my mind betrayed me and transported meback to the moment I was sold.

When I looked at my watch to distract myself and slow my breathing, I noticed I was 10 minutesearly.

"I am here for the babysitting interview," I said as I returned my gaze back to them.

They now looked back at me before pressing an earpiece and speaking to someone on the otherend of the line. They returned their gaze before pressing several buttons on an electronic padbehind the gate. The gate began to open with a loud noise.

The two guards approached me and waved some sort of wand around me, then he took my pursefrom my grasp and began looking through it. I raised an eyebrow at him, finding it odd howconcerned the family was about security.

When they found nothing threatening, they returned my bag and told me to walk up to the frontdoor, where the maid would direct me. I walked up to the front door, past the lovely roses. The dooropened before I could even knock, and a small middle-aged woman stood in front of me.

She was around five feet tall and her face was wrinkled, but I was most struck by her eyes, whichmight have been the kindest I had ever seen.

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