Love You Three Thousand Times

Chapter 13 My Child
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Chapter 13 My Child

Wu Zhihai hurriedly eased the situation. "Mom, Jia Yu works very hard. Don't say anything else. Allright, Jia Yu, look at our house with a Xiaoxiao."

I followed Jia Yu with my dissatisfaction with Wu Zhihai's mother and visited her wedding room. Duringthis period, Wu Zhihai's mother was still nagging.

Probably Wu Zhihai was afraid that Jiayu had a problem with his mother and winked at his motherfrom time to time, but his mother did not seem to think so and was still nagging in her mouth.

But I began to look down on the future of Jiayu and Wu Zhihai. Not to mention how mediocre WuZhihai, his mother such a brazen woman, will be annoyed enough for Jiayu to stand.

I really did not want to listen to Wu Zhihai's mother nag, told Jiayu that I need to go to thesupermarket opposite to buy something, so I left first.

Half an hour later, Jiayu called me, and I was in that large store, staring at a pair of mother and son.

The mother, in her forties, had a thick vicissitudes on her face, and her clothes were in the style of afew years ago, and a little boy of about two years old in a shopping cart full of daily necessities wasflipping them curiously with chubby hands.

That middle-aged woman, I remember, her face was engraved deep in my mind, and the child,between her eyebrows, looks like a man a lot.novelbin

Mo Ziqian.

Yes, this child looks like Mo Ziqian, especially when Mo Ziqian was a child. In the house where MoZiqian and I used to be, there was a picture of Mo Ziqian when he was a child. The child in front of mewas the realistic version of that photo.

A small replica of Mo Ziqian.

And that woman, the wife of the couple who took my son from the hospital two years ago.Unexpectedly, two years later, I met the woman and my son in this way.

I stared at the boy in the shopping cart in amazement. At that moment, my eyes were feverish, andthere was a voice in my heart saying, "son, I'm your mother."

The woman pushed the shopping cart towards the cashier's counter, and suddenly I ran after it.

Although I mercilessly abandoned the child, but he must be my bone blood, he was born by caesareansection after being in my body for ten months, these two years, I often dream of him in the middle of thenight.

I don't know if the couple treated him like a biological child. I don't know what he looks like, like me orMo Ziqian. I don't know if he has a good life.

My steps almost uncontrolled caught up with them.

The cell phone rang in my bag. I couldn't answer the phone. I chased it three meters from the cashierand watched the middle-aged woman put the items on the shopping cart. As soon as she got it to thecashier, and sweep the code.

"one hundred and thirty dollars." Said the cashier.

The woman hesitated, as if wondering what could not be desired for the time being, so she took the toycar that the child was holding in his fat little hand. "Miss, give me this back."

I saw the cashier skimming on the corners of his mouth, with a disdainful look in his eyes, and said,"Why can't you afford to pick up so many things?"

The middle-aged woman was embarrassed, but she just bit her lips and put a closed pocket into theshopping cart without saying anything, and the little boy in the car, when he saw that his mother hadnot returned the toy car to him, opened his mouth and began to cry.

“Mami, I want it...”

My heart was clenched by the child's cry at once. At this time, I knew what blood was thicker thanwater. It turned out that the child was always deeply cared about in my heart. I could not see the childbeing aggrieved. Even though there was Mo Ziqian's blood on his body.


At this moment, I heard the cry of Jiayu, I hastened to look in the direction of the cry, only to see Jiayustanding at the entrance to the store waving to me.

Tears glowed in my eyes. I turned my head and ignored Jiayu, but when I looked back at the motherand son, I found that they were all gone. I hurried to the exit, but The night store, just when thepassenger flow is the most, at this time, the figure is like a shuttle, almost shoulder after shoulder, I canno longer find the figure of the mother and son.

When I appeared in front of Jiayu with my mind losing, Jiayu was surprised. "Xiaoxiao, what's wrongwith you?"

"I saw the child." I said, like a hole in the heart, gurgling blood. I covered my chest with my hand andwas unable to restrain myself.

Jia Yu opened her mouth wide and opened her eyes at once, and seemed to digest the meaning of mysentence for a long time. For a long time, she raised her hand and brushed away the emission on mycheek, and the voice was full of pity: "Xiaoxiao, don't be sad."

I sucked my nose and burst into tears. I said, "Jia Yu, I regret it."

I regret giving the child away.

I regret it。

Jiayu gathered over my shoulder and gently held my trembling body into my arms, saying nothing,but I knew she must be sad for me, too.

For a few days in a row, I would go to that store like crazy, hoping to see my child again, even once.But to my growing disappointment, I never saw the mother and son again.

I began to worry day and night that the child's living conditions and the woman who adopted him didnot seem to live well. More than a hundred yuan of things began to hesitate, and their husband andwife were government officers, this situation should not have happened.

Is there something bad happened? What accident? My mind began to speculate uncontrollably.

When I was at work that day, I met Chen Liyan unexpectedly in front of the express company.

I was about to enter when she came out of it in a beautiful Chanel dress, with Herm è s's limitededition in her hand, her face beautifully dressed, and she is a rich wife of a rich family at first sight.

When Chen Liyan saw me,her tall figure stopped and laughed. "Yo, isn't this Miss Lin?" What, youwork here? Oh, it's a pity. If I remember correctly, Miss Lin worked as a barrister. Is it because she has

been a mistress, robbed someone else's husband, and drove into someone else's child?. After a fewyears in prison, she couldn't find a job.? Tut. "

I frowned, and my colleagues sighed in my ear. "it was terrible that she had been to prison."

I could feel the strange eyes of my colleagues and look at me like a terrible monster.

I looked at Chen Liyan with cold eyes, and the corner of my mouth also made a bit of derision. ``Isthat the bastard? That's what I gave you, you two, a scum and a bitch, it's the union of God. ''

My words made Chen Liyan's triumphant smile stiff on her face, her mouth was shaking, and her facewas also green and white, apparently she got very angry.

At this point, there was a bang of door sound behind it, and a deep sound behind it, '' who were youtalking about. ``.

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