Love Unbreakable

Chatper 698
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Chatper 698

Jarrod didn’t dismiss their advances, enveloping them with an arm each and boldly finishing the drink nestled against one’scurves.novelbin

The wine’s aroma lingered as Jarrod squinted his eyes at Nicole and, with a mocking smile, he toyed with his phone.“Miss Lawrence, should | get your family’s permission for you?”

Nicole’s heart seemed to lurch at the mention of her family.

Suddenly, Nicole felt a grip around her throat, stealing her breath away.

She was certain Jarrod intended to torment her this evening.

If she failed to appease Jarrod, he might unleash his fury upon her family.

Was she to ingratiate herself with these men, like a whore?

Ascornful smile crept across Nicole’s face.

Very well, she would comply with his desires.

She shed her bulky coat, unveiling her slender legs and smooth skin.

Her undergarments scarcely concealed her curves.

The barmaids in attendance all inhaled sharply.

Their alluring attire was meant to charm the patrons, yet they stood no chance against Nicole’s unveiled elegance.As anticipated, every man’s gaze clung to Nicole.

Nicole was undeniably a good-looking woman in terms of her appearance.

Even in mere undergarments, Nicole exuded an undeniable presence, starkly unlike the barmaids.

Casting aside her dignity, Nicole approached those men, seated herself alongside them, and lifted a wine glass.

“My apologies for the breach of conduct on my initial day. Allow me to offer amends,” she declared.

With that, Nicole downed her wine in a one gulp, her tongue delicately catching the remaining droplets, a vision of allure.Nicole held the undivided attention of those men.

Such a prize she was!

Jarrod, witnessing Deniz’s greedy stare, felt a shadow cross his striking features, a surge of displeasure rising within.

Jarrod lifted his hand to massage his temples, convincing himself he just found Nicole’s behavior repulsive.

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