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Chapter 27

Chapter 27 I returned my gaze to the man and gave him a small nod; I still wanted to kill him, but I had to do itin my head.

"And when we get to your house, me and you are going to have a long ass conversation." Avamumbled something.

Ava began to walk towards the apartment, and I placed my hand on her back, signaling to Travisthat she was mine.

She felt my hand and shoved it into my chest, which surprised me, but I knew she was mad at me."Don't." She said coldly.

When he saw us, the driver got out of the car and opened the door for me. I motioned for Ava tocome inside, expecting a fight, but she did so and waved goodbye to her "friend."

I ignored her silence for the duration of the car ride. I knew she was upset with me for what I did, butI didn't care because she was mine now and no one else could have her.

When we arrived at my house, I noticed her stunned expression. I got out of the car and consideredopening her door, but she had already exited before I could make a decision.

We entered, and I noticed three of my men sitting in the living room. I sighed, knowing they'd look atAva like she was a prostitute.

They stood up and began walking towards us when they heard us walk in.

"Who is that boss?" Seb said.

"She's hot, damn!" Jack said.

"Can I have a piece of her when you're finished with her?" Alex said winking at Ava.

My fists clenched once more, ready to hit all of them and then shoot a bullet through their eyes fortalking to her like that.

"Talk to me like that again, asshole, and I'll dislocate your head from your neck." Ava snarled at him.She never ceased to amaze me with her fearlessness and ability to defend herself.

"Oh, feisty, I like them like that." Alex stated.novelbin

I despise them.

"If you speak to her like that again, I'll put a bullet between your eyes." I was enraged, I said.

When I looked down at Rub, I noticed her roll her eyes at me.

"Ava, she'll show you to your room." I pointed to the maid, wanting to get her out of my men's sight.

"Like hell she is, we aren't done talking about the fucking stunt you pulled." She spit in my face.

Ava was the only person who had ever responded to me without being killed.

"Ava, we'll talk later, but I have some business to attend to first." I motioned to the three men whowere standing a few feet away from us.

"Fine." She said as she and the maid walked up the stairs.

"You're a jerk, boss." Seb expresses surprise.

"What?" I grumbled.

"Are you going to let her talk to you like that?" Jack inquires.

"It's none of your damn business." I responded.

"I'm sorry, Boss." Jack responds.

We all sat down, and they went over the details with me.

How my rival gang is becoming more fearless and bullshit like that. I knew my gang would be finebecause, as much as I hate to admit it, Travis would be extremely useful.

They finally left after about an hour of going over updates.

I went upstairs to find Ava.


Ava's POV

Andrew made me so angry at times. The maid led me to a hallway of doors, one of which opened toreveal a beautiful bedroom.

The bedroom's main theme was black, probably because it was Andrew's favorite color orsomething, but the room was enormous.

When I opened the closet door, I found all of my clothes hung up and my shoes on the floor.

I dashed to the window and noticed a massive pool and hot tub in the back.

I collapsed onto the bed and sunk right in. The room was making it difficult for me to be angry atAndrew for forcing me to move in.

I lay on the bed and closed my eyes; I was exhausted and needed to sleep.

When I awoke with the sensation that I was being watched, I flipped over to find Andrew standing inmy doorway.

Can you not watch me, Andrew? Jesus Christ. I said this while sitting up.

"Yeah, I'm leaving right now." He shrugged and walked away from my room.

I jumped out of bed, realizing I needed to talk to him about something I had mentioned earlier.

"Andrew, bring your ass back here." I yelled as I chased him down the hall.

He came to a halt and turned around to face me. He leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. Ikissed him back right away. This kiss was different; it was possessive and lustful; he licked my lipswith his tongue, inviting me in. When I opened my mouth, allowing him access, our tongues battledfor dominance, but Andrew won.

I could see a smirk form on his face as he realized he had won the battle. "Mine." He bit my bottomlip before pulling away and leaving me alone in the hallway.

He was so annoying.

I went back into my room and tried to sleep, but when I couldn't, I had the brightest idea.

I jumped out of bed and went to my closet to find my swimsuit. I quickly changed into it, grabbedone of my many bathroom towels, and dashed downstairs.

I looked around the corner for Andrew, knowing he would probably not allow me to swim at night,but I never found him.

I dashed outside to the pool after finding the back door. In late summer, I was hit by the cool air ofNew York. I shivered slightly but dipped my toe into the pool, which was surprisingly warm.

"Of course it's hot." I told myself.

I threw down my towel and jumped into the pool. It was deeper than I had anticipated, about 9 feeton the deep end.

Before everything happened, I had a pool in my backyard and I remember having the best time in it.My mother claimed I was a mermaid because I begged to be in the pool every waking moment.

I hadn't been in one in about 8 years, and instead of hurting me, it warmed my heart. Being in waterreminded me that I existed before everything that happened to me, and that I was not defined bywhat Sylvester did to me.

I splashed around for a while before letting myself float. I was at ease because the water supportedmy weight and swayed me back and forth.

I relaxed and closed my eyes, allowing the water to move me.

"What the hell are you doing, Ava?" A voice said, jolting me out of my comfort zone.

I splashed around until I gained composure, then looked up to see Andrew standing on the edge.His sleeves were rolled up, revealing all of his tattoos, and his shirt was unbuttoned just enough forme to admire his chest.

"I'm swimming, dumb-ass." I responded.

"And why are you swimming at 10:00 p.m.?" He said, raising his eyebrows.

"Wait, it's been 2 hours?" I inquired.

"Ava, 2 hours? You've been here for two hours?" He was taken aback.

"Uh yeah," I replied.

He sighed as he ran his hand through his hair. "What the hell, Ava, you could have drowned if youhad hit your head."

"No problem, Andrew." I said, still in the water.

"All right, come on out, play time is over." He stated.

I glared at him but then had a brilliant idea.

"Okay, fine. But please assist me." I inquired, extending my arm.

He grabbed my arm and tried to pull me away, but I quickly drew him in. He lost his footing and fellinto the pool.

I burst out laughing as I waited for him to reappear so I could see the expression on his face.

But he never reappeared; instead, he flailed his arms and began sinking. I was taken aback andrealized that he couldn't swim.

I dove under quickly, wrapped him in my arms, and resurfaced with him. He was heavy, but thewater carried the majority of his weight, allowing me to swim to the shallow end. I pushed him ontothe deck and began looking for a pulse.

I put two fingers in his neck and felt a weak pulse; I exclaimed and began chest compression.

"Please, please, please God. Andrew, don't die on me." I begged as I performed CPR.

He spat out water and leaned to the side after only a few chest compression.

"Oh my... Thank you, God. "Are you all right, Andrew?" As he regained his breath, I inquired.

He stood up and turned to face me. "Are you kidding me, Ava?"

"Andr........." I said, surprised by his tone of voice.

"Don't even bother talking to me." As he turned around and walked into the house, he said angrily.

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