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Chapter three

Vivian: I was still standing on the dance floor, with my eyes on Jared who looked engrossed discussing withMaria. I almost felt jealous, but I shook the negativity away. Nobody would even blame me if I feltthat way because I and Jared shared a peculiar bond. We were originally mates but as a result of astrange rumor, Jared decided to cut ties with me. He rejected me openly as his mate. According to the rumor, it was said that whoever is my mate is prone to die. I don't know whostarted the baseless rumor but it circulated vastly and for that reason, everyone avoided me. It didn't even take too long before people started accusing me of being cursed and because of thisso-called curse, it resulted in my parents' sudden death. Not only was I a weak and downcasted Omega, but I was also a loner in the pack in Silver Moon.Even my uncle, aunt, and my twin cousins, Maria and Nicholas whom I stay with, weren't helpingmatters. But unlike the rest, Nicholas was a little better. My aunt dotted her children and mockedme, leaving me to do all the house chores alone at home. Anyway, after being rejected by Jared, I became a laughingstock. My nemesis didn't end there,though. Suddenly, one day, I heard Jared was in a serious relationship with my cousin, Maria. It wasa big twist to me and I found it unbelievable. As time went by, these two grew fond of each other and decided to tie the knot and there they were,enjoying the time and night all to themselves leaving me to watch in sadness and pain. I could feel alittle bond with Jared and I swear he felt it too. It is something we could not avoid since we weremates and now that we aren't together, our heart aches. Although, we try to ignore the feelings. Jared ignores me and so do I. He is even mean to me and would glare at my face whenever hesees me. Maria is the only one who talks to me a few times, even though we aren't close. Besides, she was the one who brought me to the party in the first place. My aunt had told me not togo, but Maria came all the way home from the mansion where she resides with her husband just toplead with my aunt to make me accompany her to the party. Alas, my aunt gave in and Maria dressed me up before dragging me to the party where I got drunkand slept with an absolute stranger. Thinking about it made me sigh out loud and I had to slam my

forehead in the process. My eyes went up, and I noticed Maria and Jared were looking at me. I wondered when they caughtsight of me. I felt nervous instantly. Quickly, a forced smile plastered on my lips and slowly, I walkedtowards them. "Vivian," Maria called her voice sounding annoyed. She crossed her arms against her chest and Itook my face down, trying to avoid her moody glare. On the other hand, Jared turned away andcollected a glass of wine from a waiter which he started drinking. "Where have you been?" Maria asked and I swallowed hard, anxiously. "I was taking a stroll.l" I lied, roughly with my face slowly moving up to her. Maria scoffed and looked at Jared. When he saw he was nonchalant about the whole situation, shekept a poker face and looked at me. "Are you ready to go home now? It's late now. I have hadenough fun" She said, looking over at my shoulder. "Alright," I whispered and just as I was about to turn around, Maria walked to me and grabbed myarm. I turned to face her and I saw how observant she was. "What is it?" I asked in an awkward tone. Instead, she smirked and touched my left shoulder. My eyes went there, and I saw her taking thesleeve of my dress up. "You should straighten up," Maria whispered, and I blinked my eyes beforenodding my head, meekly. "Wait," She suddenly said, and I stared right at her face. Maria sniffed her nose noisily and thenfolded her lips while in thought. "What are you thinking about?" I asked her. "You smell nice." She whispered. "Nice?" My eyes grew wide in surprise. "The cologne. It smells nice. Where did you get it?" She asked and that was when I rememberedthe stranger who had sex with me. I could even smell the powerful and nice scent of his colognecoming from me. "Someone. I think it's the waiter." I lied smoothly, dodging her eyes. She only hummed and took herhand from my shoulder before she uttered, "Let's go," Maria then turned to Jared. She called him

and both of them walked away first, leaving me to follow them from behind. It has been exactly two weeks since the incident and for some unknown reason, I couldn't stopthinking about that stranger and the sex we had. I was in my aunt's room cleaning up when Isuddenly heard the door open forcefully. It made a loud sound which prompted me to run out. When I got to the sitting room, I was shocked to see Jared, his mean face giving glints of ominousfeel. His warriors, about three were standing behind him, just at the now broken and shattered door. "What is the matter?" I spluttered at him, fearfully. "How dare you!" Jared yelled at my face with glowing red eyes. "You murderer!" He spat and Ishivered. "Murderer? What are you talking about?" I asked, shakily with confusion written on my white face. He scoffed and moved closer to me. I shivered slightly and took a step back. "Acting oblivious now?" He asked, and I shook my head, with my face down. "You murdered one of my servants. You don't have to deny or plead not guilty because everythingpoints to you as the sole culprit." He said, hotly. I was dumbfounded. I couldn't even hurt a fly andhere he was saying I killed a man. It all sounded like a joke to me, except for the fury dancing in hiseyes.novelbin

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