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Chapter five

Vivian: "No!" I cried loudly, my hurting eyes letting out hot tears which rushed like waterfalls. I shook mybody violently as the warriors pulled me out of the courtroom.The judges who were the elders hadjust confirmed me guilty of murdering one Mr. Kenny, who happened to be one of Jared's servants. "I didn't do it, I swear. I didn't murder him. I'm innocent. I don't even know this man. I swear. Please,believe me. Don't do this to me." I begged with bitterness in my heart. I could feel my chest hurtingbecause I had stressed myself too much with excess crying. I still couldn't believe I would be staying in that dark, scary, and stinky dungeon for a whole year andafterward, I would be shamelessly hanged in public. It was even humiliating to think about it. Theonly thing I could do was to beg and plead not guilty. My eyes went to Jared, who was sitting abovethe elders. Maria was with him and I noticed she was disappointed and angry. I didn't know what took over me, but I was able to knock the men over, and with swiftness, I ran toJared whose eyes were opened, out of shock. "Vivian!" Maria yelled and stood up. Likewise, she was flustered by my abrupt action. I quickly got on my knees and placed my forehead on the floor, then grabbed one of Jared's legs,clutching it tightly. "I'm sorry. Please forgive me, but I swear. I swear on my late parents' grave. Iknow nothing about their death. I'm innocent. I swear!" I said with more tears running out of myeyes. Jared was, however, quick to kick me and I winced in pain, letting go of his leg immediately. "Have you gone insane?" He spat. "How dare you? Apart from your tears and pleadings, what elsecan you do to convince us you are truly innocent? Besides, your scarf is evidence! Kenny, who wasalready deceased, was holding onto it tightly." He yelled, pointing at a long blue scarf that was ontop of the evidence box. It was indeed mine and everyone knew about this special scarf since I wasvery fond of wearing it. Why wouldn't I? It was my father who offered it to me before his death. Thatwas the reason I cherished it and wore it always. I sniffled and shook my head. "I have no idea. I don't know how it disappeared from my closet andgot there. Believe me! I'm being framed. Someone set all this up." I said, with a strong tone.

"Who did this then? Indeed, you are a cursed fool" Jared blurted, and this statement hurt me. I knewhe was also going to get hurt for making me pained as a result of our usual mate bond, but he caredless since his heart was blazing up with hate for me. "What are you waiting for?" He hollered at the warriors who were standing and watching. "Take heraway! Take this criminal out of my sight." I didn't say any more words. Nothing was working, so I rather stayed silent. The men came up tome, and I was pulled away. My eyes went to the corner and I saw my uncle whose head was down due to the obvious feeling ofhumiliation. Nicholas was absent while my aunt was staring at me and she looked like someonesatisfied, her mocking eyes penetrated spikes into my heart, breaking it the most. I simply lookedaway. My so-called family was unbothered about me, and it wasn't anything new so I just had toignore it. I was taken to the dungeon and finally thrown into one of the prisons. I was surprised when I saw Iwas the only one inside the prison, unlike the first one I stayed in before my trial. The first one hadfew people there and that was why I was less scared. The men smirked at me before walking away. "Wait! You can't leave me. Please stop! You can'tleave me here!" I said at the top of my voice. Yet, I was ignored. I started shivering and fear occupied my mind. I hugged my legs, feeling anxiety and despair sinkinto my body. That was when I figured that I was going to spend my 365 days in a hellhole. "Vivian!" I suddenly heard a voice call. I took my teary eyes up, and I was very surprised to seeNicholas looking at me with an unreadable expression. "What are you doing here?" "Hush. We need to get out of here," He uttered and brought out bunches of keys. He tried them allin the keyhole and finally, one key fitted it and the gate opened. "Quick. Don't make too much sound. Someone could hear us. Let's go!" He said and brought hisarm forward. I quickly grabbed it and together, we ran off. "Where are you taking me?" I asked, still finding it hard to believe. "I thought you abandoned me" I

added and he chuckled, shaking his head. "Never," He said to me. As we ran, I noticed the warriors were on the floor, unconscious. "Are they dead? Don't tell me you killed them because of me, did you?" I asked, frightened as weincreased our steps. "No!" He laughed. "I'm not as strong as you think. I threw a gas at them and as a result, they fell intoa deep slumber. You don't have to fret," He said reassuringly. Finally, we got outside safely and we both entered his bumpy and old-looking car. He didn't waste asecond to ignite the engine before driving off. We drove for almost four hours before he finally came to a halt. We both came down and before hestarted a conversation, he silently pushed a bundle of cash into my hand. "Take it with you," He uttered. "I need to leave now. Stay safe." He further said as he walked to thecar door. I didn't ask him any questions because it wasn't the time to be inquisitive. "Wait," I quickly yelled. He turned back, and I smiled despite having tears run down my cheeks. "Thank you and stay safe," I whispered. He smiled and nodded. "You too." With that statement, he entered the car and wheeled off. I sighed deeply and looked around. I saw that I was on top of a long and well-built bridge, so I justhad to cross to the other side to get to another territory. Not only that, but I didn't even know where Iwas, and it was already getting late. When I took a few steps forward, I noticed a lady who was about to jump into the massive waterbeneath us. "Why are you trying to kill yourself?" I asked her and walked towards her. "Suicide isn't an option," Iadvised, shaking my head and waving my both hands. "I don't want to be his breeder," I heard her whisper with shaky and rapid breaths. The tears whichoccupied her red and depressed eyes escaped, and this made me bitter. "Whose breeder?" I asked her in surprise. She looked at me like she was unwilling to saysomething more until she came to herself. "The Lycan king. He will stop at nothing to get me. And I...I just can't," she fell on her butt andnovelbin

wailed. "Well, maybe we have a solution. I can fill in the space for you," I said, with a glint in my eyes. Shelooked taken aback like I had lost my mind. Maybe I had, I didn't care. If it would protect me fromgoing back to the dungeon, I would accept it. "You're insane. You can't substitute for me. He's going to kill you." "We won't know what will happen until we try, right?" I asked her, my hand on her bony shouldersand a wide smile plastered on my face.

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