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Chapter sixty


"You are really frustrating me, Isabella," Oregon groaned, glaring at me. "I think it's high time I sendfor the guards. I can't take it anymore."

He stood facing me, his eyes shooting lasers at me as if he wanted to end me. He clenched his jawand gritted his teeth, showing his fury at my mere presence.

"How dare you speak so rudely to me?" he snapped. "Have you forgotten who you are speaking to?Have you?"

"Why does she keep coming over to our room?" I quickly asked, my voice filled with anger andspite.

Oregon scanned me from head to toe. "Who are you talking about?" he asked.

"Vivian, of course! Who do you think I'm talking about? That girl has guts, alright. She keeps comingto our room, using her parents as an excuse just to speak with Queen Laura. In the end, I'm sentaway from the room," I said.

"Vivian came to your room because she needs to talk about her parents?" he asked, rubbing hishead in frustration.

I only scoffed.novelbin

"What's her problem now?" he muttered, looking away.

"She told your mother she won't leave, just like I told you. Vivian is growing some guts, I swear," Isaid, rolling my eyes.

He turned away from me, clearly trying to end the conversation. "I just want to be alone right now,"he said.

I quickly moved toward him and put my arms around him from behind. My head rested against hisback.

"No!" he shouted, his body tensing up. "What are you doing? Please let go!"

I held on to him as he tried to pull away. Suddenly, the door opened, and we both turned to see whoit was.

We turned around to see Vivian looking at us, as if she had seen a ghost. Her eyes were wide open,and she took a few steps backward, nervously.

My arms dropped, leaving his waist, as I returned the innocent stare that Vivian was giving us.

"Vivian…" Oregon whispered, trying to walk toward her.

"No, please. Just stay back," Vivian said, shoving her palm in our faces. "I didn't come to interruptyou both or say anything to any of you."

I scoffed loudly and folded my arms, resting them against my busty chest. "Then why are youhere?" I asked, smirking at her.

"Watch your mouth, young woman," Oregon warned, pointing his index finger at my face.

Vivian turned her face to me, ignoring Oregon who was looking at her, obviously begging to benoticed. I glared at Vivian when her eyes fell on me.

"What is it?" I asked. "Why are you looking at me?"

"Queen Laura requests your presence in the room. She ordered me to call you back in," shereplied, and a brief smile ran across my lips.

"I guess she feels bad and guilty for telling me to leave," I whispered and turned to Oregon.

"Bye, King Oregon," I said softly, waving at him, but he only looked away, completely ignoring me.

I looked over at Vivian and walked toward her. "Stop coming into our room," I said. "It's reallystarting to get annoying."

I turned to leave, but Vivian reached out and grabbed my arm. I turned to face her. "What is it?" Isnapped, trying to pull my arm away.

"You should also stop coming to King Oregon's bedroom. It makes no sense since both of youmean nothing to each other," she said, and a confused look appeared on my face.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

Oregon chuckled from behind, and I turned to him. He was obviously happy that Vivian haddefended him. I scoffed and yanked my wrist away from her grip, hissed angrily at her, and stormedaway from the room.

I glanced back to see Oregon pull Vivian in and close the door. I stopped in my tracks and turnedback, wondering what they were talking about or thinking.

"Should I go check on them?" I whispered, biting my lower lip.

I walked quietly to the door and noticed it was slightly open. From there, I was able to peep and seewhat was going on.

Oregon was holding onto Vivian's arm and acting all chaste and sweet. "I'm sorry," he whispered.

Vivian sighed. "What are you sorry about?" she asked, and I scoffed softly in anger.

"You saw us, right?" he said, shaking his head.

"It's not your fault," Vivian replied. "I noticed Isabella was all over you. It's her fault for holding youso tight."

Oregon chuckled and nodded. "Did you notice it was just her doing?" he asked, running his lefthand through his hair.

She laughed and nodded her head. "I'm not blind. I wonder what is wrong with her, though. Why isshe so obsessed with you? You don't even have feelings for her, or do you?"

"Huh! No, I don't. I don't even have the slightest feelings for that lady," he said, sounding defensive.

My eyes turned moist when I heard that, but I managed to calm myself down. I clenched my fist injealousy as I watched the two discuss and giggle happily.

"Come here," Oregon said, and took her to the bed. He sat down and tapped his thigh.

"Sit here," he said, tapping his thighs.

Vivian smiled at him and sat there, then threw her arms around his neck.

"So, I heard you went to my mother to speak?" he asked.

"Did Isabella tell you?" she asked back, rolling her eyes.

"Well, obviously," I replied.

"What did you two speak about?" he asked. "For your information, I know you asked her questionsabout your parents. How many times would you want me to beg you to lay low for now, huh?"

Vivian laughed and shook her head. "Wait, is that what Isabella told you?"

"Yeah," he replied.

"And you believed her?" Vivian asked, frowning.

"So, what did you both talk about?" he asked.

Vivian sighed deeply and replied, "I actually asked her to get a trainer for me."

"Why would you ask her and not me?" he asked.

"I didn't want to ask you because I know you would be so worried and would not want to find one forme so fast. She was the last option I had," Vivian answered.

I looked away from them and leaned against the wall. "Trainer?" I whispered, biting my lower lip,indulging my mind in deep thoughts.

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