Love's Cunning Ruse

Chatper 311
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Chatper 311

Chapter 311

Julie stood at the deserted hospital room doorway, her gaze flicking between the empty space andKieran, who was just as perplexed by Kyle’s sudden outburst. But by the time they stepped out of theroom, Kyle had already vanished into the elevator.

Downstairs, Kyle slid into the backseat of the car and commanded, “Drive. Take me to the CardinalHotel.”

The man behind the wheel was Curtis. He fired up the engine and set the navigation for the CardinalHotel. Only then did he glance at Kyle through the rear view mirror. After a moment of silence, heventured, “Are we heading to the presidential suite at the hotel, young master?”

Kyle shot Curtis a look but didn’t utter a word.

Curtis’s expression turned grave as he peered at Kyle through the mirror, “Young master, if you’replanning on going to the hotel now, it might be…”

“Curtis,” Kyle’s voice was ice as he uttered the name, his brows furrowed and his stare carried adangerous glint, “Since when did I require your advice and decisions on my affairs?”

“My apologies, young master,” Curtis bowed his head and sped toward the Cardinal Hotel.

Thirty minutes later, inside the presidential suite.

Kleist stood respectfully before Simon, “Young master, Stefan is at the door.”

“Oh?” Simon, who was steeping tea, raised an eyebrow and spoke evenly, “Let him in.”

Kleist opened the door and stepped aside, “Please, come in.”

Kyle walked in, while Kleist blocked Curtis at the door. Curtis’s gaze hardened as he faced off againstKleist, who stood with a look that read, ‘You’ll have to step over my dead body to get through here.

Eventually, Kyle looked back at Curtis and said, “Wait here for me.”

Reluctantly, Curtis stepped back and stood guard at the door.

Kleist smirked with a touch of irony and closed the door.

“Hey,” Simon didn’t bother looking up from his tea-making, “Take a seat.”

Kyle settled onto the sofa opposite Simon and was about to speak when suddenly, a blue and whiteporcelain cup was extended towards him.

He took it and placed it on the coffee table without drinking.

“You’re becoming more impertinent,” Simon remarked as he gently skimmed the tea with the lid.

Kyle took a deep breath to quell the anger rising within him and took a sip of tea before getting straightto the point, “What brings you back?” Simon paused, his fingers on the cup lid still, and looked up atKyle with piercing blue eyes, “Since when do I have to report my whereabouts to you?” “Indeed, yourwhereabouts are none of my concern,” Kyle placed the cup back on the table with enough force to spillsome of its contents, “But Rowan, what’s the meaning of you donating treatment funds to Sansa?”

“Rowan?” Simon repeated his name with interest and a chill in his gaze, setting down his cup, “Back inthe country and you’ve forgotten how to address me?”

Kyle knew the uptick in Rowan’s voice was a sign of his brewing anger.

Finally suppressing his own rage, Kyle took a deep breath and addressed him with respect, “Brother.”

“Kleist, show Stefan out,” Rowan stood up.

Kleist stepped in front of Kyle, blocking his path. Rowan had already turned towards the bedroom, andKyle, hindered by Kleist, couldn’t get any closer. He shouted at Rowan’s retreating figure, “The oneresponsible for Rankin’s death is Davina, you know very well that his death has nothing to do withSansa!”

Rowan spun around, his blue eyes icy with fury as he glared at Kyle, “You have no right to speak of hisdeath!”.

“Throw him out!” Rowan gestured to Kleist.

Kleist moved to push Kyle out.

Kyle shoved Kleist away and called out to Rowan’s retreating figure, “Brother, you know I would doanything unreasonable for her!” “Foolish!” Rowan turned abruptly, scoffing in contempt, “Get out beforeI change my mind and have Grace drag you back to Britain!”novelbin

Outside, Curtis rushed to Kyle’s side as he emerged, asking with concern, “Young master, are youalright?”

“Why? Worried my own brother would tear me apart?” Kyle shot Curtis a cold glance, “Back to thehospital!”

Once Kyle had been escorted out, Kleist returned to Rowan’s bedroom and knocked. After receivingpermission from inside, he entered and said, “Young master, shall I inform Lady Grace to take theyoung master back to Britain?”


Rowan held a book in his hands and replied calmly, “A gentle breeze won’t capsize a ship.”

Having been by the young master’s side since childhood, Kleist understood that Rowan meant Kylewasn’t a threat worth considering.

He nodded and was about to leave when Rowan stopped him, “Check with Fred when you get thechance, about the likelihood of Sansa waking up.”

