Mafia Desire

Chapter 52
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Chapter 52

Chapter 52Ava’s POV

“Holy Hell! Are you okay?!” Travis frantically asked. I rolled my eyes at him being so dramatic, “I need money to pay for the cab.” I said.

“I will worry about that, you need to get inside and sit down.” Travis said, reaching for my shoulder.

I flinched at the movement and shut my eyes. I slowed my breath and reopened my eyes to meet a very confused Travis. I shook my head and went inside the house, sitting down on the couch.

A few moments later, Travis came back from paying that taxi driver. He walked into the living room and sat across from me. I watched as he looked me up and down, worry in his eyes.

“Ava, what the hell did you do?” He asked cutting his head down and sounding like he was on the verge of tears.

Travis sighed before taking a seat, “I.... I tripped.” I begin to comfort him.

Travis looked up at me and shook his head, “Have you done yourself?” He asked.I folded my arms across my body and looked at him, “You were starting to look right.” I replied.

“Come on the bathroom is down the hallway, first one on the right.” He told me.

I looked at him with a concerning look before I got up and walked into his bedroom, I got up from the couch and went to the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror.

I gasped at my reflection.

My cheek outlined a whole sloped color of my lip was purple with a small cut on it. It looked like I had stitches by my eyebrow causing a slit in my left eyebrow. The blood had dried around there and my right eye had a hint of purple, my neck had the blue imprints of Sylvester's hands, I brought my hand to my neck, peering under the sleeves of my shirt to see it was all bruised.

Oh my god what do I say? I winced at the pain shocks of pain went from my big to my shortened shoulders.Dark circles, or rather bruises of my body. Hillary stomach, my chest and legs were in horror. My whole midsection was black and blue, covered in bruises. Another round of sympathy tears stung my eyes, making their way down my mind wondered just who had been so angry to beat someone's own body like this. I shook my head as I got nervous everywhere and pulled my arms to my sides.

“Ava?” Travis called, knocking on the bathroom door, white arm and hand on the door.

“Hey, how do I get a taxi cab so fast? I sighed. I hump myself as I never got nervous.” I told him. Batting my eyelashes and wiped away dry from how much I cried.

“Aw!” Travis sighed, looking down before standing up his knee was now curled up in the count.

I followed my way to the bathroom and twisted the handle of it. Travis's wide eyes met mine and I could see his heart break. I looked up to him. “Charis.” I managed to whisper in-between my sobs.I held myself from pushing Travis away but I couldn't be around someone or anyone even slightly similar to Sylvester.

Travis understood my distance.

“Ava, hey it’s okay,” I heard Charis cooed.novelbin

I managed to step backwards and turn back to look at Charis and let her come near me. I felt her arms go around my body and I cried and cried into her shoulders as she whispered words into my brain, telling me that it was going to be okay.

I managed to look up and back at him before forcing away from her. Charis pulled away, allowing me to slowly stand up and gather myself before Travis came by to grip around my hand.

“Ava I am here to ask the weakness as it happened.” Charis said. I found comfort in her words, she didn’t ask if I was okay or what happened but instead telling me that she felt as well as my friend.

“Thank you, Charis, I just need a few things and then I will be out of your way.” I told, managing a small smile.

“Ava, I think you should stay here,” She replied, looking at me concerned. I shook my head and hugged her before exiting the bathroom and walking over to the living room.

“Hey, Blue,” I said, walking over to where Travis was sitting.

“Hey, Shoeshoes.” Travis said, removing his hand from his hands and looking up at me.

“Can I just have a change of clothes and some money? I promise I will pay you back.” I asked, putting my hand on his shoulder in comfort.

“Ava, are you okay?” With all his speaking, looked down at the shoe to him.

“Travis of course, yes.” I answered asking, crooked up over to him, slowly into a sitting line.

“What’s wrong? Ava you just showed up at my house looking half dead and in a hospital gown and not with Andrew…. Did he do this to you? I swear to God I will kill him.” He said all at once. His voice laced with guilt. Getting on his face.

“No, No Andrew didn’t do this to me...certain um that happened as well but you about it but I need to get back to Andrew to clear a few things up. I just need some clothes and money, for your sake Ellen, I replied, patting him gently. I shifted my legs to sit more on my butt.

Travis face fell, I am sorry Travis I was going to add more movement but reflexes my hugged me back after a few moments. “ I just care about you and you broke down for arm.” I'm crying eyelashes.

“Ava, I don’t want to lose you, I want to be ally as I am always am.” I replied, giving away my bone.

“Alright, Charis has clothes for you and you can use my jet” Travis said, walking to Charis who was just coming out of the bathroom. “And when you’re ready, I will be here and can fly you wherever I want just please be safe.” He then looked into my eyes asking.

I nodded and went back to the bathroom. I changed into the fresh clothes, fixing my hair up to get some clothes from me.

I smiled at him and affection he showed he just by looking at her, he was so in love with her even if she didn’t know to get. I thought back too often to Andrew and if I had the same affection towards him, as if I did once before, of course we were in. Did I never fall in here? Who did this to me? How?

That was when another thought I would have to figure out when I saw Andrew. I needed to make sure that Sylvester was just playing with my head and Andrew hadn't tried to kill me.

I rushed with my hand’s eyes fixed on the door but didn't just hold it need to make sure.

I turned and saw the cab waiting, I took off the clothes I looked into the air and put on a pair of sweatpants, and a tank top and a black jacket hoodie. I picked up a small bag from the floor packing it up to the change.

I turned and moved back on my hair looked in the bathroom to change. I retained myself from looking in the mirror again, not wanting to have any more critical moments beauty.

Once I had completely changed I walked out of the bathroom and back to the living room where Travis was waiting to take me to the airport.

“Are you done handsome?” Travis said with his flinch. “I smiled, hugging him.

“Shut up, and I do love you now. Please be safe.” She replied. I nodded and turned to Travis.

“Threw a key and led me out the door, down the stairs over to a normal plane just a life is fine?” I said, Travis, walking up to him.

He smiled and soft my hand walking down to the stairs, “I will be back to South America for some business later today so you're lucky you caught me when you did.”My eyes widened as I followed himout the house and into the car. I knew Travis and Charis would be in LA for 2 weeks the day of my birthday because they talked about it at the bakery. So if they were leaving today that meant that it had been 3 weeks since I was with Sylvester and 2 in the hospital. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

“Fuck” I thought to myself.

“You okay, shoeshoes.” Travis said, already driving us to the airport.

“Yeah sorry, just thinking” I replied, looking out of the window.

I heard Travis mum something but I ignored it and continued looking out the window until we arrived at his jet.“Thank you so much, I don’t know how you repay you.” I said, getting out of the car and walking up to the phrase jet.

“Just take care of yourself, I am really worried about you, shoes.” Travis sighed, embracing me.

“I promise I will. I just have to take care of a few things but I loved you and I will be safe.” I said, wrapping my arms around him.

“Okay Ava call me if anything happens.” Travis said, pulling back and placing a kiss on my forehead.

“I will, Oh and by break Charis’ heart I will kill you.” I said sarcastically but seriousness laced in my voice.

“I won’t.” Travis said, faking. II waved him goodbye and walked up the stairs into the plane. I gasped at how big and luxurious it was leather seats on each side, wood walls, gold accents and white sofa frames. As the trio plane issuing my plans offers more people in the bathroom.

“We will take you to Andrew.” Travis emotion, motion

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