Love Unbreakable

Chatper 704
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Chatper 704

Jarrod’s sneer deepened as he probed, “This man, is he Roscoe Watts by any chance?”

Nicole’s frame tensed up immediately at the mention of his name.

Jarrod’s eyes narrowed, a glint of jealousy betraying his cool demeanor.novelbin

He dressed swiftly after concluding his business. Looking down at Nicole, he suggested, “Shall we go see him now?”

Nicole’s expression congealed at his words. Striving for composure, she clarified, “Jarrod, Mr. Watts is merely my doctor, nothingmore.

Please, don’t cause him any distress.”

Jarrod’s gaze was frosty as he replied, “Mr. Watts? Well, | wouldn’t have thought you preferred younger men.”“Stop it, Jarrod! Have you lost your mind?” Nicole burst out.

“Lost my mind?” Jarrod’s voice was biting.

“We'll see just how mad | am when we meet Mr. Watts.”

He then scooped up his suit from the floor, wrapped Nicole in it, and hoisted her over his shoulder.

Nicole fought back in vain, shouting, “Jarrod, you monster! Let me go!”

Ignoring her protests, Jarrod tossed her into the car and sped off to the hospital.

Coincidently, Roscoe was attending his shift in the emergency room, unaware of the impending storm.

Nicole, gripped by a sinking feeling, implored Jarrod again, “I’ve told you, there’s nothing between Mr. Watts and me. | swear it.”Jarrod glanced at her agitated features and snapped, “Spare me your lies!”

The next moment, he yanked Nicole into the emergency room.

Bang! Nicole hit the floor.

Roscoe, alarmed by the commotion, rushed to assist Nicole, asking with concern, “Nicole, are you alright?”“Mr. Watts, we barely know each other,” Nicole whispered, withdrawing from his touch.

Roscoe reeled from her rejection, but the sight of Jarrod pieced everything together.

In a professional tone, he inquired, “How may | assist you, miss?”

Nicole clutched the suit to herself, revealing bruise-marred legs.

She remained silent.

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