Amanda and Sansa were in the same hospital. After visiting Sansa’s room, Julie and Kieran headedstraight to Amanda’s. Amanda’s mood had improved during her hospital stay, and even her appetitehad picked up a bit.

When Julie and Kieran arrived, Ivan, fresh out of school and escorted by Noah, was teaching Amandahow to play a game on her phone. Noah stood at the door while Shannon peeled apples inside.


Chapter 311

Laughter echoed from the room. Recently, Amanda had been outwardly cool towards Julie but nevermade things difficult for her. The old lady sure was stubborn.

Julie handed Shannon an apple pie, a favorite of Amanda’s, with a smile.

The moment little Ivan saw Julie, he quickly planted a kiss on Amanda’s cheek and clambered downfrom the hospital bed, rushing over to wrap his arms around Julie’s legs. “Mom, guess what kind of facethis is?”

Julie was momentarily speechless. She had politely greetedAmanda before squatting down to tenderlystroke Ivan’s hair. “What kind of face is it, honey?” “The kind that’s asking for trouble, came a voicefrom the side.

Ivan pouted at his dad before grinning up at Julie. “It’s my ‘I missed you’ face!”

Julie, though well-acquainted with her son’s charms, was taken aback. She was certain this skill hadn’tbeen passed down from her.

Amanda seemed in good spirits, and upon seeing Julie, she inquired with genuine concern, “How’syour sister Sansa doing?”

It was the first time Julie had heard Amanda mention Sansa’s name. Amanda was well aware that ithad been Sansa who had drugged Kieran, calculating a scheme against him. Amanda hadn’t beenfond of Julie for years, she had been blaming her for Kieran’s derailed life due to Sansa’smachinations. Still, when Sansa was hospitalized, Amanda had visited her once a gesture of hergracious upbringing.

But this was different from asking about her well-being out of concern.

Caught off guard by the question, Julie forgot to respond until Kieran gently pulled her into hisembrace. She was about to update Amanda on Sansa’s condition when the matriarch spoke up, “Nevermind, I’ll go see her myself in a bit. It’s getting late. You should take Ivan home to rest. He’s still youngand hospitals aren’t good for him.”

Amanda wasn’t just making conversation; she stood up, leaning on Shannon for support, and made herway toward Sansa’s room.

Julie, holding Ivan’s hand, followed behind the elderly woman.

Dr. Brice appeared at the doorway just as Julie’s family was standing vigil outside the room. Noticingthem, he realized why they were there.

He casually asked Julie, “Haven’t seen Mr. Kyle around?”

She knew Dr. Brice was referring to Kyle.

Dr. Brice mentioned, “Usually around this time, Mr. Kyle would be here with Sansa. Must’ve been heldup today.”

When Dr. Brice brought up Kyle, Julie and Kieran exchanged a glance. Kyle had indeed arrived but haddarted off after overhearing a conversation between her and Kieran. He hadn’t returned since, andJulie was curious about where he could have gone, especially after his unexpected reaction to themention of Simon…

But with Kyle not in sight, she couldn’t just speculate wildly.

Reading her thoughts, Kieran wrapped his arm around her waist and said, “I’ll arrange to meet withKyle tomorrow.”

On the way home, Julie and Kieran took Ivan to the supermarket since the little guy was clamoring forcalligraphy pens and the bookstores were closed. The supermarket was their last resort.

Ivan held his dad’s hand in his left and Julie’s in his right. As they walked, Julie chatted with her chattyson. “When did you start learning calligraphy, Ivan?” “I knew it when I was born,” Ivan claimed.

Mr. Hernandez, never one to miss a beat, chimed in, “Sure, and our wallpapers are decorated withplenty of his alien maps.”

Ivan shot a disdainful look at his dad before turning to Julie to complain, “Mom, I’m telling you, Kerrydoesn’t love me one bit. He always made me practice calligraphy and do military stances. Look, I evenhave muscles on my legs!”

He shook his leg to prove his point.

Julie, amused by the spirited youngster, asked, “And why would your dad make you do militarystances?”

“Maybe because I know too much!” Ivan whispered, tiptoeing closer to Julie as if afraid Kerry might kickhim into orbit. Clinging to Julie’s leg, he felt secure. Even if he got kicked, at least he’d be with hismom, and that would be happiness.

Entertained by Ivan’s antics, Julie indulged her curiosity. “So, what do you know?”

“I know Kerry’s secrets! Mom, I gotta tell you, Kerry has a secret hideout, and inside…”

“Ivan!” Suddenly, Kerry’s commanding voice echoed beside them.

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