Mafia Desire

Chapter 57
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Chapter 57

Chapter 57Travis looked taken back and he tried to come closer to me but I only shot the ground straight in front of him, not harming him but making sure heknew how serious I was.

"Where is he?" I asked again.

"He isn’t there, I swear to God shortness." He begged, but I looked him straight in the eye and knew he was lying. And not only I knew he was lyingbut Travis confirmed my suspicions that he was near me.

I walked closer to Travis and watched as his face overcame with happiness but disappeared as soon as I reached him and placed the barrel of mygun on his chest.

"I will kill him Andrew, if you don't come out now." I hissed, resting my finger on the trigger and drowning out Traviss words. I looked around the streetand didn’t find him anywhere in sight. nor did I hear a reply.

"Okay, fine.” I said in all seriousness. I turned back to Travis and looked him straight into the eye, hoping I would feel something... anything but alas Ididn't. I sighed and curled my finger around the trigger and started to pull

"Kitten, don’t."

Ava"s POV

"Don't, kitten." A voice I hoped I would never here said from behind me.

I whipped around still pointing one of my guns at Travis but watched as Andrews figure got closer and closer, until he stepped into the light.

I kept a calm face as I met his beautiful green orbs but inside, my heart stopped and I felt something indescribable. He was just as perfect as I lastsaw him if not more handsome, his muscles looked as if they got bigger and his eyes were an even deeper greennovelbin

Even though I hated him with every fiber in my being the man that changed me and my life was standing in front of me and I couldn’t tell if I wanted too him or shoot him.

Then just as I was about to lower my gun all the memories came back to me, the pain he put me through, the heartbreak, him trying to kill me, himbetraying me and the fact that I trusted him with everything in me and he didn't care.

I grabbed my other gun from my waistband and pointed it at Andrew.

"Get away from me." I hissed, glaring him straight in the eye.

"Kitten, let me ex-" He started, stepping closer to me but stopped when I shot the wall behind him.

"If you call me that or get any closer I will not hesitate to kill you.” I warned, aiming my gun right at his head.

"Shortness, I know how you feel but please come back too us. We miss you.” Travis said, touching my shoulder. I tensed at his touch and grabbed hiswrist. I twisted his hand and kicked him in the stomach making him gasp in pain and take a couple steps back.

I missed Travis too and seeing him was a blessing but I built my walls up for a reason. My whole life I have been hunted and hurt, first by Sylvesterand then by Andrew so I was willing to push away Travis if that meant that Andrew would leave me alone and I wouldn't feel that heartbreak again

"I don’t care if you miss me, that is Andrew’s fault.” I said, lacing each word with anger.

"Don't touch him, it isn’t his fault that we are here right now.” Andrew said, making my attention return too Andrew."You're right it isn"t his fault. It's yours.” I growled, still pointing my gun at him

"K-Ava, I came here to apologize and see you." He explained

"Apologize for what exactly Andrew. Are you going te apologize for not trusting me? Are you going to apologize for letting me be taken by the oneperson you swore you would protect me from? Are you going to apologize for killing me or just breaking all the promises you made me?" I asked,anger boiling in my blood.

"All of it. I am truly sorry." Andrew sighed and put his head down.

I watched him and knew he was hurting and that he meant it but I could care less. Everything he did too me was his fault and I wouldn't let him everthink other wise.

"It was all Ashley and Alex. They set you up and I fell right into their trap." He said, his head still down.

"They told me that it was you whoblew up my base and that you hadbetrayed me, they also told me you

were withNravis thwere with me and

e whole time yourhey had "proof"

They showed me photos and Ijust

believed them andforéver. They alsowhere you were an

ones that helped hi

I will live with thatold Sylvester

d they-were them take you" He

continued. Conten

belongs to


I took everything that Andrew told me in. I finally had closer, I knew why he wanted too kill me and I knew how Sylvester found me. As much as I hateto think about it I couldn"t blame Andrew anymore for Sylvester, it was Alex and Ashley who told Sylvester everything and they were the ones who lethim take me.

"Fine, you weren't the one that told Sylvester too take me but you still killed me and betrayed me." I replied.

“Ava, I can't live without you can'tyou see its killag me. Just comeback to me" Ne replied, hurt in hisvoice. I togk'my eyes away from his.and looked at him, his hair was.messynthere were bags under hiseyegand when I looked back nto hiseyes I could tell that he wascdying. IcOuld slightly feel my heart mend,knowing that he missed me but thenthe numbness slowly took over mybody again. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

"I am not doing this Andrew, you killed me for a reason and now you have to face the consequences.” I said, coldly.

"God Ava please, I love you.” He said, his eyes piercing into mine. At that moment time stopped for me, I felt my heart leap at the sounds of thewords, my head started to spin and all I wanted too do was to tell him I loved him back but that would require me to trust him and that was somethingI wouldn't do.

"No you don"t. You killed the girl you loved a year and a half ago, you don"t know me. But if you really do love me you will leave me and let me go." Isaid and a sudden urge to cry started to creep up on me as I felt my heart clench.

“Ava I will never let you go because I love you.” He said, seriously locking his dark green orbs with mine.

"You don't know what love is and if you did you wouldn't be here right now." I yelled, frustrated with everything that was happening. Why can't I justescape’? I just want to be happy and free.

"AVA, everything that happenedbetween us was real and everyfeeling I feltawas and is real. I loveyou and Iaved you before all of thishappened, that's why I am here. >Because I would go to the ends ofthe earth to be with you, toosholdyour You are the reason I breathe,the reason I have meaniAg too mylife, without you in it their is no pointin living." Andrew confessed.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

I lowered my guns that were pointed at Travis and Andrew when Andrew let out his confession. I felt my heart be engulfed by a darkness because Iknew I would have to go through another heartbreak , I would have too feel that same pain I once felt. He was my safe haven, he was my soul, myreason but he was also everything I swore to hate.

"Then you're going too have too find something else too live for because I don't." I said, walking away from Andrew and Travis, into the darkness ofthe night.

And that was the biggest lie I ever told.

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