Love You Three Thousand Times

Chapter 3 Send to the Prison
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Chapter 3 Send to the Prison

It seemed that he realized something, Mo Ziqian suddenly turned back, the gentle and jade face sawthe fierce rush of the car, immediately turned white, smile turned into a deep shock, he pushed thenearest Chen Liyan who is back to me, but he had no time to avoid, he hugged the child and rolled outseveral meters away.

My Pauline also ran out of control into the rockery of the neighborhood, Blood, flowing from myforehead, soon blurred my sight, and in the confusion of consciousness, I heard sirens roaring and thesharp sound of ambulances.

By the time I opened my eyes, I was already in the hospital, wrapped with thick gauze on my head, andthe concussion made me dizzy and a little out of control. Two policemen stood by the bed, waiting forme to wake up for questioning. I also saw my good friend Jia Yu, anxious and worried filled her eyes.

"Where’s the murderer? I'm going to kill her! "

Mo Ziqian's mother, Wu Juan's angry cry came from the outside. Her figure rushed in like a gust ofwind, in spite of the resistance of the police, waving two heavy slaps to me.

"You are a murderer, hangman, you can't have a baby on your own, it’s your own business,unexpectedly you are going to kill my son, my granddaughter, and I'll let you die today!”

Wu Juan jumped over and clasped my throat tightly with her hands.

My forehead, the wound burst open, and the bright red blood soon wet the thick sand cloth. Thiswoman, whom I had called my mother for four years and treated her as my real other, turned a blindeye to my wound, with her eyes scarlet, and her hands clinging to my throat like the fierce claws of evilspirits.

"You let go of it! You'll strangle her!" was frightened, Jiayu hurried to break the hand of Wu Juan.

But not for use, Wu Juan is the one who hates me to die to pay his son and granddaughter right away.

My throat is strangled to death, can no longer breathe, my eyes turn white, I think I will die. If Wu Juandoes not strangle me, I will also be sentenced to death by the court because I killed the father anddaughter.

Later, the police saved me. I couldn’t die until the case had been investigated.

The police pulled Wu Juan away, and Wu Juan cried and scolded for a long time before being pulledaway by relatives. The policeman asked me why I had to drive into Mo Ziqian and his daughter, whilemaking a statement.

I said, Mo Ziqian lied to me, there was a family outside his family, but he gave birth to such an olddaughter, but lied to me for almost four years. I was mentally stimulated so I drove into them.

The look of the police is sympathy, but sympathy cannot be a reason not to arrest me. Three days later,I was taken away by a police car.

Waiting for trial, Chen Liyan posted online, saying that she and Mo Ziqian were a couple, that I cut inwith a third party, snatched her lover, and killed her daughter because I could not have a child. Thatday, fortunately, Mo Ziqian was there, or her daughter would be killed.

Her tearful complaints, dripping blood, all the listeners were angry and hated me as the other woman.More lawyers, to volunteer to help Chen Liyan lawsuit, vowed to send me to inferno.

Of course, I do not know all this, Jiayu cried to tell me. Jiayu also told me that Mo Ziqian and the girlwere not dead. When my car hit into them, it was Mo Ziqian who protected the girl with her own body.In addition to a slight bruise on her arm, the girl was almost unscathed, while Mo Ziqian, who had theopportunity to be unhurt, was the one who pushed Chen Liyan, delayed the time to escape, and

because he tried his best to protect the girl, his visceral bleeding. And his body is broken in manyplaces and is still lying in ICU.

My tears fall down.

This is the man who said that he would treat me as a daughter, and the man who will also be married tome in the next life, who protects a other women and child of him by using his life.

Wu Juan came again, hysterical scolding, hoped to through the thick glass to kill me with fierce andmalicious , I turned a blind eye, my heart has died.

Soon, on the day of the trial, I was controlled by two policemen standing on the defendant stage,wearing colored vest and handcuffed my hands. Wu Juan and Mo Ziqian's father Mo Cheng havecome. Mo Cheng has always looked complicated. Wu Juan scolded me when she saw me. If it had notbeen stopped by the police, she would have rushed over and torn my face.

Perhaps because of the unhealed injury, Mo Ziqian did not appear in court, but several of Mo Ziqian'schildhood friends came. Some of them looked ferociously eager to skin me, some of them had noexpression but and pity, others were unbelievable. The woman they had always called sister-in-lawturned out to be a snake and scorpion devil.

Chen Liyan stood on the stage of the plaintiff, trembling with tears, and only kept saying, "Sisi is lessthan three years old. how can she do that?"

The weak and poor appearance, together with the sympathy of the weak, aroused the resentment ofthe masses, and the request of the judge from the heavy sentence. Only Jiayu, she cried, and said Iwas innocent.

I smiled sadly at Jiayu, “it is no use although shouting your throat alone as long as they all want me todied.novelbin

Finally, the judge stopped the noise, and the court's decision did not follow the wishes of Wu Juan andChen Liyan, because the people I hit did not die.

I was sentenced to five years' imprisonment, and since then I started my prisoner's life. The long curlyhair was cut into a short, and decent and capable career suit was replaced by a loose and simpleprison suit. I worked as hard as other women prisoners, eating the most simple and rough food, andliving in a prison with no privacy.

In the woman's row, there are defendants with the case I've dealt with. They would never miss thisopportunity to retaliate against me. They would not dare to do so when regulators were there, but thenight had become their umbrella.

They pulled my hair, torn my thighs, poked my skin with the tip of pen, scalded my arm with boilingwater, and did everything they could, in every way they could think of.

And I, I stood it.

Even I do not understand how I could stand as a person who has always had a strong desire to protectitself. I actually put up with it in silence under that kind of inhuman abuse.

I actually put up with it in silence under that kind of inhuman abuse.

My heart is dead, the physical abuse, can no longer infuriate me. I can't even feel the pain, because myheart is numb.

After three months in prison, Mo Ziqian came.

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